
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"New Beginnings" by Lola B


The Oxford dictionary definition of beginning is “the point of time at which anything begins”. I think of it as an opportunity. The opportunity to start over and expand my horizons. The opportunity to do what I’ve never done before and live life with no regrets. While everything must come to an end someday, that means the start of a new beginning. I know and have personally experienced how new beginnings bring upon personal growth, unique experiences, and room for change.

It can be difficult for one to make room for change in one’s life, which often leads to a fear of the unknown. Many people would rather stick to their accustomed routine than start a new chapter in their life. I could relate to this nearly 4 years ago when I started high school. The thought of starting over as the youngest grade in the school, in a new environment, with so many new faces scared me. However, my perspective completely changed once I started school here at Etiwanda High School. I didn’t think this experience would compare to my good times in middle school, but I was proven wrong once I met new people, experienced new surroundings, and grew to enjoy my time here. Since then, I’ve made so many more connections and have learned so much from this school. My high school experience has been consistently positive and fun, and if I never underwent this new beginning I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. This adventure has proven that facing change head-on is the first step in one’s new beginning.

Once one finally comes to accept the change in their life, they can prepare for the thrill and excitement of embarking on a new beginning. Many of us high school seniors are preparing for our new beginnings after we graduate high school. No matter where we’re going, what we’re doing, or what’s staying the same, a new chapter of our lives will begin after graduation. While saying goodbye to this chapter of our lives won’t be easy, the beginning of this next chapter will urge us to move forward. As we all go on our own paths, we will undergo the beginning of adulthood. For me, this new beginning will be especially hard to accept as I reminisce about my time in grade school and watch this time come to an end. It’s hard to believe that I’m ready to move on into the real world and start this new chapter in my life. With the help of my previous experiences and exposure, I will face yet another new beginning with confidence and excitement.

Throughout one’s life, one will face change, opportunities, experiences, and possibilities. Without these aspects, life wouldn’t be nearly as exciting or worthwhile. Instead of fearing the beginning of something new, face it with the knowledge that your life is about to change for the better. Face it with the knowledge that you have countless more beginnings to embrace and explore. Essentially, a new beginning is a fresh start for one to live life to the fullest.




Work Cited

Oxford Languages. “Oxford English Dictionary.” Accessed 13 March 2024.


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