
Blog Info

Welcome to English!!

If you're looking for handout information, homework due dates, etc., all of that information can be found on School Loop, either on the calendar for this class, or in the class locker.  You should get in the habit of going there often.

This blog is really our class literary magazine.  I'm really looking forward to seeing your work here this year.  Remember, you'll be required to submit one piece of writing by your assigned due date, but I'd LOVE to see other examples of your work here as well.  Do you write poetry?  Songs? Short (flash fiction style short) stories?   Submit them!  As long as they meet the content guidelines (standard for campus), we're good.  Submissions should be sent to!

Don't forget!  You also have a role as a reader! :

Be sure to leave some comments for the authors (comments will not appear until after I've approved them, so don't panic if they don't show up right away).  Comments should be specific to the piece, and full of positive encouragement.

Note:  Comments cannot be anonymous.  Be sure to identify yourself with your first name and last initial.  Anonymous comments will be rejected, and couldn't be given credit anyway (how would I know who you are?)

1 comment:

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Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)