
Monday, September 23, 2013

"LAW LIFE --Story on Shivonne Theresia" by Da'Jah A.

Teachers always ask, "whose your role model?", "who do you think is succesful in your family and why?". My answer is always my cousin/godmother Shivonne Theresia. I choose her because shes very succesful in a career i find interests in, shes a lawyer. The other day i got to have a little chat with her about the "law life".
                  It has always been of dream of her's to be a lawyer it never changed. Throughtout high school she always set achievable goals that will get it her to where she is today. She had the goal to get into UCLA and get into law school over at Georgetown. Once again she achieved that goal. She attended UCLA as and undergrad and went to Georgetown for law school. I asked, " why did you choose to become a lawyer?", she responded, " I felt that it would be interesting, I had intentions to help people, and I just wanted to get into politics." With career choices for most teens, parents tend to get involved. As for Shivonne she said, " My parents were definetly supported, my mother basically forced me to become a lawyer".
                  Now she is a very succesful lawyer. She is a lawyerr for the Department of Social Services. She fights to take away liscense from people who own social businesses, such as ; day cares, citizen home, preschools, old people care, etc.Most people are unhappy with the career choice they have chosen, so the question was asked, " Are you happy being a lawyer?". It was answered, " yes im happy but if i had the opportunity to change my career i would, i change it to do something like a nonprofit organization, a after school program or tutoring for high school students.
                  Due to the fact that Shivonne is 38, owns her house, has a stable job, nice car, and happy life she will always be someone in my eyes that I believe is very successful. I hope to one day follow in her footsteps and be just as successful. It was nice to sit and interview her on her successful journey called life, or in her words, "law life."              


  1. We all have that one person that we look up to, that is just so successful, and we'd give anything to be just like them. Unfortunately the person I look up to in that nature isn't a close family member; chances are I'll never meet her in my life. But, it's nice to have that one person. This is a great piece; it was a really nice way to display who you are as a person, what you consider success to be, and what you see in your future. Great job.

  2. I can certainly see why you look up to your cousin. It was neat to learn about a lawyer who enjoys their` profession for reasons other than money and fame. Your description of Shivonne's genuine desire to help others reminded me of the saying, "If you love your job, you'll never work a day in you life." For her, a day of work is an opportunity to assist those around her. I admire her viewpoint on her profession and I think it is great that you have her to turn to for guidance. She sounds like an amazing woman and I'm glad you gave us the chance to briefly look into her life.

    -Christina Tapia

  3. Shivonne's dedication and determination to become a lawyer is inspiring for many people. To become a lawyer takes many years of rigorous schooling, as you mentioned she attended the prestigious schools of UCLA and Georgetown, along with choosing to make difficult sacrifices to stay in school and be successful. Not only is your cousin a good role model due to her success, but also because of her caring nature. If she had the choice to start over, she would help kids or work for a nonprofit organization. This is a selfless act that is very admirable and inspirational, two outstanding traits that any person would be proud to have.

    Alyssa Anderson

  4. This was different from the other stories I read this month and I liked the change. It is always nice to hear stories about people achieving their goals and making it in life! Writing her story in chronological order made me feel like she was telling me the story herself and it was easier to realize why her story is so inspiring to you. This was a really uplifting and encouraging story!

  5. wow she really is successful, i have always thought about becoming a lawyer and I have dreamed to go to UCLA as well! great story wonderful interview. - Felisa Monroy

  6. The different characteristics she embodies are ones that we should all strive to achieve, she had the drive and willingness to go out into the world get work done and achieve her dreams. Shivonne's attitude towards her career is a great one, and from this interview you can tell that she's always looking ahead to better things, things that make her happy. The fact that she achieved a dream of hers and continues to dream is really admirable and she sounds like an awesome role model.

  7. I liked how you asked questions and then answered them as to why exactly you look up to her. I can specifically relate to this because I want to be a lawyer and this shows what it takes to do so

  8. Your piece was very interesting and enjoyable. I liked how you talked about Shivonne’s journey to having to complete school in UCLA to become a successful lawyer. I appreciated the details you included about her job, but I thought your piece could have been more powerful if you added the journey Shivonne had to endure to become a lawyer and what qualities helped her get through. Also just as a tip, be aware of your word phrasing because sometimes things seemed a little awkward. Also, remember to capitalize your first word in your quotes. Overall, it was a good piece!

  9. That is so great that you have a role model within your family. Your admiration and respect for your cousin, Shivonne is evident. Thank you for sharing her success story! After reading your piece, she inspires me as well. :)


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