
Friday, September 6, 2013

"Rewind to Reality" by Hizkia M.

               If a magical wizard comes up to me at random and gives me options to choose between a rewind button and a pause button I would choose the rewind button because I’ve made a lot of mistakes and if given the opportunity I would change a lot. 

Back in Elementary School, I would always get good grades, get special certificates and get pencils or stickers for every time I was right with an answer. But, as soon as 6th grade hit, the work became harder and just became a heavy burden on my back, I had multiple homework for different teachers, I would have test on three different subjects on the same day and on top of that, I would get lazy and just procrastinate a lot, because the work was harder to bear. Although, I got by my first year of middle school with A’s and B’s, but by the time 6th grade was done, I’ve created a plethora of bad, hard to break habits! 

See, if given opportunity I would go back in time, and just change my whole attitude towards my schoolwork. I would also like to change my whole work ethic in general, I want to be able to have passion and hard working in my work ethic, right now I would do all my work with passion, and as a week roll by I would get lazy and just stop. I want to be able to change all of that. I know it’s a cliché, but I know for a fact that if I actually try and put all my mind and energy into something and in this case schoolwork, I would succeed. I want that to be my mindset and attitude towards life! I want to be able to start over and tackle every obstacle that comes in my way with a certain attitude and do all of my work with grace. I would also like to rewind because I have gotten in a lot of trouble in the past! 

Knowing what I know now, and the things to do and not to do, I would to go back and change every single stupid mistake. However, some of the things in the past that I’ve committed can actually be changed in present, it just takes the will to change towards bad habits, because at the end of the day, we are all humans, and no human is perfect so we’re bound to make mistakes. I know its cliché but it’s not about us falling down, but it’s about how we get up and go from there on, it’s about learning from your mistakes and move on from that. 

Thomas Edison only failed thousands of time until finding the perfect solution. Having a rewind button to change every single one of my stupid mistakes would be nice, but in reality without my mistakes I wouldn’t be where I am today. Those mistakes, taught me the right and wrong ways of doing, and without the mistakes I would gain no personal experience.


  1. Well I would have also picked the rewind button because in many segments of my life if I did have a rewind button I would have been able to correct bad decisions that I made that may have hurt me or someon else. However you are very correct in the aspect that humans are not perfect and make mistakes in which they learn from and this aspect alone makes us human thus if we never make mistakes we will never truely learn anything.
    The rewind button is much "cooler" and better and more useful than a pause button.

  2. Good job making a personal story relatable and interesting. Also, at the end I liked that you shared how you benefited from your mistakes.

  3. Your story was very good! It was relatable in so many ways and I loved how you ended your story with the example of Thomas Edison. Just as a tip, I would try to be careful with the over use of commas because it starts to create a run-on sentence. Also, try to avoid repeating word or phrases. Such as, "I" or "cliché". Mix it up a bit, if you're having trouble, a source that helps me a lot is the thesaurus! I definitely enjoyed your story so much, there was many strong points, especially the ending. Keep writing, you have a lot of potential!

  4. I agree with you on picking a rewind button because that would be my choice too and I like how you added the real life scenarios into your writing. Keep up the good work.

  5. I thought that the way you had "cliches" in the story was very touching. I totally understand where youre coming from with the rewind button, because if i had to choose i would pick that too, for many of the saame reasons.
    - Alexandra Urena

  6. i love your storry i wish i could go back and fix my mistakes and i wish my grades were better payed attention more in class and choose the right group of friends to hang out with

  7. I can relate to your story so well, because 6th grade was also the year I started slacking off and making a lot of mistakes in school. I never considered reflecting on the mistakes that year as a good thing, but your definitely right; it's better to learn early on.

  8. Great job! I can really relate to your story. I was really lazy in my past school years. Now I paying for it in High School.

  9. I can very much relate to this story. This piece actually just reminded me to not slack off and remember to not make the same mistakes I had made in the past. I have many regrets in my life and I wish I can go back in time to fix them, but I know I have to move on. Those mistakes though made me into a better person and all we can do is try to avoid them and make better choices.

