
Monday, October 21, 2013

"C.Y.O.P.-Carve Your Own Pumpkin" by Melissa N.

It began as a parody to an otherwise well known B.Y.O. (Bring Your Own). But rather than Bring Your Own Bananas, I and a couple of my friends decided to be festive for the month of October, B.Y.O.P- Bring Your Own Pumpkin! Now none of us have ever carved a pumpkin before, but I will now proceed to share with you what I believe the steps are to carve your own pumpkin.
Step One: The Chosen One
Variety is both the ally and the enemy, the "frenemy." Now, if you're a lot like me, choices are not your best friend. When it comes to choosing your pumpkin, well I hate to break it to you, but you don't. It chooses you. You can go about rubbing and tapping and loving many different pumpkins, however you might just be wasting your time. The chosen one will reveal himself when almost all hope is lost. When you spot him, you just know that's the pumpkin, it was meant to be.
Step Two: Purchase It
That's a given; nothing is free now, c'mon!
Step Three: Family Photoshoot (optional)
This pumpkin is now officially yours. You even have documentation of ownership also known as your receipt! So why not show it off to the world?! Take outrageous photos with it to show that you love it enough to be seen with it. Have someone who has actually taken family photos before position you in a family pose so you can avoid those awkward “selfies.”
Consider poses such as: 


Step Four: Tracing
If you're more advanced than most people, you can skip this step. However, if you're as new to this as I am, you might want to consider this step. By now I assume you know what sort of image you want to create on the pumpkin. If not I'll give you this time to think. I'll wait.
Alright so now that you have this mental image of what you want to make, I want you to scrap it. Scrap that perfect image you have of your pumpkin completely out of your mind! Your pumpkin is not going to look like what you want it to be, trust me. You may think you want to create this intricate and detailed skull in honor of Dia de Los Muertos, but I'm telling you now, it's not going to look anything like that, especially in daylight. So consider starting small! The Mona Lisa is a good place to start!

Step Five: Gut It!
You may need parental supervision for this step. I'm no knife connoisseur, but I recommend not using a meat cleaver or a butter knife to get to the inside of the pumpkin. Try a medium sized knife. Cut a circle around the stem that is large enough for your hand to fit inside and yank the stem off. Next, grab a metal serving spoon and scrape off the flesh and seeds inside of the pumpkin. You may save the seeds as you please.
Step Six: Becoming Butcher Bob
With a smaller knife, preferably a paring knife, begin cutting it up! You are the creator, go nuts! Just be careful, you do have a knife in hand!
Step Seven: Admiration
Congratulations! You did it! Drop that knife and pat yourself on the back!
Step Eight: Light ‘em Up Up Up, Light ‘em Up Up Up!
Grab a tea candle of some sort, and stick it inside! Replace the cut off stem and you're good to place this outside your front door!

One should plan accordingly when it comes to carving the pumpkin. People tend to forget that the pumpkin is not a preservative, it will rot in time. Therefore, do not carve it too early! One should aim for about a week before Halloween. Also, beware those pesky teenagers! They may be inclined to destroy it! Other than that, have fun and get creative!



  1. From step one to step three I could not stop laughing! I felt like I was talking to you in person. Besides how funny it was I really liked the fact that your piece was well organized, easy to read because of the everyday language you used(ex. "frenemy") and that you added pictures to give readers examples of what you were saying instead of just typing everything out, which made it fun to read. This was a great idea.. Good Job!

  2. I really like how you organized your steps and your headings are really funny and creative. It made this piece very easy to read and to understand! I also like the humor in the beginning of the article! Throughout this article, it was very fun to read and it was very interesting! I really like how you used pictures to show the end result of the pumpkin carving. After reading this article, I am definitely inspired to carve my own pumpkin and to follow these exact steps! Nice work!

  3. These pumpkins are so cute. The steps are so creative and funny.

    -Caitlyn Mulvey

  4. This was adorable!!! Every step was bursting with both humor and pertinent instructions. I love that you commented on the pumpkin's inability to live up to the idealized image we have in our head prior to carving - I can definitely relate to that! This piece was creative and perfectly fitting for the season. I feel like it belongs in the October issue of "Family Magazine" with its cute pictures and all. Great work!

    -Christina Tapia

  5. This tutorial was such a fun thing to read! I liked how you have included the basic steps of carving the pumpkin, and in addition, added funny steps like choosing the right pumpkin and taking pictures with it. This was an enjoyable read and all I can say is "Good job!"
    -Ben Chang

  6. This has to be the best tutorial I have ever seen. I love how you put so much personality into the one-by-one steps, I think that is what made it so fun to read. I couldn't stop laughing at the family photos with your pumpkin, they were so cute!

