
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

"Echoes of Change: Dr. Yousef Sadiq" By Sahar S



This profile is based on Dr. Yousuf Sadiq, a dedicated member of the medical community, with over fifty years of experience, who has devoted his entire life to his practice and those in need of medical care. While others regard him as a sophisticated individual, I have viewed him as a guiding figure. He is technically my great-uncle, but I view him as a grandfather. My grandfather, Ismael Sadiq, passed away when I was young, and my great-uncle (my grandfather’s brother) ensured that I would never feel the void of that loss. I can personally attest to Dr. Sadiq’s commitment to not only his family but his community and patients.


Early Life & Background

Dr. Sadiq was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1949, where his passion for medicine was initially ignited. The war-torn country was not an ideal place for children to grow up. After witnessing tragic events occur to his peers, Dr. Sadiq concluded that the life he wanted to lead would be one to help others, not one steeped in harm and violence.

Originally, my grandfather and great-uncle were drafted into the Afghanistan army, and the two were willing to fight for their country, unaware of the great consequences that were to come. This experience was the motivation behind studying medicine. Dr. Sadiq explains that on the battlefield, his brother went out of his way multiple times to protect him, and Dr. Sadiq said that he never felt more helpless. Thankfully, both brothers were able to come home safe however unbeknownst to them, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. This course of events weighed on my great-uncle’s heart. This was the final push that encouraged his journey toward improving the lives of others.

Soon, he pursued education at the Avicenna State Medical Institute of Kabul and got married in the process. He had moved out of the house of my grandfather, but would consistently come to check on the health of my grandmother. Eventually, my grandmother had to go abroad to receive the necessary aid as she needed a specialized physician; This surgery saved her life, which reinforced his belief in the transformative power of medicine. Dr. Sadiq explains, “There is no career that resonates with me the way medicine does; This is not just a job, this is my passion.”



Although Dr. Sadiq completed medical school, it was not an easy path. He had switched careers twice, once as a banker and then as an educator. However, his second career was over when he got drafted into the Afghanistan army. As explained above, there were many struggles when returning from war, not only the declining health of many family members but also the constant PTSD and dissatisfaction with life.

The Avicenna State Medical Institute of Kabul was a difficult school to get into. He had to pool money together and borrow loans, this grueling task was a major setback in Dr. Sadiq's life. During this time, he lived with my grandfather and grandmother; They happily took care of him and provided a space in their home until he decided to move out and get married himself. Dr. Sadiq says the many years of suffering finally proved to pay off; There was no greater experience than receiving his white coat.



One of Dr. Sadiq’s biggest accomplishments lies in his practice which is located in Rialto, California. This institution has served patients in the Inland Empire for over forty years. Through his dedication and expertise, he can provide quality care to all patients, regardless of their limitations. He has admitted that he has provided his skills to many members of the community who lack proper insurance, free of charge. While this could be controversial, he has always been an advocate for access to healthcare services, as all individuals deserve to know of their current state of health and solutions to take care of themselves.

Additionally, Dr. Sadiq has mentored many young medical professionals. He describes how mentoring others is ideal for him; It combines his love for teaching and passion for helping others. This combination paves the way for other individuals in the healthcare field to continue the legacy of providing care to our community. By relating to the struggles of many individuals in our community, he can come from a place of understanding and influence young medical professionals to continue pursuing such a fulfilling career in healthcare.

Furthermore, Dr. Sadiq’s advocacy for healthcare accessibility has led to his many charitable endeavors. While most of his donations are international, many are aimed at improving the Inland Empire. He has and will continue to support both the UC Los Angeles School of Medicine and the UC Riverside School of Medicine as the schools align with his value of improving healthcare access and medical education. Dr. Sadiq says, “These donations are an investment. They will ensure future doctors do not have to worry about the financial burden of schooling as much as I had to.” It is clear to see that his unwavering commitment to medicine reflects the values of an individual who cares for the well-being of his community.



Overall, Dr. Sadiq has left a legacy behind, internationally and locally. Through his decades of service, he has worked tirelessly to improve the well-being of countless individuals. His direct involvement and donations in the medical field have played a vital role in enhancing the Inland Empire’s healthcare landscape. Dr. Sadiq’s qualities of compassion, resilience, and dedication will forever serve as a testament to the selfless service one person can provide for entire communities.


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