  10. I would chose the rewind button! If you work hard you can get good grades again.

  11. You did an excellent job at describing your internalized process of reflection. With each conclusion you made, you provided valid examples as to how you reached it. The contrast between your initial desire to erase the "mistakes" of your past, and your eventual embrace of these same "mistakes," brilliantly displayed your personal acceptance of life's imperfections. Your renewed desire to work hard was indisputably revealed in this piece!

    -Christina Tapia

  12. I think this story applies to everyone, especially people in high school! A lot of people would want to have a chance to go back and change, whether it's their work habits or a poor decision they made. you did a great job of describing your life and why you would want to be able to have this button. Overall great job!

  13. I would also choose a rewind button because probably like most people I have also made mistakes in my past that I want to fix. I really liked how you reflected it on your own life with examples. I like how you showed how life is imperfect and how we humans are bound to make mistakes and some of them cannot be fixed. Great story.

  14. I liked how you introduced a live stream of consciousness into your piece. I was able to see your thought process and I liked that. I also like the conclusion you came to that mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing. In this respect, I agree with you, if we learn at all, it is by making mistakes! Congrats on such a good piece of writing at such an early age!

  15. I believe that many of us as human beings wish that we could go back in time to change something that occurred in our past, but like you said, learning from our mistakes is what determines our character. I found your piece to be very relatable. As humans we all make mistakes. And some clichés are clichés because they are lessons learned passed down to others who might need to learn a lesson.

  16. Your story is very relatable. I too would pick the rewind button however like you said if it weren't for your mistakes you wouldn't be who you are today. I really liked your story but just be careful with the way you use certain words and their surrounding words. Also there were many run on sentences but overall. good job

  17. I like how this an be relatable to anyone in school because there are times where I to wish I could hit a reset button but I do agree with you how those mistakes mold you into a better individual and you become more acceptant of yourself.

  18. We all wish we could go back and change things. Great use of pathos to relate to everyone's thought process!

  19. This personal reflection made me smile. Your use of exclamation marks made me feel as if I were in your shoes and felt the determination and motivation you felt.

    The whole idea of a rewind button is definitely something many people wish for. However, I enjoyed how you transitioned into a new idea of accepting those mistakes and learning from them. I firmly believe things happen for a reason-whether good or bad. I was especially inspired and touched by this statement: "I know its cliché but it’s not about us falling down, but it’s about how we get up and go from there on, it’s about learning from your mistakes and move on from that," because of the idea of getting back on your feet when you've been knocked down. It happens to the best of us, but mistakes define who we are, and sometimes disasters happen in order for other things to occur. It's like Marilyn Monroe once said: "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

    I also found it cute that you referenced to Thomas Edison, the change of your tone made it seem like you're even more determined and motivated than you sounded in the beginning of this reflection.

    Also, you have three years of high school. Just keep trying, and you'll get where you want to go. Things will get tough, and I won't lie...things will become even tougher as time goes by. However, you still have time to enjoy your youth while you can. Remember to work hard, but also give yourself time to relax.

    I found your piece refreshing and inspiring, and I hope you continue on the path of writing and literature-I can see you have a great potential in this department, and you should share it with others more often. (:

  20. Good Job! I would have chose the rewind button to because I can relate to what you did in the 6th grade.

  21. This was such an optimistic short story! Your allusion to Thomas Edison not only reinforced your idea that mistakes can be building blocks but also gave the story an optimistic message that despite our mistakes we can be successful like Thomas Edison because he made mistakes too! This story definitely has a great message and I really like your idea that although it will take hard work you can change some of the bad habits you developed because of some mistakes made in the past!

