
Sunday, March 28, 2021

"What is the Value of Truth?" by Arabella B.


“Live by the harmless untruths that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.” -- Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

It is a common misconception that the truth can bring peace. We see this idea everywhere. From movies about orphans desperately trying to fnd their parents to television dramas about families attempting to fnd their missing loved ones, it seems as though the search for truth is inescapable. But at the end of the day, the orphan fnds that their parents didn’t want them and the family discovers that their loved one isn’t coming home any time soon. It really makes you wonder-- what is truth truly worth? And will it ever be enough?

If you think about it, we lie all the time. And for diferent reasons. We lie to be kind. We choose not to tell whoever cooked the chicken at the potluck that their meal is actually bland and tasteless. Instead, we lie to their faces. When asked how the food is, we say,”It’s so good, you did such a good job!” and proceed to place our plates in the trash upside down. We lie to be brave. We tell ourselves that The Conjuring isn’t actually that scary, despite the fact that we refuse to sleep with the lights of for the next week after watching it. We lie to be happy. We pretend that we have all the time in the world with our loved ones, as if human beings aren’t constantly one heartbeat away from never seeing the next day.

If the truth were enough, then we’d have more honest people in the world. No one would need to lie for their own or others’ sake. There would be politicians who do what they say they’re going to do. We wouldn’t respond with the automatic,”Good,” when asked how our day was. The search for truth and the act of telling it would be enough to satisfy society. However, this isn't the case.

In reality, the truth is never enough. It leaves behind gaps that we must rush to fll with comforting falsities. No one really wants to know how your day was, it’s just a polite gesture. And we all know that one politician is spouting nonsensical lies about the economy to comfort their constituents. Because the fact of the matter is, the truth can only get us so far. If we want to feel fulflled, if we wish to be satisfed and content-- we must be dishonest.

Dishonesty is kindness. It is kindness to yourself and to society. After all, it is better to pretend that your circumstances are better than they are than to face the disappointing mess that reality is. The truth is ugly, and I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t want to hear it. You’re not any richer for knowing the truth. And if you are, great! But the majority of society isn’t and won’t ever be. By telling yourself and others harmless untruths to make life a little easier, you are being merciful. Reality is unkind and unpleasant. Do what needs to be done to make you brave, kind, healthy, and happy.



  1. WOW I loved reading every sentence of this, especially the fact that you came to a conclusion in the end that we should just be dishonest in a kind way. It's so easy to spare others feelings but come to look at it, it really just does more harm than good.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this because it places more perspective on something that most people wouldn't be so concerned over. And everything you said is true when you think about it, the truth is really only positively valued when it's something we hope for or want to hear. If it's negative, then yea, in order to be satisfied in the end, lies must be used to cover up the harsh reality we may have to face. You wrote this really well and I loved the examples you threw in because I'm sure everyone can relate to such simple events that helped prove your point.

  3. This was so interesting to read because it takes a different standpoint than what many believe. Everyone always says they want the truth above anything, but when it is sitting right there in their face, it is much easier to pretend you never heard it. I love the way you wrote about being dishonest being a kindness. Good job!

  4. William James Smith IIIApril 6, 2021 at 3:48 PM

    William James Smith III: Great job with this essay! I definitely agree that the middle ground often times is the best, where not telling a part of the truth, or prolonging the truth can save people's feelings, and this can be good for others, and society as a whole. I am a person who likes things more straightforward, but I know that there are times that I need to hold back for the good of others. :)

    Not gonna lie, but yes, movies like The Conjuring would scare the absolute hell out of me, and sleeping will be quite a bit more difficult LOL :)

    Great Job! :)
    William :)

  5. Wow, this was an amazing piece. It truly has me pondering whether the truth is as important as I believe it to be. Personally, I would rather always want to know the truth than be lied to, no matter how much it hurts my feelings. I can totally understand this viewpoint though. But then, there are times when I think to myself, we're all free humans and don't "owe" any type of explanation or anything to anyone. I feel like we'll never be content with the "truth" given to us anyway, so perhaps it is just easier to lie? Sorry for my long comment, this really just had me thinking where I stand now hahaha! Nonetheless, I really enjoyed reading this. Great job!

