
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Where is Happiness?" by Christian T

            Where does happiness come from? Do we get a dopamine rush? Or do we just have a “feel good” experience? What explains happiness? Does it always come from positive experiences or can happiness come from depression and negativity? Happiness can not be derived in a certain way. Not everybody can experience happiness the same. Some people take the bad and make the most of it while others soak and moan about negativity. But what really fuels happiness? From an article by Gregg Vanourek, What Leads to Happiness, “having acts of kindness, purpose, and meaning to life, and a strong social life are the leading causes of happiness.” But are these the only causes of happiness? Happiness is more than what has been stated. It comes from the inside and your mental intuitions. Just because someone has more money, more popularity, or more girlfriends than you does not mean he is happier than you can be. Happiness comes from inside and being at peace with yourself and the situations you are in. If you always chase a high you will never experience true happiness. You must enjoy what you have, enjoy your route, and enjoy your pace of life because nobody experiences life the same. And you can not have outside influences affect your view of happiness. Such as social media and popular icons. People strive to have what they want and do what they do. But are they truly happy? You must find happiness through experiences and living life to the fullest. Find something that makes you feel good. This is true happiness. Not material goods and popularity, but finding deep inside you what makes you “you.”

            Why does happiness never have a concrete answer? Nobody can explain your own personal feeling of happiness. Nobody can ever influence your ideas and change your thoughts because those are self-liberties that we are all born with. Having outside impacts change your perspective on life can either bring you down or get you up. In Lisa Firestone's blog about 5 Reasons We Don’t Let Ourselves Be Happy, she states, “If we fall in love, we start making excuses to pull away. And if we succeed in one area, we find ourselves sabotaging ourselves in another. When these instances occur, we often tend to blame circumstances or sheer bad luck. In reality, we are all—to varying degrees—intolerant of our own happiness.” Why is it that when we finally find happiness we let go of another part of ourselves? We lose an old piece of our puzzle that we wish to have back. Maybe that is the reason for happiness. We as humans will always chase new forms of happiness after completing milestones. This chase is what makes us have a reason to live. Imagine a life where you are perfectly happy. What happens after? We will sooner or later be bored of the happiness we possess. We will aim for new goals to reach new happiness. Happiness is sort of a dopamine response in your brain. We chase it like a drug. So, we must find happiness not just in good scenarios, but we must understand that every moment we live no matter how good or bad it is will never be lived through again. Happiness is found within.,problems%20or%20despair%20of%20others.





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