
Monday, September 23, 2013

"NTS: How To Survive College Application Season" by Sherry L

                                                      ***not to be taken 100% seriously***

 If you were raised in a typical Asian home, then you would know that the only action more prevalent than eating rice is talking about C-O-L-L-E-G-E. This summer, I started my college search. Contrary to popular belief, college search was not exciting. The more I looked into the admission requirements for the schools I wanted to get into, the more depressed I became. This summer, I dodged, I weaved, but now it’s college application season. If you haven’t hit the “stressful” stage of college application season yet, good for you. For me, it was only after a series of prophetical dreams and visions did I finally come to the conclusion that college application season doesn’t have to resemble hell. In fact, it could be a little fun(No I’m kidding. It won’t be fun). I'm writing here to tell you that I have seen the light and am now avowing the great truth that will help you skip this ‘stressful’ step and go right on ahead to enjoying your senior year. Although I obviously have yet to experience the application process first-hand, I wanted to write this “Note to Future Self” letter as a reminder to just CHILL OUT. I mean, after all, it’s just your future.

Dear Self,

1. Do not compare yourself - Ever heard of the quote “There is always someone better than you.” ? Well it’s a lie. There is always 8967956089 ‘someones’ better than you. Accept it. Move on. In writing college essays, the goal isn’t to steal the spotlight and outshine everyone else. The goal is to show positive growth, or to put it bluntly- be likable. You don’t have to be valedictorian or MVP to be likable. Focus on personal achievements that matter to YOU and enhance your uniqueness through your college essays.

 2. Take the SAT/ACT - Since GPA, transcripts, AP scores, letters of recommendations, extracurricular activities, community service hours, brag sheets, and supplemental essays fail to show colleges who you are, colleges wish to ‘get to know you better’ by evaluating you based on the SAT Reasoning Exam! The SAT measures a student’s ability to succeed in life by substituting his or her entire 17 years’ worth of work with a 4 hour test. Not only does the SAT ignore genetics and social influences, it conveniently screens out all of the potential philosophers and artists in society. How thoughtful! As much as colleges claim they take a holistic and nonpartisan approach to their decisions, SAT/ACT scores can make or break an application, so make sure you study very hard!

 3. Apply to reach schools, match schools, and most importantly, safety schools- Here is how to apply to UC’s, Cal States, and private CA colleges: -UC’s: -Cal States: -Private CA colleges(Member colleges only): List of member colleges:!PublicPages/AllMembers Private colleges, like USC or Pitzer College, usually ask for letters of recommendation, so get on that now!

4. Remember deadlines!!! - Not turning in your application on time would be like discovering the meaning of life and then forgetting to write it down. Engrave these deadlines into your soul: All UC’s: November 30th All CalStates: November 30th All private CA colleges:

 5. No matter how nervous you are, don’t ask someone else to read the admission results for you - If the result is bad, the aura of awkwardness will be a labyrinth unto itself.

6. Handle rejections with a positive attitude - College decisions do not define your worth as a human being. If you don’t get accepted into your top choice, it’s not the end of the world. Send a letter of appeal. If that college rejects your appeal, then it is obvious that the awesomeness seeping through your application was too much for them to handle. You don’t need a program to tell you how great you are. YOU ARE FABULOUS!

7. Handle acceptances with a humble attitude - Since college decisions totally define your worth as a human being, it is proven that you‘re a genius. If you get accepted into your top choice, all there is left to do is to conquer the world. Send a letter of appreciation. It is obvious that the awesomeness seeping through your application was too captivating for them to peel away! Let’s admit it: You need a program to tell you how great you are. YOU ARE FABULOUS!

 8. Avoid Senioritis - If you must catch it…do try and come at least once a week to avoid death rumors. Don’t slack off now! Push harder, dig deeper, and remember: There’s more to life than college.

Sincerely, Self

Work Cited Kelly, Jane. "Community." BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


  1. Sherry, this was just the thing I needed to get me to finally get back to filling out college apps. You bring a sarcastic, fun view to the journey that is applying to colleges. You provide great motivation that I believe will help others in the senior class feel like they will accomplish something great. Overall this was an amazing "How To" that had me laughing all the way through.

