
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Sacrifice" by Justin H

    If I was in a terrible fire, and could only sacrifice a few items, they would be my computer, and a picture of my whole family. I would take my computer because it’s important to me, and it has all my games I bought, that was worth $60.00 or more. If I was to give up my computer, and my photo of my whole family, I would give it to someone who would take special care of it.
         If I was to give up my computer, and my photo of my whole family, I would give it to my parents, because they would be able to take care of it, and put it in spot, where they would be able to make not get broken, or damaged. I would give up my computer to my parents because they would be able to help me with my homework if needed. If I was to give up my photo of my whole family, I would give it to my parents too, because they would be able to see my family, whenever they wanted to, wherever they wanted to. I would also keep it in a photo frame, from my family.


  1. Living in Southern California with a dry, hot and windy landscape, we must be constantly on the look out for a fire. As seen by the recent fire in Glendora, once a fire is started it may be several days before it is contained and even weeks before the fire is finally put out. During this time a fire may become destructive: damaging homes; polluting the air with smoke; destroying nature. Like you I would also try to salvage my pictures and computer. Pictures are irreplaceable, capturing the past "us", deceased love ones, and memorable moments.

  2. i agree. i would want to get a picture of my whole family too cause those are moments you never want to forget and you would want to keep them because you may never know when you can get to do those moments again. good job (:

  3. I agree with this entry. I would also save my computer(laptop) and a picture of my family. Sometimes people say "a fire won't happen to me," but unfortuntley it can happen to anyone. So, it's good to think ahead of time on what you would take, and if you couldn't keep it who would you trust.
    - Leia S, period 6

  4. I liked the concept for this piece. I can understand where you were coming from; however, the organization of your reflection came off as a bit disorganized. Perhaps, a revision of the work’s structure and sentences would do you more justice. I, as a reader, got confused when you said you would “take your computer.” The introducing sentencing states that you would sacrifice your computer and family photo, but I figured that it was simply an error in your second sentence. Other than revising, your piece showed me that you care very much about the your computer and your family(:

  5. I thought your choice of items was quite unique - on the one hand, you chose a family photo, which is highly sentimental, and on the other hand, you chose a computer, which is quite practical. It is nice to know that there are still kids out there who love their families. In this day and age, it seems as if most teenagers are perpetually irritated with their parents.

    -Christina Tapia

  6. In this story, I can see why you would choose your computer and, most importantly, your photo of your family. You also had good information to back u why you would save these items.

  7. I personally liked your specific choice in items that you'd choose to preserve from the fire. It must mean a lot to you to keep a picture of your family, rather than something much less significant to your family, good job.

    -Jose Mancillas

  8. Judging by your choice of concepts and topic, I think you have the potential to become a really great and interesting writer. I know that by the time you're a senior, you will be writing magnificent fictions! Until then, work on communicating better through your words (it will be helpful in school and in life) and improving your grammar. I enjoyed reading this, it made me ponder on what I would sacrifice in times of hardship. Good job :)
    - Sherry Li P.5

  9. Smart, i would also give my special belongings to my parents

  10. Your choice of sacrifices are unique. They are all valuable, yet you give them away easily. This selfless act shows that you value the welfare of others.

  11. I did enjoy your description of how you trust your family so completely with these items that are so incredibly special to you. Thank you Justin for sharing this with us.
    -Jack McDonald

  12. What I really liked about this piece was that it was honest. I think a lot of times people feel they have to answer this question a certain way and so they say they would save things they really wouldn't. I think it is really nice that you would save your family picture because it shows that family is important to you. Saying you would save your computer is what I felt made your piece seem genuine because it was not a typical answer to this question, and that shows you put thought into answering. Good Job

  13. I would also give my personal belongings to my parents because they are the most trust worthy. Good job.
    ~Aaliyah Santiago

  14. Giving your special belongings to my parents that's smart, I didn't really think about that.
    Devin Jennings

  15. I like the story espically how you put family over your computer I hope becuase I think family is a little bit more important but good story
    Kamau O


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