
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

"Summery Over" by Roman O


It was the summer of 2024, and as the break approached, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I rushed to my friends, eager to make plans for the upcoming vacation. While the sultriness of the sun beat down on me, one of my friends, Jane, called out, “Hey, Roman! Are you free to come to my graduation party?” she exclaimed. Although I didn’t know Jane very well, I eagerly agreed, it was my final chance to say goodbye to all my upper classmates. She handed me the invitation with an excited smile, and the date was set for two days after finals, the first Saturday of my long, awaited summer break.

The days leading up to the party were filled with the grueling pressure of finals, but my mind was constantly focused on the event. As the stress of exams began to fade, my anticipation for the party grew. Finally, the day arrived, and I was both excited and anxious. What was I supposed to wear? What should I bring? What would I do when I got there? Though I knew a lot of people who would be attending, I couldn’t shake the feeling of confused uncertainty.

In the end, I accepted the fact that I couldn’t prepare for every possible scenario, so I threw on some clothes and rushed out the door. It was my first time driving to this area, and although the journey was short, I became increasingly nervous as I got closer. The address on the invitation led me to a reasonably sizable house, and I arrived too early. Panicked at the thought of being the first person to show up, I began calling my friends, desperate to know when they would be arriving. They reassured me that they would be there soon.

Once the party began, I found myself feeling overwhelmed. The booming bass and the hum of mumble rap created discomfort in my ears, and familiar faces started to fill the rooms. Seniors arrived one after another, crowding the space. I spotted John, a close friend of mine from statistics class, and we retreated to a quieter corner to play board games and card games away from the chaos.

As more people arrived and the sun began to set, John, a few other friends, and I decided to play some sports outside. Meanwhile, the mood inside shifted. College students began filling the rooms, the drinks flowed freely, and the noise grew louder. Eventually, we returned indoors, and I couldn’t help but notice a stark contrast between the party’s earlier lightheartedness and the scene that unfolded before me. The smartest students I knew, the ones who had ranked among the top of their class, were now clashing drinks. The music blared relentlessly, and the atmosphere became nauseating.

A pungent smell filled the air, something green, I couldn’t quite place. I stepped outside for some fresh air, but the odor grew stronger, nearly dizzying. I saw a small group of students, Ashtrays and green substances littered the coffee table they sat by. Soon, the scent became overwhelming. Disturbed, and I returned to the house. The music, while still loud, felt strangely comforting compared to the chaos outside.

As the night wore on, the party became more chaotic. The host began bringing out red cups and ping pong balls, and the cheers of celebration filled the air. It was surreal, some of the people I regarded with the highest respect, students I admired for their intelligence and achievements, were now partying in ways I had never imagined. The house seemed to pulse with energy. Screams, laughter, and shouts echoed everywhere. Large groups of intoxicated teens were endlessly roaming the rooms for space. As I walked through the house, I saw students slumped over on couches, others lying unconscious on the floor. The party was clearly winding down, Jane, barely able to stand, muttered something about it getting late. I soon understood it was time to leave. As my friends and I began to leave, the noise quieted, and the house began to settle into a peaceful silence.

The ride home gave me plenty of time to reflect, thinking about the people I respected the most, the smartest students I had always admired for their intellect and achievements, now engaging in behaviors I could never have imagined. This experience made me question the way I viewed others. I realized that there’s much more to people than just the way they present themselves in public. People are complex, and everyone has different sides to their personality that might not be immediately visible.


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