
Monday, December 9, 2013

"A Letter to My Freshman Self" by Sydney S

A letter to my freshman self:
Hi. So, this is your first year of high school. Are you excited? You should be; these next four years will be some of the most eventful times of your life. There will be great moments and some not-so-great moments, but everything that happens will happen for a reason. So, with that being said, here are some tips to help you succeed in high school.
Tip # 1
-You're in the big leagues now; academics will not come easy anymore. If you're thinking about taking Honor's classes, take them. Just remember, honor's classes are hard for a reason; they're advanced classes! So when things get difficult, DO NOT give up. Giving up is a recipe for disaster.
Tip #2
-Don't be embarassed to ask for help. You're confident in your smarts now, but as things get harder you may feel a little less confident. Asking questions or getting tutored might seem like you're making yourself look dumb, but you're not. What's dumb is waiting until it's too late to get help, because you had too much pride.
Tip #3
-You've had the same friends since elementary and you trust them, so you're comfortable with just them. But, that shouldn't stop you from making new friends. What I'm about to say is going to scare you, but it's important that you know this: You will have only two classes with any of your closest friends in the next four years. Therefore, it is important that you step out of your comfort zone and open youself up to new relationships.
Tip #4
-Don't be lazy. Try out for sports, or the cheer squad, or band; it doesn't matter what you do, just do something that you enjoy. And if you're worried about rejection, just imagine how you'd feel if you made it.
Tip # 5
-Now, this tip is probably the most important one on the list; it will literally affect everything that you do in the next four years. You are super sensitive right now, and guess what: you still will be your senior year. That's just the way you are! So remember this: Not everyone will like you. Don't let that become your problem. Do not cry about it, do not doubt yourself and do not change yourself for them. This is your life, not theirs. Be what makes you happy and do what makes you proud.
These are only a few tips to help you have a successful high school career; a lot of the other tips, you'll get from your parents. (Listen to them; they actually know what they're talking about). These next four years will not be easy, but it can be fun. MAKE IT COUNT.
Good luck,


  1. I loved that! I love giving and receiving advice and as I was reading this I felt just that way. I was great advice to give as well. I think every freshmen should read this and learn from it. Great writing!
    - Hannah Mueller (12) per.5

  2. If only my future self would write one of these before I go to college; stuff like this just makes life so much easier. Your points are crucially important to surviving high school and I like how your straight forward about all of the lessons instead of sounding like a wise Yoda. Your writing is down to earth, which makes is so much more relatable.

  3. I found this both equally enjoyable and educational, because well I am a freshman and now I have some tips to follow, so thanks for that. (: and the enjoyable part was that it was written by your future self, to your present self, so you can know what to do presently. Little confusing, but don't worry, I got it. Great Job.

    Jose Mancillas

  4. Oh my gosh, Syd!!! I remember when our girl scout sisters, you, and I wrote letters to our "freshman selves" and then shared aloud with one another. Super cute personal reflection. I wish I would have known your tips when I was a Freshman! They are very true and would have helped me immensely. Great job, girl! :)

  5. Sydney, these tips were very motivational and inspiring. It made me wonder what would happen if I gave my freshman self advice. It is truly important that High School should be taken seriously since it is a step closer to our future. It is also important that we have the best of times as well. Many of my cousins tell me that they miss High school and that I should take advantage of it as much as I can. Overall, I really liked the tips you wrote and it is something i can definitely relate to.

  6. This article was great. It was very well written and thought out. I wish that I could send a letter to my freshman self as well. The advice given is something a lot of us needed, but didn't have when we started high school. By having this information, we all would have made many different choices, changing those decisions we regret, but then we wouldn't have had all of the experiences we have had that have made us who we are.

  7. This letter to yourself came at such an appropriate time, as the first semester of your senior year is coming to an end! You brought up something that I really liked: "And if you're worried about rejection, just imagine how you'd feel if you made it." As someone who is also very reserved and afraid of stepping outside my comfort zone, I've never thought about it this way, but now that you say it, it makes perfect sense!

