
Monday, November 28, 2022

"Wanderer" by Abigayle A.


      My spirit was silenced again. My voice, yet again, ignored. Replaced with the soothing sounds and “encouraging” murmurs of the one who seeks to mutilate her mind. She follows him blindly, knowing not the mayhem he intends for her life. She follows, convinced he’ll bring her gratification. “This time will be different”, his forked tongue hisses into her innocent ear. She can hear my gentle promises ringing in her heart, yet she shudders at my tone and delights in the enchantments of his double bladed words. She suppresses my greatest efforts and succumbs to his seductive artistry.

      Moments after their meeting, he abandons her. Empty. Vulnerable. Distraught. She realizes instantaneously that she’s not only misjudged the situation but fallen into the depths of her emotions. Tears moisten her eyelashes. The salty droplets sting her lips. One by one, they spill out until her vision is blurred and her mind is silenced by the pounding of her head. Remorse. Guilt. Loneliness. Foolishness. She seeks his comfort but he’s nowhere to be found. She reaches out, waiting for her cries to be subdued by his presence but he laughs in the distance. Mocking her. Her tears symbolizing to him, his victory over her spirit. Just as quickly as he found her, he moves onto his next victim.

      Alone, she calls out to me and my spirit converges with hers within the thought of my name upon her heart. She closes her eyes and she can feel me, her Father, enveloping her into my arms. Her tears stain my breast. My scarred hands hold her firmly. She is my lamb, and I, hers. My innocent daughter, lured in and masticated by the cunning wolf. Yet my bruised hands heal the wounds of her soul, circumcise the deadness of her heart, and new flesh begins to yield anew. She cries out to me “Abba” and, I to her, “Daughter”. Our spirits intimately joined together again. As her ear presses against my chest, listening intently to my heartbeat, I whisper softly to her “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of him. For it is me who goes with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.” Hearing this, she breathes in deeply. As she exhales, the sight of me fades. She opens her eyes to find her vision restored. Her heart beats softer. Although her physicality has not changed, she feels as if the weight of one thousand pounds has been lifted from her chest.

      “Thank you Jesus.” she says aloud. I smile down at her from the Heavens. A smile she cannot see but feels eternally in her heart.


Author’s Note: I encourage you to read this again, now understanding that the story is told from God’s point of view about his precious child falling into the talons of Satan. Whether or not you believe this to be true, I pray you can appreciate the beauty of this story as the love of a father for his wandering daughter or any other way it can bless you.


“Surely I am coming quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

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