  22. Good job. I can relate to this story in so many ways,

  23. Great job i like how u chose the rewind button, i would totally choose the rewind button as well because i would always usally mess up alot. good job

  24. First off, I love the title of your reflection. It drew me in and made me want to click on it to read because its not often that you see that kind of diction used to describe change the past since remind has the connotation of rewinding a show or movie.But I really liked your reflection because it is really relatable and understandable. Also, ending your reflection using ethos with your example of Thomas Edison was smart and stragetic because it provides that little boost of evidnce to support and connect to the message you demonstrated that although we make mistakes, it actually may benefit us later on.

  25. I really liked your story, as it's very relatable to many students. The reader is able to observe the conflict between your current work ethic and your desired work ethic through the contrast between the anecdotes presented in this piece of writing and your wishes on the subject. Overall, I found this reflection to be useful to me, as I agree with wanting to go back in time to re-do certain things, but acknowledge, as you do at the end, that those past actions have contributed to who we are as people now.

  26. This story is very inspirational in my opinion. The fact that you would choose a rewind button to go back and change your work ethic and habits throughout school, is very admiring. The reference to Thomas Jefferson was a very nice touch at the end. Great job overall.

  27. I can relate to your point of view very easily, as I have done similar mistakes you've mentioned. I believe that there will always be mistakes and regrets no matter how great of a person one can be, and that once time passes by, there is no turning back. Whenever I think of this problem, I always tell myself that there will probably never be a way back to fix those mistakes, and the only thing I can do is to make the best out of the things I do in the future. Continue on, learn from your mistakes and absorb the most you can out of everything in life, and you may just become the next Edison!

    -Ben C.

  28. Your piece was very personal and I'm glad you shared your true feelings through your work. The reasons for choosing the rewind button were evidently strong and thoughtful. However, I would like to give a little pointers when it comes to your writing. First, using "a lot" repeatedly could contribute to the overall effectiveness to your piece. Also, make sure your sentences aren't on the verge of a run-on. Overall, a pleasant read.
    -Mackenzie Hopkins

  29. The story is really good. I enjoyed how even tgough the story is very long it contains one central theme.

  30. It's never late to change bad habits, and it seems that you are already trying to change that because you turned this particle blog post in September when you could have done it in May! :D But this definitely was a good reminder to myself to not procrastinate either and to reflect on my own mistakes in the past. I loved the catchy title and the fact that you explained the meaning later on about wanting to rewind, but in reality, your mistakes make you who you are today. The ending with Thomas Edison was great too; I hope writing this made you more motivated to achieve your goals and "rewind" some of your mistakes!

  31. Your perspective on mistakes and how it changed throughout the story was done pretty well. The change in perspective also helps people with these two opposing view to read the story without much conflict because the transition was made based on past events and not how you are feeling at the moment. Your ability to connect points from your past and being able to connect them together to form a clear and well supported conclusion makes it easy to picture how you saw it and agree with it.

  32. I love that your piece was so refelctive! I'm sure almost everyone can relate to your piece, which is why I'm so glad that you chose to write about it. Your structure is perfect as it seperates your different ideas and makes each clear and easy to understand. It also served as a personal reminder to myself that everyone does makes mistakes, and that that's okay! Keep up the great work!

  33. I love how you owned up to your mistakes but would still try to fix them . That shows that you are committed to being great

    - Hunter Randle

  34. I would get a rewind button so I can fix all my mistakes when I was a kid to. Devin Jennings

  35. Love the ending. Your actions make you who you are is a very strong theme. As a fellow procrastinator, I say we should get together and work on better work habits for the future... speaking of the future, lets do that later. *ba dum tis*
    -Kevin McCondichie, the writer of bad jokes.

  36. I love the topic you picked because it was very thought provoking and made me reflect on my own life and ask myself whether I would like to pause or rewind my own life. There are so many things that I wish I could go back and change, whether they be habits I have, or people I associated with or friendship I let fall apart or any other mistakes i have made, I have definitely had time where I wish I could change them, but ultimately they have led to where I am today and I am pretty okay with where I am, so ultimately i would do neither.

  37. A rewind a button would be very useful to many people and their faults, but if everyone was perfect what would happen to the world?

