
Thursday, February 24, 2022

"Inner Peace" by Kevin E



Peace as defined by the Oxford Languages dictionary is freedom from disturbance-- tranquility. It’s a feeling we strive for consciously and subconsciously in the midst of our chaotic journeys. Regardless of the decisions we make or the frames of mind we have, imbalance always finds a way to creep back into our lives. It’s in our nature.


So how are we supposed to achieve such personal equilibrium despite our lopsided essence? My answer to this question requires insight into a hobby of mine that's allowed me the most “peace” I can say I’ve experienced-- this hobby of mine being musical indulgence.


Three years ago I became infatuated with the sounds that the vibrating strings of a guitar could create. Correction: I was captivated with the concept of emotions being induced through our sense of hearing. From three years ago to now I began learning more guitar and started weaving the two ideas of sound and emotion together, coming to a realization that the peace I felt wasn’t coming from who I played for, or what I decided to play, but rather how doing so made me feel. Producing sounds that were harmonious translated into a harmony within myself. Hours at a time, I’d pair certain chords with each other and coat them with melodies to create music that invoked a strong sense of fulfillment within me. Repeating this process for several years helped define what peace meant to me and led to my notion that gaining peace is similar to creating music. My answer to my question is similar to my personal outlook on what music means to me and what I’ve learned from it as a concept. Just like the melodic nature of the notes in a particular chord, I believe that peace is most achievable when we resonate with ourselves, our minds, and our surroundings.


In the beginning of my entry I claimed that imbalance is inevitable regardless of the actions we take, and that we can expect our lives to go unexpectedly. We may try to live our lives in a particular way and defy what may be natural to us in hopes of being content. However, there will always be problems and obstacles that tilt the scale the other way, setting us back to our original states. To attain peace, it’s necessary that we don’t clash with our own thoughts, and instead we should carry ourselves with where they lead us naturally. We may be brought to dark corners in our lives, but we’ll also be exposed to bright opportunities in doing so. Some individuals may find balance in imbalance simply because it feels right to them. This paradoxical lifestyle would serve as their own way of living according to what feels natural. I say this to recognize that peace is not only subjective, but also intangible. We can’t acquire such an indefinite concept by grasping or resisting it. It’s only when we learn to resonate freely within ourselves will we be closest to true peace.

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