
Monday, October 21, 2013

"Timmy" by Jose M.

This is the story of Timmy, Timmy Baylorfield. Well, this is sort of, more of a autobiography rather than a story, but I guess it wouldn't be autobiography since Timmy didn't write this. So in a way it's kind of like a biography, except it's fiction so... Let's just call this a fictional biography. Once again, this is the fictional biography of Timmy Baylorfield. As a kid Timmy was really strange compared to other children of his age. Timmy was different. Timmy was an orphan, unloved by both of his biological parents. Although he knew he was adopted and that his real parents never loved him, he was never sad. He didn't look at it that way, he looked at it as, since he was so cool his parents felt bad about them not being worthy of raising a child as cool as Timmy, so they sent him were his parents were actually cool and worthy of his raising. As you can see Timmy looked at the better things of a situation. Unfortunately for him, he was always in bad situations, which he always got through, except for the death of his adoptive father, due to a drunk driver running him over. Timmy loved him, but not just as a father, also as a great human being. His father, Tommy Baylorfield, was an outstanding man, who was very wealthy, young, and caring. Tommy's childhood was very rough, but through out that whole experience he never looked down, always held his head up. He was able to treat his wife, Tammy, and son, Timmy to the life he felt they deserved.

When Tommy died, both Tammy and Timmy became billionaires, but neither of them cared about that. Both Timmy and Tammy were devastated, Timmy was able to look on the bright side and pull through that sadness, his mother however, could not pull through. Instead getting through it and remaking her life, Tammy fell into a deep and spiraling depression. Timmy, unfortunately was not able to look on the bright side of this situation, because well there was none. After a couple of years Tammy became a drug addict and soon met her death at age 46. Timmy was devastated, he was heart broken. Timmy was in college at the time with 3 minutes left of class to becoming a doctor and getting his PHD, before the police called him and told him his mom was found dead in her living room, and the cause for death was overdose. Instead of his mom celebration Timmy's life long dream at his graduation, she was celebrating her reunion with Tommy in heaven. Timmy had no words, he had graduated out of a college with PHD in medical science, but with no one to celebrate it with. Timmy's life changed completely in that moment. All his life Timmy had been optimistic and cheerful, until that day. After two weeks of his mother's death Timmy decided to go on with his life and not dwell on sad times. Timmy became a doctor, became even wealthier and soon fell in love. Of course he had a baby boy and it was obvious what his name was going to be, Frank, they apparently loved the name. They lived an amazing life, but not because of the money, because of the family. Timmy, who although went through great devastations in his life, always tried being optimistic, and because of that optimism, he lived happily ever after.


  1. I like how you showed that people should be greatful for what they have. the story was different. as soon as the reader reads that timmy was an orphan, they assume he would be sad. great job jose.

  2. This story was powerful. It continually challenged the reader to stop and assess their own outlook on life. As you demonstrated through the character of Timmy and his troubling history, life is not perfect. It is full of disappointments, tragedies, and sorrows. But thankfully, these hardships do not have to dominate our lives. You did an excellent job of exemplifying this truth.

    -Christina Tapia

  3. Although this seems like a sad story all throughout, I liked the comical factors you've inputted, which greatly lighted up the mood (giving Timmy the optimistic view of the reason his real parents abandoned him, having all the members of the family have names starting with the letter "T", and also the unanticipated name of Timmy's son, Frank). Good job!
    -Ben Chang

  4. I found it interesting and creative that you wrote a "fictional biography". I enjoyed that you made the main character Timmy so optimistic and that was truly inspiring. You really made your piece seem realistic with all the hardships that Timmy went through and I'm glad that the story ended happily. Nice job!

  5. I loved this story in many ways because it was both funny, at the beginning, and touching towards the end

  6. That was a great story . I like how you give a message in your story, basically telling others that no matter what your going through, doors are always opened wide and you shouldn't turn back or give up . :) Love it

    - Funmi Sule

  7. I really liked Timmy's "fictional biography" it was interesting and different . I have not read many stories like this i think you did it very well.
    -Chelsea Gonzales

  8. I loved the overall message which I got out of your passage as a whole. It really reminded me that all the obstacles we must face in life are stepping stones for future successes. We can't let the bad times overpower those to come. You have a great way with words and I absolutely loved your story! Keep up the good work!


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