  8. An interesting reversal of the "letters to your senior self" That lots of people will be getting, but not me since I moved districts. Makes me wonder what I would tell my freshman self. A fun little thought project.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  9. Interesting change from the usual "Letter to your senior self." I always think about what I would tell my past self, but then I get into the paradoxes of telling myself something so I usually don't think about it too long. Your entry is very well written. Good Job
    -Kevin McCondichie

  10. This was so cute! I really like the originality of your subject matter. I was amazed at how accurate your advice was. Freshman year was only four years ago and yet at times it seems like a millennium ago. As seniors, it is funny to reflect back upon our previous worries and doubts. You did a great job at summing up high school in just a few paragraphs. Nice work!

    -Christina Tapia

  11. It is crazy to think we are seniors now and that all these tips would have helped in the long run. Sometimes I wish I had these tips to remind myself that high school is going to be hard but it is worth it in the end. Your tips reminded me of the senior letters we get back from our freshman selves and I am so excited! :)

    Taylor Robles

  12. This made me remember my freshman year when I wrote myself a letter to my future senior self. I still remember some things I wrote and just thinking about it makes me realize how much has & hasn't changed about myself. I'm glad I read your piece! Great job :)

  13. Sydney! I really loved this article of yours! I wish that my freshman self had those five tips to follow. I wish that I had had the motivation to try and make new friends throughout high school and I wish that I had studied more and tried harder in my classes. I thought that honors classes in high school was the same as in middle school... but NOPE...completely different! These tips are very inspiring and I suggest that upcoming freshmen and freshmen right now follow them. Good Job!

    - Tia Basa

  14. Woah! This should be sent to like every freshman. I feel as if it would help develop an understanding between students about high school and maybe a little about each other. Just being one's self is a great advice that I think very few follow before entering junior or senior year. Being confident about who you are could make life so much easier in high school and it is very necessary for a person to be happy near friends. Great tips!

  15. The title of your story got my attention 100%! It's amazing how we're already seniors but the funny part is that I'm able to remember freshman year as if it was yesterday. I remember one time when one of my friends told me that high school year will fly by fast. I didn't really think he was being serious but man was he right. Our time to be teenagers are coming to a close and life will come crashing at us hard. It's up to us to take control 100% of our life and live it. Times have changed and this was a very fun topic to choose considering how fast time has flown by. Good job! Now go write a freshman letter for college!!

  16. Shafer! Your piece was so cute! I loved the structure of the piece, in which you set it up into multiple tips for yourself. Additionally, I loved how you utilized second person narration to reflect how you have transformed and grown over the four years. One of my favorite parts was the last tip, in which you talk about your sensitivity, and how this once "flaw" is now seen as a "strength". Overall, great piece!

  17. This was such a good guide to freshmen. If only I was able to read this back in freshmen year.I would definitely show this to upcoming youngsters that I know of. The funny thing is, when I was reading this, everything was true. All the tips you gave will really improve and better the experience of high school. Good job!

  18. This was awesome, like I wish I had a letter like this my freshman yea!r Things would've been a whole lot easier. Everything you wrote about are things that are still important to remember now, and even though I know you are talking to your high school freshmen self, I think this is really applicable to next year when we'll be freshmen in college. It's really great advice and it was written very well.

  19. These tips are very true and do deserve to be read by incoming freshman as it will be beneficial I can relate to alot of these tips and do wish i actually knew them before half way through high school. Good JOb very well written
    -Cody Molla

  20. So many times I have wished I could give my freshman self some advice. I would do many things differently if I could have another go at high school from the beginning. I enjoyed this piece. Good job.

    - Oscar Salazar

  21. YES, YES, YES! Gosh I wish I would have known all this freshman year! Sydney, you did a great job pinpointing exactly what every freshman should know. Sometimes we're too caught up with the familiar that we refuse to branch out; we refuse to make new friends and try new stuff out and such. I like that you blatantly pointed out that you won't be in a class with your closest friends, heck, I haven't even had one single class with my best friend since I've known her! I like how your audience is directed to the freshmen, however since the seniors are graduating soon, I suppose it's directed to us too! Great job! (:

  22. Wow I wish I could have received a letter like this from my Senior self, to me as a freshman. It would have probably helped me a great deal. This reminds me of the letter we had to write as freshman to our senior selves, but it was the opposite. Neat idea, I liked it.

  23. I sure agree with every single recommendation in this letter! I wish somebody had written me this letter my freshmen year!


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