
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

“Lovers Love” - Sahadev P

Love. The most sought out thing in the world. Some may say it's even the hardest thing to find in the world. According to Marriam Webster's dictionary “Love” is defined as “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties”. Although this is the definition that is imprinted in books, love comes in all different forms, shapes, and sizes. I have heard of stories about people finding love in lust yet also people finding love in the little things like presents. I have also heard that you can only love just one person. I even heard of people searching for love all their life and never finding it, but me, I got lucky and found love in the twelfth grade.


Although love may be confusing for teenagers and it may be just a word that they throw around, I know what I feel this time. I have gone through many hardships and many different stages of life and dilemmas so that I have matured enough to realize what love is. I have found love in my girlfriend. She is everything I have ever wanted and more. True love. The kind of love where I trust her to do anything and trust and know that she only wants the best for me. Yet I also love her so much that I want nothing but the best for her. She is my girlfriend and best friend. I have both love for her.


            This year has taught me so much about myself and the people I surround myself with. For me love comes in different forms. I believe you can love different people but in different ways. I said previously how I have both love for my girlfriend because I have the love for her as my significant other but also the love for her as my best friend. One person I love very dearly in my heart in the best friend way is Ian Moon. We have been through thick and thin together. We first started off as not even being friends and thinking we both hated each other. To becoming closer than ever our senior year. We have told each other our deepest most darkest secrets and have cried to each other about our most hardest hardships. He is my best friend because of the bond we have built over these things, because of what we have been through I would do anything for him and I have a certain kind of love in my heart for him, now and forever.


            For love in my life it only stops at 3 forms. My significant other, best friends, and family. I have so much love for my family but it does not compare to the others. Family love to me is very hard. This is because of all the hardships we have been through together and that they have put me through. I don’t feel too comfortable going into depth but my love for my family is hard because of past events and it's hard to love certain family members because of how they have acted or what they have done. Although at the end of the day I still have that love for them because they are still my family.


            Though love is so sought out and so desirable no one ever realizes it's there right in front of them. Sometimes all you need to do is take time and stop for a second to think about all that you have and to think about who and what you truly love. The most important part about loving though is that you must love yourself in order to love others. The hardest step in loving is loving yourself, but it is something that anyone can overcome. There is no definition to love so you make your own definition. Love the way you want to love. Love has no label. Love triumphs all

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