
Monday, January 22, 2024

"The Essence of Happiness " by Zoran D


According to “Oxford Languages”, the definition of happiness is, “the state of being happy” But I think that there is more and a deeper meaning to it. My view is that happiness is a difficult yet pleasing concept, which holds an important place in our lives. As we go on our journey in life, to find this joy it’s important to break down what happiness is and the idea behind it. The pursuit of happiness is an age-old endeavor that goes beyond social, cultural and individual boundaries. Just last summer, I took a trip to Hawaii, and visited the big islands which was a very relaxing experience. It made me realize that happiness isn’t just materialistic things but having your own peace which makes you rich in happiness, the relaxing beaches, beautiful sunsets, and the simple people. Their joy stemmed not from material wealth but from shared moments, communal harmony, and a connection with nature. According to an article from Harvard Business Review, “Happiness is being able to ride the wave of every emotion that life throws at you, knowing that you can come out the other side just a little better than what you were before because you have the skills (focus, courage, curiosity), the resources (a positive mindset), and the support structure (a community) to make that happen.” This is what people should realize that no matter what little progress you make there is always something to be appreciative about. A quote from Aristotle states,” Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” But “Happiness” should not be an end goal, but it is something that should linger in one's mind. Although being happy 24/7 is not only impossible, it is also unhealthy. Life’s unexpected and complex nature involves a large spectrum of emotions and it is normal to experience ups and downs in life, it’s how you treat it afterwards and the mentality you have which makes up for it. Happiness should acknowledge challenges, setbacks, and even moments of sorrow. Which are important components of the human experience. Happiness does not exist in isolation but balances with sadness, pain, and resilience. The depth of joy is better understood when looked at in contrast to the setting of life's challenges, making the nature of happiness inseparable from the huge scale of human emotions. Happiness is a perfect harmony of positive emotions, a sense of purpose, and an appreciation for life's natural beauty. It is a dynamic balance that evolves with personal growth and self-discovery. As individuals navigate their unique paths, the concept of happiness calls them to seek fulfillment in meaningful connections, self-expression, and the pursuit of a life which is aligned with their values. It is in this ongoing exploration of one’s self, that is where people truly find happiness.The pursuit of happiness is a lifelong journey that requires self analysis, societal engagement, and a commitment to values that go beyond our thinking. As we reflect on our own pursuit, we shall embrace the complexity of happiness and strive to create a world where the pursuit is not an individual journey but a collective aspiration for us all.







Works Cited

“What You Were Taught about ‘Happiness’ Isn’t True.” Harvard Business Review, 11 Oct. 2021,

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