
Thursday, February 22, 2024

" The Impact of a Teacher" by Avery B

As a child, I always looked forward to the first day of school. It was not because of the materialistic things you desire in childhood like a new outfit, backpack, or school supplies. For me, it was always about getting to meet my teacher. Every year brought a new teacher with their own unique style and personality, and I cherished the opportunity to develop special bonds with each of them. It wasn't until I was older that I was truly able to recognize their impact that they had on me.

In the first grade, I transferred from a large public elementary school, to a much smaller, private charter school, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and unsure. As a new student meeting my teacher before the other students allowed me to form an instant connection that reassured me amidst such a scary change. When I struggled to find a friend, she was there, inviting me to eat with her until I found my footing. This small gesture made a big impact, and fostered a sense of safety and inclusion in this new school, which built up confidence within me. Though there was no obligation for her to sacrifice her lunch for me, she chose to enhance my experience, which is a memory I will cherish.

In the 4th grade, my teacher was in her first year of teaching. I watched her adaptability as she adjusted her curriculum to fit our needs. Which demonstrates the necessary fluidity that comes with teaching. Witnessing her successes and failures was inspiring, and I watched her grow into a better teacher. Our connection remained strong, even eight years later, which is a testament to the lasting impact of a devoted teacher.

This year,  I formed a new connection with a teacher after initially struggling in his class. My perspective shifted when I realized his passion and genuine care for his students. He goes beyond teaching us about the subject, by engaging in conversations with us about our lives and future goals. This new appreciation for the subject stems from his dedication to connecting with his students on a personal level, which is a quality that truly defines an amazing teacher. I have a new appreciation for the subject that I never had before.

These stories are just a few examples of the incredible ways a teacher will go above and beyond for their students. Being a teacher entails not only shaping young minds, but also being there for them in the good and bad times, creating lasting memories and truly making the classroom an oasis for learning.

            Each teacher along the way planted a new seed that fueled my passion to become a teacher. However, my personal journey towards becoming a teacher began in 6th grade when I joined my church's volunteer program. Students grades 6-12 can volunteer to engage with kids during service. In my first year I helped with 2 year-olds while under the guidance of a plethora of adult leaders. Despite being the youngest and least experienced, I felt empowered by the opportunity to be a role model for these children. By 8th grade, I had transitioned to the 4 and   5-year-olds class. It was in this time that I was able to truly develop genuine relationships with these children, challenging myself to adapt my previous learning techniques to suit their age group. Over the next two years, I grew comfortable in this role.

An opportunity arose which allowed me to make a final transition to working with elementary kids, encompassing grades kindergarten through second. I was hesitant to leave the familiar setting, however, this change made me happier than ever. I truly felt this age group was where I belonged. This change allowed me to fully commit myself to my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher!

Now, after three years with the kinder through second graders, I have transformed from a 6th grader with no experience into a 7-year volunteer and part-time employee of my church who has developed a deep love for teaching children. I can confidently say that teaching is my calling in life. My hope is to take everything I have learned from these experiences along with my previous teachers' modeling, and share them with my classroom in the future. The first day of school will always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the teachers who helped shape me into the person I am today.


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