
Thursday, April 28, 2022

"El Alfajor Peruano" by Andrea R


Peruvian delicacies:










Ever since I was little, my grandma would always make alfajores for our family. Peruvian cuisine has always been a hit in the culinary world. Ranked as number 4 on the World’s 50 Best List, peruvian food hasn’t failed to satisfy people that try their delicacy. Today, I want to share with you one of their best and most traditional desserts, El Alfajor.


El Alfajor consists of two basic recipes,”El Manjar” and “La Galleta. “El Manjar” is the filling and “La Galleta” is the cookie.


The overall ingredients you will need are:


-       Store bought dulce de leche (1 can)


-       Ground cinnamon (¼ teaspoon)


-       Pinch of salt


-       1 ¾ cups of all purpose flour


-       ½ cup corn starch


-       ½ cup powdered sugar


-       ¼ teaspoon salt


-       1 cup of unsalted butter (room temperature)


-       2 teaspoons of vanilla extract


-       1 large egg yolk


-       Cookie cutter


*make sure all the dry ingredients except for the salt are sifted for easier mix*




-       In a medium sized bowl, mix the first three ingredients together until smooth, this is the filling.

-       Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare a cookie sheet.

-       In a medium sized bowl, the flour, corn starch, sugar, and salt will be mixed together and set aside for a little.

-       Slowly mix together all of the dry ingredients until combined


-       Once it is all combined, form dough into a ball and wrap with plastic wrap.


-       Place the wrapped ball into a fridge to chill for about an hour.


-       After an hour passes, remove plastic wrap and prepare the dough to roll it out gently.


-       Roll into a thin layer but not too thin, about ½ inch thick


-       Once dough is rolled, get a cookie cutter and stamp out as many bases as u can.


-       Place all cut out cookies into the cookie sheet.


-       Place in the oven for about 11-13 minutes until the cookies are golden but still pale.


-       Allow the cookies to cool for 10-15 minutes before filling them.


-       When filling the cookies, make sure you are being super gentle with the cookie since they are very delicate.

-       Finally, sift powdered sugar on top of cookies for the final detail of the alfajor.


-       Once the cookies are all laid out and filled, you may add coconut shavings to the sides, trust me, it's a game changer.


And that’s it! You’ve now made one of Peru’s most famous and delicious pastry cookies! Hope you enjoyed it and make sure to share this recipe with your friends and family so that they can also have a peruvian culinary experience.

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