
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"To My Friend" by Angela C


To my friend,

I can’t wait for all the things we are gonna do later on in life. First of all, I want to travel with you so that we can see so many places and explore this big world together. I want to see pretty green fields full of flowers, and the nice warm sandy beach. Go to the desert and see the stars because apparently, that is the best place to go. When we are above 21 we will go see colorful and loud New Orleans like we always talked about and I can’t wait for us to go to our first pride parade!! I wanna go to Mexico so I can show you my culture and maybe we can take a trip to Europe and go to Portugal. I wanna go snorkeling with coral reef-safe sunscreen so that we can see all the amazing fish and sea creatures we have never seen before. But the world isn’t the only thing I want to see with you.


I wanna see us graduate!! I mean we have been on this journey together and even though it is sad to see this chapter end, it will also be exciting to look back and see how far we have come. Can’t wait to take pictures of us in our graduation gowns, it will be surreal. I can’t wait to see us go to college and kick ass! I can’t wait to see us put to use our knowledge to save the world!! Of course, we can’t save the whole world, well maybe we will, but I know we will help it before we go! Leave our mark! I can’t wait to see us graduate college and recreate the same picture we took for high school, that will be funny. I can’t wait for our first day on the job, you will probably work for the government and be a badass politician helping people here at home, and I will be working in a non-profit, helping people overseas in need. I can’t wait for you to tell me of your first love and watch you go crazy for her. I bet those talks will be fun. And of course, watching you get married to the women of your dreams will make me cry tears of joy. If she dares to break your heart, I will be coming for her and socking her with a peanut butter sock. Excuse the violence. I might go to jail in the future if I do that, can’t wait to see that too!! I can’t wait for you to get little children if you want children. If you do, I will be the best aunt I can be and spoil them while you get it on with your future wifey. I'LL BE THE BEST SIDE WOMEN!!! I'll take your kids to the beach while you have a lovely date night with her. I can’t wait for us to grow old together and go on old lady adventures, I wanna be that type of old lady that goes sky diving even though it's bad for my old little heart or maybe an adventure tamer like little old lady picnics gossiping about the people walking by.


Anyway, the point is I can’t wait for us to grow up. So don’t you ever DARE to leave me on this beautiful journey by myself. The thing I can’t wait to see the most out of all of this is you finally, and truly being happy for yourself. Being happy. I know you can do it. I can’t wait for you to tell me that you love yourself and you mean it with your whole heart. I can’t wait. It will happen and I know it will be hard and maybe it won’t happen for a while and maybe you will be like this for a while, but even if its 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, I don’t care how long it takes I'll wait for you and I'll always be here to try and make you love yourself. Because you are so amazing and I can’t wait for you to see that all by yourself. I can’t wait for the future and all the endless hugs, tears, and laughs we will share. So please don’t give up.


-Love, your friend :)



  1. I loved how personal and heartfelt your writing was. I could truly see how much your friend means to you and you perfectly conveyed how close the two of you are and hopefully always will be! She is so lucky to have someone as supportive as you by her side!

  2. This is so sweet. It really makes me think about where I see myself in the future and I hope my best friend is right there with me. I hope they know you wrote this and love it.

  3. This was such an uplifting message and made me want to do all these things with my friend. I loved how lively and personal you made this, this allowed us readers to relate and/or connect with you, well done!!

  4. Man I love this! You truly captured the essence of friendship, and how awesome it is to have someone to do all of the amazing things in life with, bravo!

  5. This was such beautiful writing! You used such broad examples of what you wanted to do, as well as specific details within those examples. I love the way you have your whole life planned out with your best friend by your side. When you find those people worth doing that with you should never give them up and I can tell neither of you will. Thank you for giving us a look into your friendship.

  6. This makes me so happy. The fact that you are such a supportive and loving friend to this person is really heartwarming to see; I'm glad you are excited to see them grow with you.

  7. This was so beautiful and so sweet!it felt so personal and you could really see the love you have for your friend she is so lucky to have you !

