
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"In a Good Way" by Hanry G


Love: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties


The word Love can be interpreted as the stereotypical definition; their affection for their significant other. In other words, love can mean they find interest in a particular subject or tend to enjoy the matter to an elevated extent. But in my situation, the definition was expressed differently.

When asked about the term love, I referred to the relationship between me and my family. Of course, at a young age I believed that was the broad meaning of love but as time gradually progressed; the term began to broaden in definition. I realized that the emotion my parents portrayed and released was unconditional, almost artificial. I’m not saying their ways of expressing the emotion were negative. They are the best parents I can ask for in the world. However, it just felt like something was missing and the definition wasn’t completed. I went on with life and experienced new things, trying new food, and hobbies, and meeting new friends. I loved secluding myself in this environment and it felt nice but it still felt incomplete. Fast forward to the beginning of high school, I began to search for an interest and a passion. Experiencing these four years has led to the greatest memories in my life and the realization of the term love.

I encountered a variety of people, ranging from individuals who weren’t fit for my niche or classmates that I befriended because they made the time go by quicker than usual. But my whole perspective changed when I encountered this particular woman, “A”. Now this girl, was a bundle of what love is classified to be. Love finally felt evident and real for the first time. Usually, love is used in sentences but the way I felt was far more than words can describe. It felt ecstatic and surreal, every moment and time feeling so slow, yet so fast. Love felt comfortable and open, not narrow like a tunnel; but free and breathable like an open road. “A” showed me both sides of love, the negative and the positives. Yet, even if it came with the negatives; I still experienced the joy and emotion because it felt realistic. That’s what love is, realistic and unartificial. I finally felt the comfortability with another human being, whom isn’t related to me by blood but by soul. Love was no longer a confusing and misunderstood term, a term that I thought was the correct meaning growing up as a child. It’s interesting knowing the world and even school wasn’t able to teach me something so simple and minimal, yet brought a significant impact to my existence.

Now if someone currently asks me what the definition of the word Love means. I can finally give a precise and accurate definition. I not only would describe the word or saying of the phrase. But I would dissect and dive deep into the individual who gave me the feeling from the beginning. Love: The emotion we humans feel, when we finally receive acceptance and cherishment, despite what enfolds in our past and present.






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