
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Gone Too Soon" by: Alexis S

My Love,

         There is so much I can say about why I love you or how you make me feel. The main thing I want to say is thank you! Thank you for showing me unconditional love and for teaching me to open my heart completely and not be afraid of getting hurt. You have shown me how to love and also how to be loved. I am beyond grateful for the time you put in, sacrificing to make sure that our family can have what we need and at the right times. If there were one thing that I want you to pass on to our son, it would have to be your perseverance. I have never seen you doubt yourself and although things may never be easy you always manage to find a way to get everything done. Please also teach him to cherish himself. I understand he is a boy and as his hormones increase, so will his desires to share his body; but please let him know that not any women is worthy of him. She must be just like mom or better and that will be hard to find. Promise to teach our son that he is first and foremost a child of God and as he becomes a man he will always be a man of God. I do not have to tell you much because I know you will be amazing as a father and I look forward to watching and enjoying all of these wonderful moments from heaven above. Although it is now my time to leave you two alone, know that I will always be here in spirit. Do not grieve over my absence; simply know that God is just putting one of his angels out of misery. I like you always and I love you forever.


  1. At the start of letter I assumed that it would be about the love shared between a man and a woman. But as it progressed I discovered that this was not just a love letter, but a farewell. Just with this small insight into Samantha's relationship I started forming questions about who Samantha's love is, how old her son is, and why is she leaving them (death, military service, work, prison)? Great Job!

  2. This is such a heartfelt and emotional article! I can feel the love and passion that Samantha has towards her love and their son. This is a truly wonderful piece. I like the lines "he is first and foremost a child of god" and "as he becomes a man he will always be a man of God". These lines are truly powerful and strong. Overall, great job!

  3. This letter caused me to be emotional a bit, especially when I read the line,"simply know that God is just putting one of his angels out of misery." I definitely liked the shift you embedded in this letter. It was a very smooth transition. I thought that it made your letter more sincere. Overall, I really like your letter and you did an amazing job!

  4. This letter was so touching. I was very impressed with the level of sympathy you evoked within a single paragraph. Initially, I expected the letter to be a typical love note, but it turned out to be far deeper than that. I found myself quite saddened at the prospect of the husband and son losing their wife/mother. Well done.

    -Christina Tapia

  5. The title was the first thing that caught my eye "Gone to Soon." Just from the title I though the letter was going to be about a heartbreaking account of death or separation. However, as I read the letter the tone was not gruesomely saddening but it was very emotional and heartfelt. You felt sad due to the loss of a mother and this may have been her will, but you also felt happy that Samantha had great faith in her husband to care for their child so he can live a fulfilling life.

  6. This was such an emotional piece... it was not just about love, but about eternal love and love for a family. The fact that this was a farewell letter made it even more meaningful, and I am curious as to what the story is behind the tragedy for this family. I loved the last line, "I like you always and I love you forever." It was unexpected; "like" usually is associated more with young romance, and I think that by combining both love and like, she is telling him that she will always love him as both lovers, and as family.

  7. I love this letter. The way you started it off was great, it slowly kept drawing me in closer and closer. I also really liked how Samanthas emotions where put together for her son. Good Job!

  8. Your piece also surprised me, but in a good way. I sense an overall theme of extreme gratitude prevailing from this letter and I feel that its expression lacks in many of our lives. I wonder if Samantha was being put out of "misery" and if so, what kind? Well written, bittersweet, and heartwarming!

  9. Very strong and heartfelt. It left me wanting to know more about Samantha's back story. This sounded very real like it was stemming from a real story/situation. Good job!

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  10. I enjoyed the way that you built up the letter so that as I continued reading, more and more was revealed to me about the actual situation which accounted for a more impactful experience after reading the letter. The way that you intertwined the farewell with optimism really built up your characters personality and also left room for the audience to be even more sympathetic to her loved ones.

  11. I honestly really liked this piece, because of all the feelings and heartfelt emotions. It made me feel sad for both the father and child, because Samantha, the wife and mother has now gone to a better place..

    -Jose Mancillas

  12. I honestly really liked this piece, because of all the feelings and heartfelt emotions. It made me feel sad for both the father and child, because Samantha, the wife and mother has now gone to a better place..

    -Jose Mancillas

  13. Wow, I loved your piece! It is so deep and so unfortunate to know that a mother is about to pass but I loved that it is extremely sweet all at the same time. The written letter in itself proves just how strong Samantha was to be capable of writing her goodbyes to her husband and son knowing that they will soon part nonetheless all of the wonderful and encouraging words she is able to leaves them with despite the situation. The only thing I was curious about was the reason behind her dying but all in all I understand that that wasn't the main point of your piece but instead to show Samantha's optimism until the end. Amazing Job!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  14. I really like the use of irony and creativity here. It's like you completely stepped into a Samantha's body and wrote this heart to heart. I enjoy short and emotional pieces like these, thank you!
    -Sherry Li p. 5

  15. This letter is one that makes anyone who reads it emotional. I like that it came from perspective of someone else and that it involved a young man growing up and leaving. Good job very heartfelt

    -Erin Napoleon

  16. I love the morals and values Samantha paints out for her son. I'm big on self-worth and self-preservation so that fact that she's instilling these beliefs into her son shows me that she has a good foundation, and has also chosen to marry a man with similar beliefs. You really conveyed Samantha's character well in such a small amount of words, making the basis of this story clear cut and to the point. Though it was an emotional story, I LIKED!