  7. Oh Melissa, this was absolutely darling! I loved that you incorporated pictures in your tutorial and the titles of each section cracked me up. This story radiates your wonderful personality. I feel I finally understand the complicated process of pumpkin carving. Thank you for enlightening me with your witty humor and hilarious detail. Excellent work! -Emily Wilt per 1

  8. This was really good because it made it easy on how to carve a pumpkin. And how after you are done you can do a photoshoot with the carved pumpkins. Great Job.

  9. This would have been helpful to remember while carving Haha. The specifications from buying to the rotting part are so great! Again it would have been so helpful to know this for I threw two pumpkins away. The humor really helped not get distracted and stay on subject. I will most likely use this next year... if it stays on the website.

  10. This was a really cute and funny tutorial! I'm sure a lot of us don't have too much experience carving pumpkins, but yours turned out wonderfully. Just having the basic instructions will help with any future pumpkin carving endeavors. And the pictures are adorable, too. I enjoyed reading the whole thing, great job, and Happy Late Halloween!

  11. Your pictures are so cute! It's sad, but I've never carved a pumpkin in my life :( your tutorial made me excited and eager to carve a pumpkin next year for Halloween. Great work on the specific steps for your tutorial!

  12. Melissa, your tutorial was helpful and fun to read! I liked that you kept things simple and used funny captions for the steps. This was the first tutorial I have read on the blog and I am glad it was! I also thought adding pictures of you with the pumpkins was a cute idea and a good visual aid on how to carve a pumpkin. Good job!

    - Alexandra Aguilar

  13. I loved reading your piece. It was so hilarious! I could not stop laughing while reading it. The visual images really helped enhance the experience. Your detailed writing also added to the humor, and your steps are clear enough to understand if I were to carve a pumpkin. I just love it so much!

  14. Oh my gosh, Mel. You would! Hahaha! I could not help but laugh through this poem! Awesome how-to..I wish I carved pumpkins this year, and I would have totally done this. Haha! Also great pictures *Lils* ! :D

  15. Melissa this is so cute! I love how you incorporated pictures and how a fun (sorry for the bland word) tone throughout the whole tutorial (: You brought the excitement of actually doing the process into your writing! Nice Job!
    Taylor Robles

  16. This was really funny. I was rolling on the floor like a pumpkin. The humor in this piece mad it very entertaining. Great job

  17. Melissa, this was hilarious to read. I love how much of your personality can be seen when reading the piece. Your steps were very helpful and very straight forward and easy to understand. I can't believe that you have never carved a pumpkin before!

  18. I like how you added your personality to this tutorial. The titles of the steps along with the funny pictures had me laughing all the way to the end. My favorite step was "The Chosen One". I really enjoyed reading this. Good job Melissa.
    - Oscar Salazar

  19. The pumpkins looked nice. This tutorial will help next year for Halloween

    Devin Jennings

  20. I loved this parody from the beginning! It was very creative and I love the references you used (especially the Step Eight title). The use of the photos made me smile - I'll be sure to NEVER take a horrible pose with my pumpkin! I feel that the next time I try to carve a pumpkin, I won't be the ridiculous noob I tend to be when it comes to Halloween activities; instead, I will be a master! Thank you for such a fun and witty tutorial!

  21. Oh gosh Melissa, this tutorial literally made me laugh out loud! You actually included great tips while still making this so much fun to read! I also love how you included pictures, that was my favorite part! I could totally relate to this entire step by step process, now I just want it to be Halloween again so i can carve a pumpkin! Great job!

  22. Hey Melissa,
    I liked that your tutorial was from the point of view of a non-expert in pumpkin carving. If the tutorial comes from an expert, then it tends to miss small but important details that make or break the novice's experience. Thanks for keeping the audience in mind!

  23. Wow Melissa, this was excellent! Your ability to incorporate your own personal wit and humor on paper made the tutorial extremely captivating and fun to read! The pictures were also extremely hilarious! Good work!
    -Alyssa Sanchez

  24. This was so adorable! I loved how you took something so simple as pumpkin-carving and made it so fun; your use of more-professional language made it more entertaining! Your pictures were really cute as well!

  25. Why is this the cutest post i've ever seen hahaha. I love this. I love the pictures you included to make it feel personal, it was like a diary because you included personal photos. It wasn't too serious as well, it was like reading those mom blogs that you find on Pinterest to teach you how to do things, it was humorous, and adorable. I found it very specific as well. If I was from a totally different world and didn't know what to do during Halloween season, this would be the perfect how-to guide to go to. :)

  26. Hi Melissa,
    I'm not exactly sure whether or not I would like to laugh or cry about the photos you posted. I think I'll go with crying. But anyways, I'm glad that you chose this topic to write about. It was rather random of you to even think about it, but it was lovely nevertheless. You really captured the audience's attention and really related to the "common man" by providing details from a non-professional's perspective. You also added fun ideas and thoughts in consideration of all different people. Good job Melissa.


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