
Monday, December 9, 2013

"Sacrifice" by Sabrina E

     If there was a terrible fire and I could only save one thing I would save a picture of my friend and I. She died two years ago and we didn’t have phones or ipods or anything so it’s the only picture I have. She mean everything to me but she had hard times and hard battles with diseases that over time she couldn’t handle. Her last 2 months were the hardest of hers and my life she was in immense pain and in the hospital. I refused to do anything except to be with her in the hospital. I grew depressed, very depressed I began to get bullied and she was the only one I could trust and go to. If I HAD to give it up I would give it to my other friends because they loved her as much as I did. I sleep with this picture every night and I don’t know what I would do without it. I miss her everyday


  1. im so sorry that your friend died but at least you still had a picture of her to always remember her and always cherish the picture.

  2. i am so glad that you got through that it must have been a huge obstacle foryou . but i know you are strong and you can get through anything and do anything , you will be alright i love you bestfriend (:
    abigail rich

  3. This is a very touching work because it includes both the loss of a friend, but a very good friendship between two people

  4. This piece was so touching. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I think it is beautiful that you have continued to cherish the photograph over the years. Thank you for be willing to reveal such a personal matter. Wonderful job!!!

    Christina Tapia

  5. I am so sorry that your friend passed away, but I want to say thank you for sharing this story. I don't know how I would be able to choose anything in case of a fire, I would probably end up saving family photo albums or my baby blanket!

    Taylor Robles

  6. this really made me think about the friends i have now and how hard it will ever be to loose them. i'm so sorry bout what happened to your friend, hopefully you will not be as hurt some day. -Rebecca Keryakes

  7. This is very intimate. I enjoy how you recognize this forever lasting relationship that you have with your friend. This "sacrifice" that you explain really conveys how much you care about your friend. Good job at describing this irreplacable friendship. It's very personal and understandable. Great work(:

  8. Im really sorry about your friend. Truly. I believe this mad you stronger and it was one of the things that makes you a better person today. =) Great piece
    Kayla Wallington

  9. This piece was very touching. I am sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what it feels like. I only wish that you added a bit more details. It was very brief, but I enjoyed. Well done.

  10. I'm so sorry for you loss. Losing people can be extremely difficult. It's nice to feel through your writing, how much you care for her. I can tell that you are a very sentimental person. She will always live on inside you and your stories.

  11. With your piece its evident that you love and miss your friend so much, I can feel the emotionbwhile reading this almost brought me to tears. Good Job.

  12. Aww sorry to hear that. But I'm sure she's very happy and would appreciate you writing and showing how much you love her . That very sweet :))
    ~Funmi Sule

  13. Im so sorry for your loss. I respect how you would keep that picture of her to remember her. I'm sure she's glad right now that you will always cherish that picture.

  14. I'm so sorry for you loss. Very touching because the loss of your friend.

    Devin Jennings

  15. I am very sorry for your lost my uncle just died of lung cancer and I also understand what u are saying but u also have to think she is in a better place now -Egypt<3 Wishum

  16. I am very sorry for your lost my uncle just died of lung cancer and I also understand what u are saying but u also have to think she is in a better place now -Egypt<3 Wishum


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