  8. This seriously touched my heart. This friendship seems so genuine and I hope all is well in the future for you both. You both deserve to travel the world and have the times of your lives.. hey who knows... you may even publish a new story talking about all the things you guys did together!!!!

  9. Hailey M HillstockMay 5, 2021 at 7:42 AM

    This letter is so sweet! I love how genuine and heartfelt you made this. Great job!!

  10. This is so wholesome! I hope all your wishes come true and you guys get to do everything you wanted!

  11. Richelle MendozaMay 5, 2021 at 9:08 AM

    I love this. It made me think of my friends and how we also planned to go traveling together! Your letter made me feel touched. Your friend is a very lucky person to have you!!

  12. Awwww Angela! This is so well well-written! It is so meaningful how you convey your friendship through imagining your future!

  13. I love your optimism and excitement for the future, and I hope you and your friend get to achieve all of your dreams that you long to see.

  14. This letter was so genuine and sweet ! I loved reading it because it reminded me of the value of friendships where it's someone who want by your side in every experience. I hope you guys travel the world together !

  15. this is such a nice letter I can really tell how much you value your friendship-Malachi Hawkins

  16. Ashley InocencioMay 7, 2021 at 1:25 PM

    Thank you for sharing this touching story. It was so empowering and uplifting. Although, it wasn't directed at me, I felt like you were truly rooting for me and just everyone here to keep moving forward. The way you explain this friendship is so amazing. I hope you accomplish all these dreams with your friend ;)

  17. This letter was so touching. The diction you used showed the emotion behind it and as a reader, I can see how much your friend means to you. I hope you get to accomplish everything you want to!

  18. Enrico Del RosarioMay 9, 2021 at 3:13 PM

    ANGELA OMG STOP...😣 I know many people don't know your target audience, but I sure do, and this was SOOOOOOO beautiful. I almost started tearing up :,) Your writing style was so casual, yet so powerful. I agree with EVERYTHING you said. You are both beautiful, incredible people who will make such a monumental impact on this world; the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs has nothing on what y'all will do 🤞🏽😩💕 YOU BETTER VISIT USSSSS. You're already used to it anyway because of your brother, but why not continue for the next four years ;) Anyway, I know your friendship will last the test of time, and hopefully it grows into more :) You're the best!!! <3333 (p.s. i better be invited to the fifth line of your first paragraph👀🕶🤏)

  19. I love this so much! I love how you talked about graduation because I totally relate to that. It’s so exciting to be able to go through this mile stone with friends but it’s hard to leave them. I love to see how much you love your friend. I really hope you guys do get to go on your old lady adventures!

  20. I love this so much! I love how you talked about graduation because I totally relate to that. It’s so exciting to be able to go through this mile stone with friends but it’s hard to leave them. I love to see how much you love your friend. I really hope you guys do get to go on your old lady adventures!

  21. Wow! I love this piece so much. The details you used really created a connection between the writer and reader, and creates a special bond. It is generally beautifully written. Great job!

  22. This story is so sentimental and I LOVED every part of it!!!! Specifically, the part about graduation. It's coming all so fast and this message made me reflect on all of the things I want to do with my friends as well. Thank you for sharing!!!

  23. I loved this piece Angela! I think you really captured that universal feeling of hope and excitement that comes with new beginnings and adventures. This was a very sweet and lovely read!

  24. I love this piece, I feel like I am talking to my friends excited for whats to come. This truly made me feel happy to ave loved ones and friends I can share excitement with. -Leah Thompson

  25. Angela I really loved your piece! Everything about it was so sentimental, I really loved the part about graduation. I was able to connect to a lot of it! Amazing job! :) -gisselle flores

  26. You are the best friend a girl can ask for, I cannot wait for all these adventures together. I can't believe we are so close to graduation, but I am so excited because it means we're one step closer to making all of these memories! Every other comment is so true, I am very very lucky to have you as friend. Your words always give me the motivation I need to keep going. I look forward to all the happy memories we will share and I can't wait to catch up on all the hugs, smiles, and laugh filled moments we've missed out on this past year! :) - Love, your friend

  27. this was so cute and heartwarming:) and I am glad you have friends so amazing you could write an entire piece about them

  28. Good Job on this piece! It is amazingly written and I do agree it is coming pretty fast for all of us that it feels very relatable and exciting! Thank you so much!