  38. This post was a good reminder that i need to not procrastinate. Despite wanting to fix mistakes, this story is a true reflection that mistakes are the very essence of what makes a person.

  39. Your story is one of those stories that I feel all of us can relate to. I too made mistakes in the past, academically and personally, that I would undoubtedly fix, given the opportunity with a rewind button. I loved the last paragraph the most. "Thomas Edison only failed a thousand times before finding the perfect solution." That quote was the perfect way to sum up your outlook on life. Great job.

  40. Hi, Hizkia! :) I enjoyed reading your written piece. I admire your honesty throughout your personal reflection. Your writing is so transparent, which makes it easy for readers to relate to you. I can relate to many of your past mistakes. I agree with you and wish I could press the rewind button as well. I also agree with you on the belief that, our mistakes are learning experiences and they shape us into the people we are today. Beautiful!!! -Dominique Rougeau

  41. I agree that fixing mistakes would be a great thing and it would help you avoid everything you have done wrong.Although we all know the rewind button doesn't exist you can do things to make what you are doing wrong now better.I really liked this story.
    -Chelsea Gonzales

  42. I like the way you said that you should want to fix the mistakes you have made it shows that you actually care

  43. I like this work in my opinion i would choose the rewind button to that way you never make mistakes. good job.

    -Manuel Ortega

  44. The message that was in your piece was amazing. I know how hard It is to keep up in school and it gets so frustrating at times. You are absolutely correct, mistakes are key in life and do help us learn. Great reflection.

  45. It was very well done and relatable, the concept of this piece was a great addition to this month's blog.
    -Alan Medina

  46. Hizkia! This blog story of yours is very relatable. I would have chose the rewind button too! I had the same experience when I transitioned from elementary to middle school. I'm about to sound like a parent, but to be honest, it does get harder through the high school years, so try to keep your mindset on check. I'm not saying don't have fun, but try to balance school with everything else. Reading your story has honestly inspired me to keep on working hard in school and to not procrastinate. Being a senior, I have been hit with SENIORITIS and I have become so lazy. I like how you wrote about not changing every single mistake you have done in the past and how your mistakes have taught you wrong from right. I feel that you have great potential as a writer and I especially love the sentence towards the end of your story. The one that was about Thomas Jefferson.
    Good job Hizkia! Very well-written.
    -Tia Basa

  47. I really agree with your thinking. To be able to go back in time and fix your working habits, but also knowing that without mistakes, you wouldn't be who you are.

    -Hewie Vargas

  48. I can truly identify with what you wrote. I often ponder upon going back in the past and changing things that I have done. However in actuality, none of us would be the people we are today. By sharing your insight, you inspired me to own my mistakes, but to also move forward. There is obviously a reason why we can't go back in time, and you made that evident. Great Job.

  49. That's right. The mistakes you had made in the past gives you a better knowledge of what to do now so you don't go down the path that wouldn't want to find yourself. I really like your piece though, nice job! -Funmi Sule

  50. I enjoyed that you shared at the end of the story, how your mistakes helped you in the future. This is definitely relatable to many of us, humans because a lot of us also wish we could go back in life and correct our past mistakes. -Jose Mancillas

  51. i feel you on the school work. i was like that through out middle school too. but keep up the hard, good work and youll succeed through high school. good job.

  52. I am the same way with school work. I love the part when you compare the struggles of school work to the work of Thomas Edison.

    -Caitlyn Mulvey

  53. Seeing as I can relate to this story, I have had the same problem with my grades as soon as the 6th grade started.Great job on this work.

  54. Good job Hizkia i would also pick the rewind button to fix all the mistakes i made too.

    -Eli Cabrera

  55. Relate-able subject increases readers interest. The example of Einstein shows commitment and imagination. So naturally it is truly well formed.

    -Erick Hollinquest

  56. I was exactly the same in elementary but when it came to middle school I also struggled a bit but I like you're story it had very good detail I can relate to you -Daniel Gutierrez


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