
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

"The Room" by Leo W


            The cold, dark room is filled with silence and despair. The air is thin and it reeks of paranoia. His footsteps echo through the halls and he wants to call for help but he knows no one will hear. He prays for any contact, any entity that can possibly hear him.

            He makes his way through the halls with a sequence of lefts and rights, but it feels endless. There is no way out.

            Chills come over him, causing the hairs on his neck to stand. He feels a presence.

“Hello?” He whispers with a shaky tone.

No response. He begins to panic. He’s all alone…or so he thought. The walls feel as if they are closing in and his heart beats like a drum.


In his mind he tries to compose himself but he can’t shake the feeling something is watching him. He feels a cold, dead gaze locked onto him.

He is frozen in fear. His fear is a burden…a weight. A weight not even a god could withstand. He knows.

He begins to pace the halls once more until he comes across a dead end. He feels as if he is hallucinating, as if it’s his paranoia.

“Hello?” He repeats, as his fear is consuming him alive.

At the end of the hall stands a shadowy figure, about 6 feet tall.

“There is no way out,” the entity repeats over and over in a ghastly, dead tone.

He is shaking, his heart practically beating out of his chest. He begins to back away slowly, making sure to not let his eyes off the creature.

He stops in his tracks. His blood runs cold…It’s gone. The sound of footsteps devours the silence.

“There is no way out,” the entity states once more, followed by silence.

The creature moves in silence as if it’s…hunting. The room begins to take up a foul aroma, the kind that makes one’s stomach turn.

He slowly turns around to come face to face with the creature. It’s glowing white eyes meeting his, followed by a blood curdling shriek. The shriek makes him cringe like nails on a chalkboard.

It’s endless, the sound continuously bounces off the walls. He feels as if his head is going to explode. He can’t take it anymore.

He evades the mysterious creature and notices a path leading to a room. He darts towards it. With caution, he slowly but wearily enters the cold, dark room. Nothing but him and his thoughts.

In his despair, he breaks the silence, “There is no way out”.

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