    ~Kayla Macasinag

  29. This is such a cute piece, it really shows what friendship is. It shows the excitements and everything that comes with it. Great Job :)

  30. I love this letter so much and I love your passion towards the targeted audience, I really do hope you get to expierence all the good things that were in this letter.

  31. I love this letter so much and I love your passion towards the targeted audience, I really do hope you get to expierence all the good things that were in this letter.

  32. Charmaine LucianoMay 11, 2021 at 2:26 AM

    Hi Angela! This story is so cute and the part where you said you might go to jail for socking someone with a pb sock made me laugh haha. You seem like such a loving and caring person and I hope you get to accomplish all these goals with your friend in the future :) -Charmaine Luciano

  33. I loved this and related to this so much. Having that connection with someone is so unmatched and so irreplaceable. Not having that person in your life can get challenging sometimes and I think you hinted at that towards the end. However, it mostly showed the hope, joy, and excitement that comes along with having a close friend like that.

  34. This is such a beautiful piece I love the relationship you have with your best friends. This piece reminded me how much I can't wait for the future with my best friends and how lucky I am to have them. I hope you and your best friend find everything you're looking for but in life and each other. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Michelle WilliamsonMay 11, 2021 at 9:01 AM

    This was SO CUTE. Your writing style was super casual, but it held so much meaning. I think you did a great job in making the writing very personable and I had many laughs reading this. The love you have for whoever you wrote this for is so obvious and is clearly very powerful. Nicely written :)) I love the part about the old ladies.

  36. This piece is absolutely adorable and totally relatable! Your friend is very lucky to have you in her life, and I hope you get to do all of the things you are planning. Great job!

  37. This was so beautiful. This piece was so heartfelt and personal. I loved every part of it and it made me feel like I was your friend. This message was so sentimental and close. I loved it. - marwa jamily

  38. This is so beautiful. I love all the new adventures and beginnings you talked about and it reminded me of me and my best friend. I love how the whole time you were always looked for the dreams you both shared. You did a great job!

  39. Oh, this is beautiful! I loved how you outlined all the things you want to do in the future, all whilst maintaining an optimistic tone throughout the entire piece. It's hard not to smile while reading this! I hope you get to do everything you talked about here and more. :)

  40. wow, this letter was so genuine and so beautiful, Such amazing details and feelings written in this letter. This is such an amazing friendship you have, you did AMAZING!!

  41. This was an amazing piece Angela. Your writing style is causal in what you say but the topics you touch upon are so thoughtful and not surface level and we can all see how much you value your relationship with the other person (who shan't be named). great work.

  42. I love the realness of the letter and how its very uplifting, it makes me appreciate and remember how lucky I am that I have a great (group of) friend(s).

  43. This was so amazing and heartwarming to read! It makes us feel good that you are so excited for the future and what adventures lie ahead of you. The best thing ever is having something to look forward to, and this happiness expressed in this entry is so contagious! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Jesse Ortiz


  44. I love how you poured your heart into this, this is so cute and well thought out I loved every part of it!

  45. I love this so much I feel like we can all relate to this because we all are growing up and cannot wait to experience more things in the future!- Lauren Perez

  46. Awwww. This was the sweetest piece ever! I love how you illustrated how much your friends mean to you and I wish the best for you guys

  47. This was such a heartwarming read! Thank you for sharing this experience especially to us, your target audience of senior in high school. Awesome work!

  48. HEY!!! I just wanted to say that this was a very fun read! It brought me to think of my own friendships that I hope to continue to cultivate :)

    -Ryan Mallon


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