
Thursday, February 22, 2024

"It’s Always Funny Until It’s You" by Jacob W

“It’s always funny until it’s you”

That’s what my friend told me as we walked past a couple cuddling on the bench outside of Victoria Gardens, I just laughed at them. He himself had a girlfriend, they’d constantly fight and many days he would show up to practice visibly distressed after a dispute with her. What would give it away the most was how hard he laid his cleat into your ankle out of frustration. With a size 10 cleat imprint on my right ankle I thought to myself that I would never put myself in that position, to have my emotions manipulated by another person. Besides, everyone around me always said “Focus on school, focus on soccer, girls are a distraction”. But I always felt a little bit empty chasing those two things. It almost felt silly to think that’s all that I had.

That night I FaceTimed her as I usually did. She had been my best friend for years at this point and we’d call almost every night. Only time we’d stop is when she got a boyfriend, and out of what I thought was respect I’d stick to myself. Those were always the loneliest times because she was the only one I’d ever confide in. She always managed to make me feel heard, whether it was something important like family drama or something futile like my favorite soccer team winning. We talked about our days, any updates on people we were talking to, and the main event of the week which would be our junior homecoming. I still hadn’t decided whether or not I wanted to go but the desire to have a “normal high school experience” was reinforced by my mom and friends. They didn’t take into account the year before where my date had embarrassingly abandoned me at the dance, just another reason not to entertain the idea of a girlfriend.

I talked to her and she offered for me to come with her and her friends. Eventually I came to the decision to take upon her offer. I rushed home from my game that day and threw on my dark blue shirt and black slacks, the uniform that would hopefully keep me camouflaged in the rest of the crowd tonight. The night started out normal as we just went to dinner and headed to the school. As soon as we stepped into the gym it turned into a scene from La La Land. Bright lights barely illuminate the faces of many of my classmates. The smell of sweat from the freshman in the mosh pit and the sound of Mr.WorldWide echoed off the walls. A sudden change of music led me to her.  In the middle of the dance floor her eyes locked with mine, the light from the moon turning her brown eyes into a fiery orange. Every slow song that came on made me think that, if by any miracle, we just might kiss. We danced all night until they told us to leave. I led her by my hand as we pranced out of the gym like little kids, giggling and smiling. I’m surprised she didn’t let go in disgust because of how sweaty my palms were from my inevitable nervousness.

We went with the original group we came with to a bowling alley. Everyone else was near sleeping while she and I played in the arcade just becoming more energetic as the night progressed. I attempted to establish my dominance in every game we played trying to impress her. She just laughed, I’m pretty sure she let me win.

The party bus finally arrived to take us home. That’s when we crashed, slow music playing, everyone had their eyes closed except me. We were about twenty minutes away when she put her head on my shoulder. Suddenly a burning sensation in my heart was aroused and we became those two people on the bench. It was that moment that I understood exactly what my friend meant. After years of what I tried to play off as “just friends” was, without warning, turning into something greater than I could’ve ever imagined.

Eventually I made her my girlfriend. What I prayed many nights for was finally answered, no more loneliness. She became my other half. Now even when I’m sad I don’t feel lonely. Getting to live out a fairytale with her is something I never could’ve fathomed.

Today we sat outside of the school, holding hands and cuddling. Kids walk past and stare and I wish they will find out that “It’s always funny until it’s you”.

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