
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"abstract idea" by Natalie H


Describe yourself in one word. Think about it deeply. Is it even possible? At first glance, the task seems deceptively simple- a single word to define the entirety of a person. Defining oneself in a single word might not seem difficult. But, attempting to encapsulate a lifetime of experiences and complexities is much more challenging than you might believe. It happens to be not an existing description that belongs to yourself with the exception of rather an existing pathway to deeper personal understanding.


I grew up mainly by myself. I have no special talent, no hobbies, no close family. I wasn't a prodigy at birth, no special attributes, and I live life purposelessly. I am confident, however, in excelling in whatever I put my attention to. I would say I am pretty universal. But does that mean I'm worth anything? What can I provide but my time and youth? What about someone that is medically diagnosed as brain dead or someone in a coma? How is worth even determined?


Merriam Webster Dictionary defines self worth as “a sense of one's own value as a human being.” I can't say I value myself but does that make me worthless? I believe your worth is determined by your dedication to your everyday life. From waking up in the morning and getting out of bed to attending class and interacting with others. I don't think worth lies in grades or materialistic things. Defining your worth based on the criticisms of others is pointless. Everybody that tries is deserving of worth.


My previous caretakers believed that worth equals value. “What can you put on the table?”, kind of ideology. This kind of belief is more common than you might think. Each and every living breathing individual has worth. Some are less deserving than others but all equally inclined to live on this planet.


My definition of self worth changes every day. Worth itself is a fluid concept. A loose grip on one's worth does not render one inherently worthless. However it does show the human capacity for self growth. If you were able to answer my initial question then you're already halfway there.


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