  2. Great job, Ling2x!
    I absolutely loved it!
    It was a funny yet realistic view on how dreadful college applications will be.
    We just need to accept it and go with it.

    and thanks! I AM FABULOUS!

    - Michelle Millan

  3. I honestly feel like printing this out and posting it on my wall, as a motivational tool. Applying to colleges is the one thing I dread the most. I love how you added in a little humor, a bit of encouragement, and a lot of valuable information that I will definitely be making use of. Great job!

  4. Sherry, this piece cracked me up! I started laughing at your mention of rice and didn't stop until the end. Your humorous personality was definitely evident within your writing. I especially loved how you directly contradicted yourself in regards to the proper response to being denied or accepted to a college. But, apart from all the sarcasm and tongue and cheek humor, this essay was extremely well-written. I'm somewhat jealous of how effortlessly you seemed to create a piece that was both entertaining and effective in conveying your point. If your college essays are this interesting, a college would have to be crazy to deny you admittance.

    -Christina Tapia

  5. This piece was very informative and thoughtful. I can totally relate to this because I've been stressing over college applications, too. After reading your piece, I feel more relaxed and I know that we just have to think positive and optimistically. This piece gave me some encouragement. I really like how you structured your instructive article by numbering and listing what we need to do to survive college applications. It is very organized and it makes it easier to read. Great job!

  6. So, I would just like to say, thank you for giving a bit of motivation back to my senior-self. This piece was so fun to read, and surprisingly helpful! Congratulations on writing such an amusing piece about a rather serious topic; making it an easy read and a subtle kick-in-the-pants for all of us slackers and stress-riddled seniors.

  7. So, I would just like to say, thank you for giving a bit of motivation back to my senior-self. This piece was so fun to read, and surprisingly helpful! Congratulations on writing such an amusing piece about a rather serious topic; making it an easy read and a subtle kick-in-the-pants for all of us slackers and stress-riddled seniors.

  8. So, I would just like to say, thank you for giving a bit of motivation back to my senior-self. This piece is extremely well-written and surprisingly helpful! Congratulations on developing such an amusing perspective on a rather serious topic; giving us slackers and stress-riddled seniors the kick in the pants we need to get up and face reality with a smile.

  9. Thank you so much for writing this with a sarcastic tone! This is all information that I hear, but never think about. As compared with other college "how to"s, yours was fun to read and the sarcasm helped reiterate what you are trying to say in my mind. This piece of writing will for sure help me be more organized when filling out my application.

  10. This is beyond relatable and to some degree calmed me down about the hectic "Application Season" I loved how realistic and rational it all was while being completely hilarious and somewhat soothing to my stress level all at the same time. The little "Not to Self" steps were perfect and extremely encouraging which is something I think we all need, I loved it.
    Good Job Sherry!

  11. I find it funny how the first sentence is the exact match to my life right now. Every other day, my mom would be bugging me about confirming my major and the colleges I will be applying to, even after I've told her weeks before. Under number 2, I saw the irony you've made about the SAT and ACT tests, and I completely agree with you! For me, it's hard to believe how many colleges place much more emphasis on how well you've done on these 4 hour tests rather than your success in school and extracurricular activities. Thank you for writing about this college stuff before the application process begins! I'll definitely come back and use the links to help myself out with all this college madness.

    -Ben Chang

  12. My cheeks are hurting from suppressing my laughter while my sister is glaring at me from across the room as she writes her essay. This is like you read the mind of every senior about to apply to colleges and worded our thoughts with the utmost eloquence. Your sarcastic and ironic comedy really brings this piece to life. Not only did you demonstrate your advice vividly and impression-ably, the structure of your essay makes it easy for one to refer back to a specific segment they deemed significant. I for one will undoubtedly refer back to this exquisite piece when I start applying for colleges to copy that link you provided. This was like reading an informational pamphlet about all-you-need-to-know-for-applying-to-colleges, but instead of leaving me stressed and overwhelmed, it was like a breath of fresh air and reassurance that it'll all be okay in the end. Good job LINGLING! :)

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  13. "after all, it’s just your future."-- I loved it. Your sarcasm made this piece hilarious. Thank you for writing this it is so refreshing to hear someone who doesn't automatically say that the college search part of senior year is fun hahaha! This was not only uplifting because of its humor but also because it was blatantly honest and true! Your writing was organized, concise, and clear and the diction you used made it seem like a real note to self that everyone should write themselves at this point in time! The senioritis bullet was a great way to end the piece because it is relevant now and the fact that this piece is trying so hard to make readers feel happy and a little less stressed makes it so that it does just that, each bullet can be related to! Great Job!

