
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"My Definition of Love" by Madison P


Love: “an intense feeling of deep affection” (via Oxford). Love is the most powerful thing in the whole universe. More powerful than gravity, gamma-ray bursts, and even the hydraulic press in the satisfying Instagram videos, love is ultimately the strongest emotional and physical thing one can have.


We all see in movies how powerful the love between two people can be like in The Notebook when they finally find each other after so much time spent apart. This is because love is more than just a word; it is a connection. Saying “I love you” does not bring justice to the extremity of what love truly is. Being in love defines the connection that love places between two forces. Love can be draining and make you feel at your worst and the feeling may fade but when you are truly in love, the feeling will never go away. I never truly understood what people meant when they said “love is like a drug” until I truly fell in love. I am in love with my boyfriend and when I was at my lowest before I met him, I never thought I would feel such passion for anything in my life. Love is so draining but in the best possible way. When I am without my boyfriend I feel incomplete just like when people take a drug and become addicted because being without it doesn’t make life clear for them. You gain an addiction to things because you crave the “high” it gives you which is exactly what love does to you. You fall in love because no matter how much you cope without being with that special thing, you always long to be back in your comfort spot with what you love. My boyfriend brings me so much unworldly happiness that it makes me physically hurt when I ponder the thought of being without him. He is my true love, my true “intense feeling of deep affection,” and my true drug.


However, just like a drug, love can drive you mad. Love can make you do extremely irrational things that nobody in their right mind would do, like in Romeo and Juliet when Romeo committed suicide just to be with Juliet. You fight so hard for a person or thing that it drives you to the feeling of standing over the edge of a cliff just to be with it. This is what being in love is. As far as humans go, you spend so much time and energy with another human that your souls attach through what is referred to as “soul ties.” You carry whatever weight the other person

carries and you have the same drive for each other. Many who are religious believe that soul ties only occur through sex, although I believe it just takes time to bind with the other individual. Being in love gains conscious similar interests like favorite movies or music but unconscious passions and wounds. Many say if you love a person you must let them go, but you truly cannot because of the powerful grasp you have on one another. Your souls are indefinitely connected when you are in love and no matter how hard you want to fight to not love someone anymore, you will always hold that unconscious feeling. Scars will fade but never go away.

Being in love with a person, your hobby, and most importantly, life is all the connections that mold who an individual is. Being in love with life entails holding a true passion for the future even when times get rough. You know you have found a love for life when no matter how many times you feel like the universe is going to spontaneously combust and your own failures make life not worth living, you keep going because something is telling you there is a glimmer of hope to hold on to. That “something” is love. Love is so much more than “intense,” it is unforgivingly extraordinary. It is the greatest thing an individual can have because it is so worth fighting for even past the wounds. So what is my overall definition of love? The absolute greatest factor of life that keeps us all pushing for more, even when we don’t know what it is.

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