
Monday, December 9, 2013

"Goodbye For Now" by Alyssa S

I always had some kind of connection to my grandpa. My grandpa lived in San Diego with my grandma, aunts, and uncles. My grandpa was the first person to ever teach me how to write in Spanish. One day when I was about five or six, he sat me down with a piece of paper and pen he had found and told me to write “Pop quiere un vaso de agua” which translated in English is “Pop wants a glass of water”. At first I thought, “How am I going to write this if I’m barely in first grade” but I gave it a try and I sounded out every letter and actually got it right on my first try.
My grandpa was the reason why I’m not afraid of any kind of animal because he kept pigeons, chickens, bunnies, roosters, etc.  You name the type of animal, he had it.  When I was about two, I would bug my grandma every day I visited to take me out to see the chickens. But I didn’t know how to say the word “chicken” so I would put my hands out in front of me and try to make my hands the size of a chicken and shake them back and forth. My grandma didn’t know what in the world I was doing so she followed me into the backyard and I pointed to the chicken coop. She thanks my grandpa for that and to this day she still makes fun of me for shaking my hands in the shape of a chicken.
            When it was my older sister and I at the time, we would stay with my grandpa and everyone for the summer or Christmas break. Every weekday my grandpa would call us to watch a show in Spanish called “El Chavo del Ocho”. Then at one o’clock we would watch this Spanish dating show that my mom said we weren’t allowed to watch.
            I was young and I never experienced what it was like to lose a family member. So July 6, 2007 changed me and how I viewed life forever. I remember that day clearly. My grandpa was building a big house in Tijuana so that everyone in the family could live together there. Tijuana is located in Mexico for those who might not know where that is. He left in the morning after he watered his white roses and flowers. He usually came home at about five so he could watch his Rocky Balboa movies. But he never came home. I told myself he’ll be back tomorrow morning and water his flowers and roses so I went to sleep to not think about it. The next day I woke up and my grandpa still wasn’t home. I tried to be calm because my grandma was starting to become over whelmed and scared. I remember police officers came over to the house to ask my family questions about my grandpa. My uncle eventually found him dead at the house he was building in Tijuana. From what I can remember, my grandpa was fixing a sink in one of the bathrooms and stood up way too fast. He fainted because he became too light headed so he ended up hitting his head on the sink. When he hit his head it caused some damage to his brain because he previously had brain surgery a few years earlier. My grandpa passed away three days before my eleventh birthday. It was a tough time but I knew I had to be strong for my family.

I learned to accept that it’s a part of life to lose someone you love, and that all you can do is just to enjoy your time with them while you can.


  1. I can tell this was a very heart felt piece of writing. I myself cannot imagine what my life would be like without my grandparents. I definitely feel your pain, and I'm sorry you lost your pop at such a young age. Your writing has an emotion anyone can connect with and that to me is a great writing skill.
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.5

  2. This piece got my eyes watering at the end. It's so crazy how a person is there one minute and gone the next; it just makes me feel to weak. Your title goes perfect with the story because it offers a bittersweet feeling that says the separation is only temporary. The feelings you evoke by recognizing the little moments of life with him is beautiful and I'm so happy that I got to read it.

  3. That is such a tremendous hardship that you have shared. I admire you for being so strong in that situation at such a young age. Also I completely agree with that last line you wrote. You did a good job of expressing your emotions and experiences. Great story and great job.

  4. This piece caused me to be quite emotional. I admire you for being such a strong person and being able to continue on. It is very hard to lose someone you love, especially if it is your grandparents. I can very much relate to this because my paternal grandfather died when I was very young. We were very close and did many fun things together. I knew that I had to be strong because that was what my grandpa would want me to do. Overall, your story was very beautiful and you expressed your feelings well.

  5. I can see that you and your grandfather had a special relationship. And I'm glad that you could share some of those special and intimate moments with him. Your last line really tied in everything together and thank you for sharing something like this. Well done.

  6. Alyssa, this was such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing these piece of you with us, everything was so personal and you gave a really good glimpse of how compassionate and great of a person your Grandpa is. The fact that he died while building a house for you and your whole family to live in together, seems to perfectly represent how much he cared for your family. But he will always be there, watching over you and your loved ones!

  7. Wow, I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to find out about your grandfather's death at such a young age. I admire your willingness to be strong for the sake of your family. That took a lot of selflessness, especially from a child. I smiled reading about the memories you cherished with your grandparents. I love how you demonstrated that memories do not have to involve spectacular events in order to be precious to us; they just have to include loved ones. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    -Christina Tapia

  8. I want to start off by saying thank you for sharing such a sad event in your life. But you did an amazing job in describing what had happened and its effects on your family. I also really loved how your grandfather was so selfless, he was willing to build a house for your family in Tijuana :) Nice job!

    Taylor Robles

  9. I am sorry for your grandpa. You illustrated the loss of your grandpa extremely well. By describing how closely related you were to your grandparents helps the reader understand how your relationship with your grandpa was and lets them feel your pain emotionally.

  10. From the beginning sentence, I'm able to relate on so many levels. I love my grandpa and it makes me so happy when I get to see him. We rarely talk and see each other but when I do, it makes me so happy knowing he's doing good. I really enjoyed reading on how you developed a loving relationship with your grandparents. Making memories is one of the only things I believe grandparents want to experience before their time sadly fades. This story really makes me think about creating a stronger bond with my grandparents before it's too late. A very touching story and I hope you're doing good!

  11. Alyssa, this was a great story! I love how you used a lot of imagery and how you related it back to life and how its normal for everyone to lose someone that they love. It kind of gave me a reality check because life is short and it can be taken away at any moment. Great job!

  12. This piece was very beautiful, thank you for sharing. Your vivid details really brought your story to life and reflected the wonderful qualities of your grandfather. I liked how you incorporated Spanish words and shows. Also, the last line of your piece really was very powerful and tied up what you learned from this experience. Overall good job! RIP to your grandfather.

  13. I love how you titled this story! It reflects the idea that even though your grandfather (if this is a story based off of your personal life) has passed on, its not a permanent situation because you'll see him again one day. I also like the emotional aspect and how you made it very easy for your audience to become emotionally attached to the story as well

  14. This is so passionate and personal. Thank you for sharing this special part of your life with us. You took us readers on a journey through your grandfather's life and how you remember him. This was so beautiful. Great Job.

    -Alexis Santiago

  15. This is was very touching Alyssa. I'm glad you shared it with us. I hope you're okay and that you are being strong. I really enjoyed the last line of the story because it shows that you have moved on and learned from this experience. Good job Alyssa! :)


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