
Thursday, February 24, 2022

"What is it like to attain Serenity?" by Nathaly R


When most people think of serenity they usually associate that with a location in which they can take deep breaths and find peace of mind. Perhaps they may even associate it with an object or a place warm and serene where all their troubles can fade away. Before continuing, let’s take a look at what exactly serenity means. According to the Oxford Language Dictionary, Serenity means “the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.” With such a subjective definition of serenity, it’s no wonder it can be applied differently to quite literally every individual on the planet. Many may not consider searching for serenity within themselves. For example, a mother may describe her serenity in a setting where she is free from the responsibilities of being a mother, and can solely focus on herself without any distractions or worries that come with children. On the other hand, there can be a mother who describes her serenity as the complete opposite of that, and only feels at peace when she is around her children and family, so she can ensure that they’re okay and their needs have been met. While both those circumstances sound irksome yet wholesome at the same time, they wouldn’t be my definition of serenity.

To me, serenity is a state in which both my body and mind are in complete harmony, healing and rejuvenating from the damage the act of simply living exhausts on my body. This means that I am capable of attaining serenity no matter where I am. The fact that I know I’m capable of feeling this way despite location brings me an even stronger sense of serenity, because I know it’s dependent on nothing other than my physical being. Now, applying serenity to a certain object, I find serenity by simply gazing at the moon. As cliché as it may sound, there’s some part of me that resonates deeply with that everlasting, celestial star. I find comfort in

knowing that we all exist under the same moon, and no matter the location, we can look up to the sky and have one thing that brings us together. She puts me in a state of tranquility when I’m feeling anxious or overwhelmed because it’s a constant reminder that I’m just a spec in the universe and shouldn’t be letting minor inconveniences consume me. Now as a teenager in high school, I find serenity in being in the presence of my friends, because those moments of laughter and chaos will always overshadow the challenges that may come with being a teenager, such as hormones and homework.

So while many may associate serenity to just one location, or one object, or one aspect of their life, I believe serenity is simply a state in which one’s mind, body, and soul have reached peak tranquility, therefore, allowing serenity to be manipulated to fit any and all circumstances. I stated a few occasions in which I attain serenity, which highlights how serenity can be anywhere, everywhere, or anything.










“Serenity English Definition and Meaning.” Lexico Dictionaries | English, Lexico Dictionaries,

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