
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Positive Effects of Selfishness" by Logan G


The word selfishness has come around to acquire a negative tone and meaning of the word, although this could be true, depending on context and true meaning this word doesn't need to mean anything negative of the sort. The definition of the word selfishness means the quality or condition of being selfish, selfishes meaning being “lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure”.The definition in itself already sets negative tone for what could end up being a positive word, rather then history’s take on selfishness as being a sin. Being selfish can actually end up being something healthy for oneself and the human mind.An antonym of selfishness, being “Altruism” is all about being selfless which could also be taking a direct opposite take of instead being a positive thing, ending up as something negative. Healthy selfishness is what inevitably turns this negative word around and makes it positive.


Healthy selfishness could also be considered as self love, we as humans are never taught to formally love ourselves, going through any sort of selfishness in turn helps us self teach ourselves self love whether in a good or bad way. Self love is extremely important for recognizing self worth and accepting yourself ultimately building a healthy self esteem.As long as context subdues a good reason this in turn provides. “Selfishness requires having a clear sense of one’s own needs and desires, paired with the belief that advocating for such is essentially a birthright—and in some measure, it can indeed be positive.”  This quote was written by Lia Avellino, and in itself perfectly explains a reason why selfishness would be positive. To thrive in a relationship you must first know what one wants in a relationship, with this you are forced to take a sense of selfishness.


Altruism is seen as a good positive effect on oneself, but inevitably Altruism can lead to some bad negative effects. Altruism can ultimately end up deteriorating one's views on themself leading to low self esteem and mental health. This undoubtedly is the complete opposite outcome of what would happen with healthy selfishness. Selfishness and Altruism is all built up of the mind and relating to mental health and how these two traits affect mental health in countless different ways, just as building a healthy lifestyle, or destroying one's own self worth.


            So while at the very least we have these two common words as antonyms this whole time we can in reality also see the effects of what they cause. For the reason of this being they both could lead to very similar effects, Of which toxic altruism can lead to no self worth and unhealthy mental health which could be the very same effects of a bad selfish mind. Healthy selfishness in the end leads to a built up self esteem and healthy mindset on yourself which is what altruism can also lead to. This therefore concludes the positive effects selfishness can have on someone and a brighter future they can have with said effects.

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