  14. Oh my gosh, this is just great, like it's just freaking great. I don't know if it's because I totally understand you from how you started out the piece or because our mentalities in this certain situation is 200% alike. The juxtaposition between numbers 6 and 7, is just on point. I don't think I could have explained that any better way than you just did.
    I loved how honest this piece was and I just love how it can relate to most people, if not everyone. It's VERY informative, if someone didn't know this beforehand.
    It was very organized, straight to the point, and it flowed nicely, which allows the reader to read swiftly through the piece, which is something I very much enjoy! :D

  15. Sherry, this 'how to' was hilarious and assuring. I loved the sarcastic remarks and humor throughout the piece; this is perfect to read when seniors begin to worry about college applications and important decisions! I will definitely share this with my sister, who is also feeling the stress of the whole college process. I liked how you stated what everyone thinks but no one really says with "there is always 'some ones' better than you." That made me laugh and I thoroughly enjoyed your writing. Good job!
    -Alexandra Aguilar

  16. Thank you. I'm about to start filling out my common application and I really needed this. The level of sarcasm was excellent, describing all our pain and struggles perfectly. The criticism of the SAT was especially rich (as I remind myself to study later). Thanks for putting things into perspective for me. -Emily Wilt per 1

  17. Sherry this was great! I enjoyed it all the way through. Your satiric effect was what kept me captivated from the beginning as well as the way it can be applied to my own life now. There are a few grammatical errors but those can be corrected with another draft. Great job!
    -Trevor Ragland p.5

  18. This was a really great I like the irony you put in at the part where you talk about the SAT/ACT test. But I like how you use the sarcastic tone in describing most of these. This was quite humorous. Great Job.

  19. Sherry, this was amazing! It was really inspiring and funny at the same time. I loved your sarcasm in it. I really liked how you said that even if something goes wrong, still look at it in a positive way because thats a problem for us teenagers.

  20. How ironic ! I was just thinking about college applications just before i read your article. I seriously needed to read this especially towards the end when you gave tips on how to accept rejection and when you are accepted into the school. Rejection is my biggest fear right now! I laughed when you starting talking about how important deadlines are. "Remember deadlines!!! - Not turning in your application on time would be like discovering the meaning of life and then forgetting to write it down. Engrave these deadlines into your soul". Great piece I REALLY enjoyed it! :)

  21. Sherry.. This is so funny! It's amazing how sarcastic, but true this all is. I love that you did this during app season! You definitely kept me entertained from start to finish! The best part was your advice about getting over the fact that their are a bunch of people better, thanks for the reminder (: JUST KIDDING!

    -Taylor Robles

  22. This is actually a good one to do especially because its senior year and thats what most of us are worried about. I think if you actually follow this you will get somewhere. I like the numbering because then the reader wont get lost and the detail is amazing. Its not vague and it kinda puts some humor in it. Good job keep it up! Every senior needs to read this for confidence.

  23. This is exactly how I feel. Although I am not Asian, it's the same in my house too. Good job in using humor and understatement to talk about such a serious topic.

  24. This is really good and extremely relatable. I like the parts where you say if something goes wrong its ok and colleges truly don't know who you are through a piece of paper with information about you. I like the effect of satire and sarcasm throughout the piece good job!
    - Cody Molla

  25. Oh my, I was just on my "planning" stage of procrastinating the college apps but reading this gave me some motivation! The college apps seem to be so stressful and hard, but the way you broke it down was great and it made me realize that it's conquerable! Thank you for choosing to write on this topic, I know ALOT of us needed this little pep talk! Not to mention, I LOVED how you reminded us "YOU ARE FABULOUS" on both acceptances and rejections! YOU, my friend, are FABULOUS!

