
Friday, March 24, 2023

"Visiting the Holy Land " by Alyssa M


   I just recently took a two week pilgrimage throughout Israel to explore the biblical history found within God's promised land and it changed my life. Not only did I get the opportunity to experience new cultures but it allowed me to grow a deeper connection with my faith than I ever have before. Visiting sites like the Jordan River brought the Bible to life for me and seeing the remains of first century buildings like the second temple and southern steps where Jesus walked was breathtaking.

       So much history is packed into this country but my favorite piece was the Mount of Olives/ Garden of Gethsemane. This is where Jesus overlooked the City of Jerusalem and wept for his people. The Garden is where He prayed and expressed His fear to God before being arrested. Seeing the site where Jesus expressed humanity allowed me to understand the depth of His sacrifice.Not only does the country hold historical significance but also future significance. Megiddo, a city which stands upon 30 other layers of previous destroyed civilizations overlooks the field where us Christians believe the biblical Battle of Armageddon will take place at the end of the tribulation period.I realized that although I  may never be able to go back to Israel in my lifetime , I know that one day I will be back on that field with Jesus; that’s insane !!! It was so amazing to hear the stories each and every place had to tell.

   The most emotionally impacting part of my trip was getting baptized in the Jordan River. Baptism signifies cleansing past transgression and surrendering to Christ in order for Him to work through you. Jesus was also baptized here by John the Baptist in His early years of ministry. I felt so extremely connected to Christ in that moment. Expressing humility by surrendering all my struggles to the Lord was incredibly freeing! Knowing that Jesus also expressed the same humility when being baptized made the experience deeply personal and strengthened my personal relationship with Him.

  My favorite part besides the biblical connections was  experiencing the distinctly different cultures and lifestyles all packed into one small country. As an example , the Arabs are beautifully hospitable and welcoming. While shopping in Old City Jerusalem an older gentleman name Abraham showed me where I can find the most authentic and homemade olive oil. Later in the trip I  revisited a shop owned by a mother and her two daughters and they welcomed us by sharing their authentic lunch with us and showing us the customary way of eating. It was the best food I had on the whole trip! Small and seemingly insignificant details like these made me fall in love with the culture and customs.


Israel also holds a very strong political point. As an American , I have never had to worry about being in any immediate wars or danger which isn’t the case for The Israeli people. Israel is in a continuous state of war with their bordering countries Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Visiting the Golan Heights which overlooks the Syrian  border , and Tel Dan which faces the mountains of Lebanon puts into perspective how quickly their homes and lives can be disrupted. Israel is less than 100 years old and has experienced more wars than America which is over 200 years old. Their continual fight for freedom has given them such a deep love for their land and their people. We spoke with a retired tour guide on the hills of the Golan Heights named Oded who said “ When just  one Israeli solider dies the whole country mourns”. If you were unaware every Israeli citizen is required to serve at least 4 years in the military (both men and women). The starting service age was 15 until recently it was changed to 18. Hearing this individual citizen’s contribution to protecting their home showed me that their Patriotism is Unrivaled and inspiring.


This trip has changed my life and I  can definitely say that I have popped my “American Bubble” and  developed a deep sense of sympathy and respect for Israel and every other country that experiences similar persecution. As a believer I have never been more confident in my decision to choose Christ as He chose me. The evidence of Christ’s sacrifice and love for humanity is in every brick and stone of Israel. Regardless of your religion or viewpoints I highly encourage each and every one of you to visit Israel and educate yourself on the rich history and have fun experiencing the culture of the Israeli people !


Thank you for letting me share this experience with all of you , God Bless!!




















View Of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives


























The Jordan River 



























Old City Jerusalem 



























 The Temple Mount

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