  17. this is such a great piece. Very emotional, in a good way. Very heartwarming and spiritually felt a touch.

  18. Great Job on your story!! It was really good. In the begining of the story i thought it was a love story between a couple that love each other very much. But towards the end it turns out to be about her leaving them and that she dosen't have much time to live. Your story was very touching. Good Job!! :)

    -Natalie Anguiano

  19. First and fore most, I want to say you did an amazing job with making this no ordinary love letter; it was so strong and loving, but I also got a little laugh about his hormones (we all know it's true). Secondly, you drew me in as your audience; I began to question what happened to her and how little her young man was and if her lover knew she was leaving and so much more. Good Job!
    Taylor Robles

  20. Aww, this was a very heartfelt story. I thought it was sweet that the letter was written by a mother giving her husband her final words of love and advice for their family. Nice job!
    -Alexandra Aguilar

  21. I thought that this was a beautiful piece! I even had the threat of tears. The emotion I felt was wonderful and it felt almost as if the letter was written to me it was so forceful. Amazing job!
    -Rachael R. Rubalcava

  22. Thge progression of the story was so heart-felt and only at the end did one actually find out that it was letter from a mother to the child. The ending was so sad in the realization that the mother was dead, however i felt the message behind the piece was truely inspiring and can be understood by anyone
    -Marcopolo Anzora

  23. This is really amazing. At first, I thought it would be a typical love letter but you managed to put a twist on it that caught everyone off guard. I love how you were able to put so much emotion into a small paragraph and I could tell how much Samantha loves her son. Good Job!

  24. I thought this was adorable and then I got to the end. Even though its fiction (or ateast I hope it is), my heart hurts thinking about the fact that the little boy wont grow up knowing the love his mother had for him. But good job with the emotional aspect and i like the way you formatted the piece as well. -Araybia B.

  25. This story was a seriously emotional piece, and appears to form from a real life situation. I am rather curious appear what she was suffering from, but alas, that is part of the mystery.

  26. i thought this was a beautiful letter particularity the fact that it was from a mother about her son. Her pleas for very easily felt through your diction, I felt very sad for the mother, son, and father. -Haley T.

  27. As I read this letter I could not help but feel complete sadness at the idea that this mother who loved her family was dying. The diction that you used in the letter really portrayed the woman as kind and loving and that made it just all the more sad that she was writing a farewell letter. With the last line of the letter you really made the woman come to life and the story seem real because this line seemed like an inside joke or a shared secret between the woman and her husband. Great organization. The letter seemed to be written with much thought and feeling as it would have been if it was real. Really Great Job.

  28. Wow that was beautiful! The way you had the letter progress was expertly done. When I started reading the letter I thought that it was just going to be a love letter, but as I continued reading, I did not expect it to end up as a good-bye letter from a dying woman to her significant other. It was wonderfully written and I applaud you for that.

  29. wow this was well written and was kind of a twist for me because in the beginning i thought it was between 2 people and their love for one another butt by the ending i realized that it was something totally different. well written.

  30. A wonderful piece of work very emotional and heartfelt, visualizes the love felt for Samantha really shines through great job!! -Haley Brown

  31. this is such a meaning full piece i am very glad i was able to read this because i was able to feel the emotion in the piece and connect to it . Good job !!
    -abigail rich

  32. This piece was fabricated in such an emotional way.
    A farewell letter so meaningfully written.
    It leaves a great message to the one who reads it, making sure that one's life does not go to waste.
    To not dwell on the past to better the future.
    Looking out for the people Samantha is leaving behind.
    Very touching and moving, awesome job!

  33. Wow, this is a very interesting concept. Im curious whether this was part of the mother's will or if she left it knowing she would die. The fact that if so curious lends to the fact that you did a great job on this. the concept was amazing.

  34. As I started reading this piece, I was immediately drawn in. I love the way you chose to write in the form of a letter, it adds much more meaning and emotion to the piece. This letter was beautifully written and I love that it's so touching. Now, I really want to know more about Samantha's past, and who she is writing this letter to! You should definitely keep writing. Great job!

  35. Very interesting letter. it really brings out emotion and reflects on the love shared between a family. I am left wondering what could've happened to Samantha that caused her to have this premature goodbye letter. Near the end of the letter, it reads "simply know that God is putting one of his angels out of misery." This leaves me wondering whether Samantha is very ill, has cancer, or is in excruciating physical pain that she describes her death as being put out of misery. Overall this was an emotionally thought provoking piece.

  36. You did a great job of sounding like a true mother. Not many young people can think in the ways of their parents, but you did a great job with it. There were some grammatical errors but beside that it was amazing. It was full of love and emotion. Keep it up.
    -Jay Moritz

  37. I loved your piece. It was not only very heartwarming, but also surprising! I loved how you set it up as a love letter and created a sense of surprise by writing as if the woman, Samantha, was about to die. My absolute favorite line was the last line "I like you always and love you forever", you definitely incorporated some great pathos! Good job :)


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