
Monday, October 21, 2013

"Do You Draw?" by Raven F.

Dear Diary,
I love sitting under that tree just thinking about what to do next. Watching all the other kids just walking around is a good way to help me think of something new to draw. I really get into my drawings when I’m alone not being disturbed. One time I even skipped lunch just to draw the entire lunch room, including the kid’s .But I’ve never actually shown my drawings to anyone before. I mean you don’t just show people your drawing as if you’re some kind of famous artist like Picasso or whatever, this thing takes time. But, I’ve decided that I’m going to enter into the Merlaine Middle School Draw-Athon this afternoon at my school. The winner gets the new SkullCandy earphones that just went on the market two weeks ago. I’ve been dying to have them. All I have to do is put this new drawing that I’ve been working on for weeks into the blog so people can vote, and choose their winner. I’m kind of scared though. I don’t know if the kinds of things I draw are what normal kids like. I draw things that are kind of abstract and weird looking, Bu...But don’t get me wrong, they really do look good. Oh my goodness, I just described Picasso’s work.
             Well…I did it; I put my new piece in. My confidence is really low though. I overheard Nyla Droops  say that she had her uncle give her special pointers on her drawing (Her uncle is like some big artist that graduated high school early, and went on to go to school to the art institute ). I mean how I am supposed to compete with that. And on top of that, Dove Cortez was showing everyone in class her journal of drawings that she apparently has been drawing in since she was nine years old. I have absolutely no chance of winning. And if it’s not one of those two who win, it’ll be some other kid with the amazing talent to draw.
Next Week…
The results are in!!! , and guess who won…Me!!! I can’t believe people actually liked my drawing. It’s okay to have a different style than others. Sometimes different can be the new interesting thing around. Everyone’s drawing was so good, but I guess people don’t always like the usual. I’m so glad I entered into the Draw-Athon. Now I’m listening through my new fresh earphones feeling pretty proud of myself right now.


  1. What a pleasant piece! I love how you voiced the narrator's insecurities. All of us can relate to being the odd-man-out at least once in our lives. But rather than simply echoing this point, you depicted it. I definitely agree with you - people are not interested by what is defined as "typical" or "normal." It is what is unique that grabs the interest and subsequently, the appreciation, of others. I admire your willingness to shed light on this truth. Way to go!

    -Christina Tapia

  2. I loved this story because even though you said that you believed that you wouldn't win, you still won, which made me feel happy

  3. I like the contrast this story had compared to a lot of the others. Im very happy your main character got her skull candy earphones! I can relate to this because I like to draw as well but I hardly ever show them to anyone! but good job!

  4. This was a great narrative. I felt like I was in the speaker's conscience and was hearing there thoughts. The emotion was real and I thoroughly enjoyed it and the message behind it.

  5. This was such a nice read, the ending inspires hope in the reader and sends a definite message to try new things and have confidence in whatever you do. I think using the format of a diary was a good idea because it made the story seem very personal and made it easy to identify with... the detail you wrote with when you described why the main character was feeling discouraged, allowed for the ending to be a welcome surprise and even more uplifting because the main character's insecurities make the reader root for them to win and gain confidence. Great job!

  6. This definitely demonstrates a diary entry. I gained the impression that the narrator is a reserved and insecure person. Using the word “normal” seemed to me that this narrator is not your average person. I noticed that the narrator had a stutter at “Bu… But,” This was a great way to establish the narrator’s personality to your audience. I like how the narrator gained a sudden sense of confidence just from realizing that his/her work is comparable to one of Picasso; however, it was upsetting as soon as the narrator compared him/herself to other contestants. The insecurity came back in. Using a diary entry, first person narrative, was a great way to present your character to your audience. Good job!

  7. I always love stories with artists in them! You did a good job describing the insecurities that most artists feel when it comes to their artwork. I'm glad that the narrator won and I think it was good for her to have a goal in mind. You also did a good job with the speech; it wasn't formal like she was talking to a teacher. Great job!


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