
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

"The Hunter’s Nightmare" by Lucas P

THE NIGHT was long and dreadful, and the skies were dark and dull. I was rummaging through the forest, just as any night for me, when my prey had stalked its way into my sight once again. I quickly pulled out my arbalest and began to focus on my target. Seeing it rampage towards the village, frothing at the mouth, fur blasted back from its high velocities, it was enough to make any sane man’s skin crawl. I hesitated no longer, and the trigger was pulled. A blood curdling screech was let out. Muttering to myself, I whispered, “Vile beast”. I began to track down the carcass, following the scent of the wildest animal and the spilt blood. It was certain, the town was rid of another werewolf. Its body shifted back in front of my eyes. “Damn it, Henry. ‘Tis a shame, he was a good, righteous man.”

            I began my trek home, through the marsh and under the bridge, surrounded by only the night sky and the beasts that lay dormant through the night. At last, I had reached my humble cottage, home to my one and only, Catherine. She promised to always await my arrival upon the night, always restless to see if I would make it home. When she heard my faint footsteps creeping along the pathway, she reflexively greeted me at the door.

            “Oh, thank goodness, my love!” she exclaimed as she tightly wound myself within her arms, “It’s a late night for you, I had grown worried for the worst,” She cried.

            I calmed her, “Worry not, my Catherine, for I prevail once again,” Having a moment to share with my love, I added, “Have you mustered up some supper for myself?”

            “Why, of course I have!” She attested, “It may have grown cold by now, I fear. A loaf and a bowl of pottage, just for you.” She went to the oven to grab the meal. I thought to myself, ‘Pottage? She never makes pottage’. Alas, I thought nothing of it, and I set all of my gear by the door, preparing to venture out again tomorrow. As she began to reapproach me, supper in hand, I noticed a small marking on her neck.

            “What’s that there, upon your neck? How has that appeared? When did this happen? Why haven’t you told me of this?” I questioned incessantly.

            “Sorry, what marking?” She started innocently, “I haven’t received any lashes of sorts, at least to the best of my knowledge.” She jokingly finished.

            If she wasn’t my love, I would’ve taken the shot right there. But I couldn’t. I knew that mark from miles away. I, better than anyone alive, can tell a lycan from a human. I recognized something was off, but thought nothing of it. Perhaps it truly was nothing. My love deserves my grace, as she has been only gracious to me as long as I’ve lived. I finally muttered, “Maybe I have been seeing things, it’s been a long day after all. Sincerest apologies, my pure one.” I affectionately said to her.
            That night, as I tossed and turned upon my mattress, I couldn’t shake the feeling I glimpsed earlier. I tightly shut my eyes, in an attempt to forget the moment, but nothing could alleviate the fear from my soul. I opened my eyes, and glanced to my right, looking for my beloved Catherine, sleeping peacefully. However, she was gone. I looked out of the small window from my chambers, and I began to tremble. “Full moon,” I whispered to myself. The doors were left swung wide open, and her clothes were left upon the floor, in rags. My worst fear had become a reality. My beloved, my pure Catherine had been desecrated. I immediately started up, assembling myself for the journey that lay ahead of me. My heart plunged further and further into my stomach, as I began to come to grips with exactly what was about to happen. I mantled my arbalest across my back, and began to head into the deep, horrifying forest, yet the enchanting night it lay in.

            I could faintly hear a beast across the land, and the footsteps matched the direction. I was certain. This is where my beloved had marched. I had only one hope, to stop her before she devours me or anyone else, for I could not handle the guilt of brutally assassinating my pure one. The calls became closer, and I grew more fearful as the night grew longer. It flashed in front of my eyes for a sliver of time. A beast. I knew what must be done. I readied the arbalest, and I eased my nerves. The moment it moved again, it was mine. ‘Three…two…’ and that was it. I took the shot. The lands echoed with a screech to rival a lightning strike and the clap of the thunder. I could barely take the idea. I managed to pull myself towards the scene. My eyes hadn’t deceived me, but I wish they had. No, it was as clear as the sun in the sky, and as pure as the day I had met her. My beautiful Catherine, slaughtered by mine own hands. I took my last breath, readied the arbalest, and pointed it into my own heart.

            “For you, my beloved,” I sang into the night.

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