  26. I'm not sure if that first one sent but I'm going to write it again! Thank you for writing about this topic, I know ALOT of us needed that little pep talk! The way you broke everything down made it seem like it was actually conquerable and that I actually didn't need to cry every day for the next month. :) I love how you reminded us "You are fabulous!" for both rejections and acceptances because honestly that is so true, you never know what can happen when their reading these apps! YOU, my friend, are FABULOUS!

  27. Oh my, I was just on my "planning" stage of procrastinating the college apps but reading this gave me some motivation! The college apps seem to be so stressful and hard, but the way you broke it down was great and it made me realize that it's conquerable! Thank you for choosing to write on this topic, I know ALOT of us needed this little pep talk! Not to mention, I LOVED how you reminded us "YOU ARE FABULOUS" on both acceptances and rejections! YOU, my friend, are FABULOUS!

  28. Sherry !!! I love this ! I can even hear you reading this to me on a normal day. This is so funny and serious at the same time ! You were giving true facts about this very stressful time, but made it funny and not as stressful thorugh comic relief. Not ony does it give comic relief in the story, but in our lives right now. I liked the structure of how you were writing to you to your future self; it is very creative and out of the ordinary, making it more interstesting to read. I also share the stress you are bearing and apsire to get into a good college, just like many, if not all the people who are reading this, which also comples more people to read your piece.

  29. So I was just working on my application when I took a break from that and read this. Thank you for being able to make me laugh about such a stressful topic. Your use of sarcasm was well done. It is nice to be reminded that we are feeling the same way and you have given us all something to laugh about together and relate to.
    - Oscar Salazar

  30. Sherry this really spoke to me. I sometimes feel like I am the only one stressed out about college aps. Everyone else looks cool, calm, and collected, but you helped bring to light the fact that everyone is freaking out secretively on the inside. Great satire and sarcasm in the piece as well. It was extremely funny. Maybe you should think about joining E.P.I.C. Great job Sherry.

  31. Sherry this was perfect, like the timing was absolutely perfect, all of the contradictions made this really funny, and it holds some truth to it. My Favorite part was number "5" just because of how that sentence is worded, "The aura of awkwardness will be a labyrinth unto itself." I really couldn't stop laughing. I loved how it was ironic and sarcastic, and even though it shouldn't be taken 100% seriously i think there is a great amount of good advice in your "how to"

  32. This was funny and smart. I really connected to this blog because your tips are actually helpful when it comes to college. My favorite part was when you said to have a humble attitude when you get accepted and to conquer the world. Thank you for these helpful tips I really enjoyed this blog.

  33. I really enjoyed reading this informative guide to college applications. I literally had no clue how to approach these applications and would've probably procrastinated this til the last minute, but now with this newfound information delivered to me with a witty, funny, and sarcastic tone, I might as well start now. I really enjoyed the irony and humor implemented in this guide because of how you indirectly ridiculed the college system by showing that they do not define your worth as a human being. Good job :D

  34. Sherry, your story was so relatable as i experience the same feelings that you do, along with the other seniors on campus. This was perfect because it brought to my attention the bright side of college applications, and how it will be so rewarding once the process is over.

  35. At a time when college applications seem to be wrecking havoc over my life, it's nice to read something comedic about the subject. This tutorial on applying to college, was very nicely written, while being funny and informative at the same time. The organization of the ideas was done well, and it only served to enhance the purpose of your article. Thanks for the tips and for sharing such a nice, yet informative piece of writing.

  36. This was HILARIOUS!!!! I started laughing when you said that we shouldn't take it seriously and didn't stop until the end. (Good thing I was alone in my room.) I liked how you took a very serious topic for most of us and made us laugh about it. I have been really stressed about colleges recently and this helped to take some of that stress away. I mean after all, it's only my FUTURE!! Great use of comic relief to introduce some really useful tips about this terrible phase of our lives!!

  37. Everything about, Sherry Li are heaven sent. Right off the bat, your intro had me laughing to myself. I'm glad I am not the only one that is discouraged. Thank you for sharing this piece! Lightened my stress!


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