
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"A Day in Panda" by Daijah O

So let me tell you about my experience the other day .
    I’m craving Chinese food. I walk into Panda Express and stand in line. As I wait in line, I smell the spicy concoctions. I can just taste the tangy, orange chicken and smell the freshly cooked noodles. I get to the counter. Wow ! Before my eyes, I see foods of every color. There’s reds, yellows, and greens.  I walk up to the cashier and start ordering my favorites: orange chicken, chow mien, and  fried rice. I even order a couple egg rolls. Gotta have egg rolls. As I start to order, the cashier looks at me, smiling. By the way, she’s Chinese. As I order my food, she doesn’t move, she just keeps smiling. I look at her name tag. It reads, “Hello my name is Lisa, and I don’t speak English .” I was a little upset. The excitement I had in my voice to get those eggs rolls and I had just wasted my breath. So I had to wait, which seemed like forever, just to get my food and my tasty egg rolls. I waited so long for somebody who could speak English, I thought I’d reward myself and get a couple more egg rolls. Sad thing is, they didn’t have any more cooked yet. I ended up getting my food, went and sat in my car, and didn’t even want the food anymore. What a day wasted in Panda Express


  1. This piece was very entertaining to read! I could not stop laughing!!! I really like the humor in this piece! I really like how you were very descriptive and said the "tangy, orange chicken" and the "freshly cooked noodles". I also like the line "I see foods of every color. There's reds, yellows, and greens". Overall, I really enjoyed reading this piece!

  2. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience at Panda Express! But I love all the imagery and specfic details you used to described food! It made me feel as if I was right along with you there. Great Job!

  3. Ha ha ha ha. This piece really made my laugh. First of all the story seemed really "random" so that is what first drew me to reading the story. Then when I started reading the story there was a great use of imagery about the restaurant. I could picture myself at Panda Express also ordering my food. Then what made my really laugh was the ridiculousness of the fact the the cashier actually had a name tag the said “Hello my name is Lisa, and I don’t speak English.” This story really made me laugh, great job.

  4. You did as good job of incorporating the senses to help paint the picture that is "Panda Express". As for the rest of it, that really stinks that you wasted all of that energy talking, but I can't feel too bad for you because Lisa did give you a disclaimer hahaha. Interestingly enough I have never met a Chinese person that speaks Chinese at a Chinese restaurant. Anyways, good job, I am hungry now.

  5. I really hope this piece was fiction, if not, it sounds like you certainly had a rough night. I hate it when I have a craving for a specific type of food and something goes wrong between ordering the food and getting it in my mouth. I definitely share your love for Chinese food. But, in the future, I've got to say, China One off of Summit beats Panda Express any day. After you've tried their chow mien, you will never want to go anywhere else.

    -Christina Tapia

  6. Honestly this made me hungry! Great description on the food and the sense of humor given to the readers about your experience. good job.

  7. Got me sooo hungry right now its not even funny. You're imagery was on point and you're descriptions were very clear. Plot twist at the end made me sad because I was excited to hear how amazing the food was. Good job tho!

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  8. funny story it was intense. I'm sorry that you didn't get your egg rolls.

  9. Lol I've had my up and down moments at panda express so I feel you ! I like the irony and imagery you used with the fact that she didn't speak english!

    -Erin Napoleon

  10. hah this was fun to funny now u made me hungry! ha but this was overall good
    -jakob cadena

  11. Of course you would write about FOOD! Typical Daijah! hahaha, really clear, descriptive imagery made me hungry for the food you painted a picture of. As the story progressed, and the plot twist of there being no more eggrolls left, I found myself feeling just as disappointed as you were about not getting my food. LOL

  12. I liked your story !! Not just beacuse i love chinese food (panda express) but beacuse your story was very descriptive and had lots of details. Its like you can visualize the words your saying in a picture. Good Job on your story!!

    -Natalie Anguiano

  13. I looove Panda and I'm so sad that you had to wait for their food and not even want it after the wait. That always sucks! But girl, your imagery, especially describing how it smelt and what colors popped out made it seem so realistic. Nice job (:
    Taylor Robles

  14. This story really made me hungry, but great job on how you put this story together.

    -Justin H.

  15. This was an entertaining piece; full of imagery and description, you really painted a picture of Panda Express. I'm not sure if this was true, but if it was, I totally feel your pain. Honestly, just thinking about something getting in between me and Chinese food is depressing. It's just not right. Aha. Great job.

  16. I thought your story was very unique. I liked your usage of bright color imagery throughout. In my head I began to visualize the different arrangements of food and I also liked how you appealed to our senses. I began to smell the food in my head. Towards the ending I was not expecting her not to speak English. It made me laugh and it was very cute. Good job.

  17. I loved the imagery you used when describing the food. It made me feel like I was taking in the aroma myself.

  18. Good job on the use of imagery to really help make it feel as the reader is in your shoes and waiting to order at panda express. Hopefuly you have better experiences next time anyway good job.
    - Cody Molla

  19. This imagery in this piece made me want Chinese food for dinner tonight! I did not see the cashier's predicament coming but it definitely made me laugh. This piece was a fun read, it was clear and concise, and really relatable because I think everyone has had a bad experience eating out at least once. Great Job

  20. this made me laugh a little bit because i feel like i always have this experience when i go out to eat. first i cant pick a place and by the time i do pick somewhere i'm craving i have to wait and by the end of the wait and by the time i get my food i'm not in the mood for it anymore.

  21. Good job your detailed explanation really allowed me to visualize your experience felt like I was in Panda Express has me craving Chinese food now lol - Haley Brown

  22. Oh gosh now I'm really craving Panda Express! The way you described the restaurant as you walked in made me want to go to Panda Express right this moment! I'm sorry you ran into an unfortunate circumstance, but hopefully it won't happen again. I love the way you started the story with "so let me tell you about my experience the other day," it made me extremely curious to know what you were going to write about. Great job Daijah!

  23. Mann, your piece has me craving panda express now! Overall good piece! You incorporated great imagery with the colors and description of the smells. Also, you used a plot twist that added a element of surprise hen you mentioned how the worker only knew how to speak Chinese. Good job!

  24. Mann you have me craving Panda Express right now! Overall, this was definitely a good read. Your imagery of the colors and smells really made me picture the food at panda. Also, your incorporation of a plot twist added an element of surprise when the worker only knew how to speak Chinese! Good job!

  25. This is like the most random blog entry yet, but it's one of the funniest I've read so far! I feel like this could be a scene in one of those comedy sitcoms, especially because you had put on some really good imagery. Haha! Well, anyways, I hope your future trips to Panda will be worth it!


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