
Monday, November 28, 2022

"Consequences" by Ayat S

 Consequence is a noun—a result or effect of an action or condition.

Action is a noun as well. The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.

What one does not think about is the consequences of one’s action. How would that affect them? How would my actions affect another person?

As the darkness entered, sunrise never happened. She lived on with no other choice. She had a friend; She trusted Her. Her friend said, “We are in this together”. Where is that promise? What happened to Her? Her mind knew no right from wrong for she was in the darkness even on this bright and sunny day. Her mind was split.

She walked across the street, after waiting for the white light,  the shape of a man to appear. Her eyes gazed as She walked across the street, closely, watching..waiting …to attack. Waiting.

She is now screaming, she is left alone with nowhere to go. What happened to Her? After all, they went through together? Her not thinking of Her actions?  Her actions had consequences that She had to suffer. She saw them coming, but She could do nothing about it. How could She? Weren’t they supposed to be in it together? Forever?

After She was gone there was nothing that Her heart could do. She saw the flash of the car from the side, eyes dilating with pain. Legs buckling from the impact. She felt tossed like a rag doll being thrown across a room. Too late. The car hit, quickly, before She knew what was happening. The car kept going with them inside, not stopping to see She fell with closed eyes.

“What have you done?!!” She silently yelled into the night hoping the sound would reach Her. How could it be? She took shortened breaths with each burst of pain surging through every muscle. She looks up and sees Her, watching and waiting for Her to do something. But She watches Her do nothing, standing motionless under the blinking man.

She reaches out to Her, little strength left in the ruined body. But Her body stood there watching, silently.

“Where did She go?”, they all asked, Her mouth had no response, for Her body did not know where She had gone. For Her mind knew where She had gone but refused to speak it because

Her eyes had watched, and Her mind knew who did it. It was Her own darkness who caused it. Her own actions. And Her actions had consequences

Her eyes watched as She was slowly lifted, then put down six feet into the ground. Her eyes stared, watching as She was put in the grave. Was the void happy now?!

Remembering Her mother's words telling Her, “Remember, your actions have consequences”

Her actions had consequences and Her mind understood Her actions. This realization came too late for She was long gone buried, with all of the other dead bodies. Her breath faltered, Her sadness and loneliness descending upon Her. Her eyes teared up. Her ears could hear a distant ringing, getting louder and louder. Successfully taking Herself out of Her darkness. Her hands shook as she reached out for her phone. Shakily Her hands call Her friend.

“Sorry the person that you have dialed has not picked up, please try again at a later time”

Her mind spun in circles not understanding what is happening. Suddenly Her eyes shut, falling back. Unable to catch Herself falling, Her mind switched, from sunlight to midnight. Eyes opening. Crazy. Her mind was black for that is what caused her actions. But the void was not remorseful. With a crazy glint in Her eyes, Her legs walked until she reached the road. Where She was killed. “How beautiful is this sight,” The darkness said. A smile creeping across Her face.

Consequence is a noun - a result of an action or a condition

Action is a noun as well. The act or process of doing, to typically achieve an aim.


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