  6. This made me really think about how people always ask for the truth and nothing but the truth no matter how bad it hurts. This was great to read because you wrote about something not a lot of people would think about, I love it!

  7. I loved your piece. I agree with you that the truth seems to do more harm than good half of the time. I feel being dishonest for the right reasons is a good thing because no one gets hurt, but there is a fine line between lying for someone else's benefit and lying for your own. Thank you for sharing your perspective because I've never thought about it in this way before.

  8. Your piece is so perfect and makes so much sense, the truth really is a double edge sword. I understand the concept on why we should tell the truth and why we were taught it as children, but it is never taught the different of a good lie and a bad lie. I likes how to showed the results of both telling the truth and lying.

  9. Arabella, your piece was extremely interesting and engaging! It truly makes one ask the philosophical question whether harmless lying is truly better than cruel dishonesty. Everything about your piece was captivating, and I especially loved the example "The Conjuring".

  10. I love you Arabella. Fantastic bae. I agree with everything you said. You have inspired me to live more truthfully. I only have one life and it aint going to be a lie.

  11. Wow... That piece made me think a lot. I actually very much agree with your point of view and I'm so happy I read this. The truth hurts most of the time and although it is still wanted, it's okay to tell some harmless white lies that will make you a more happy person. Greta job !!

  12. I loved how engaging you made this! It's very interesting to think about the fact that we lie to protect not only ourselves but others and you were able to put that feeling perfectly into words. Great job :D

  13. I loved reading your perspective on the truth, which is such a desired concept; but yet such a complex one. You truly showed the complexities of the truth in comparison to the simplicity of little white lies. I've always advocated the importance of personally needing to know the truth and how terribly lies advocate me, but this took a different view and showed how lies in some occasions may be beneficial. Thank you for sharing your perspective it really had me thinking.

  14. omggg arabella you are literally the best writer ever and this is proof. Your writing really makes people think outside of the box. You are Kurt Vonnegut. So happy we are a duprass. This piece is insightful and ironically honest.

  15. I really loved your piece. I totally agree that the truth often seems to do more harm than good. I feel sometimes being dishonest for the right reasons is a good thing that way no one gets hurt but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. Thank you for sharing, I truly loved your piece. -gisselle flores

  16. I looooooove love love the Vonnegut quote!!! It seems so fitting for him to be quoted as Cat's Cradle is a book that legitimately starts off as "Everything you are about to read is a lie". The take you present us with is so painstakingly honest which goes against everything you're sharing making it all the more entertaining to read. After all just as you said, life is "busy, busy, busy" so occasional fomas are needed to comfort us.

  17. This was such an interesting take on the meaning of honesty and I absolutely loved it. It kind of sucks that in today's world it's almost like there's no place for both sincerity and compassion, because like you said, we try not to hurt others.

  18. This was so interesting to read. I feel that you have opened my eyes to a new perspective of the truth. Everything was well explained as well as your examples!

  19. Arabellie! I loved reading this so much. One of my favorite things is when others open my eyes to a new possibility or new understanding of the world, and you just did that. The quote fit in with your writing so well, and there is so much dimension to your piece. You further opened my eyes to the fact that truth can be whatever you need it to be, and lying to yourself to keep yourself placated and content is not always a bad thing. I think it's unfair for others to judge other people's ways of coping with life since sometimes life is just more difficult for certain people. Although at first glance your acceptance of an "untruth" or lie may seem harsh, it's actually graceful in reality. At times, I kind of think that ignorance really is bliss as long as you don't become too swept up in a false reality.

  20. Hi Arabella! I really liked this piece because it really shows how we lie to one another not in a hurtful way, but to be polite and considerate of the other person! Usually when we think of lying its considered harmful and bad, but you made me think more about it and realized thats not always the case!

  21. Thank you for sharing how you view truth. By reading this price it’s so relatable that we often do lie in order to show kindness even though it can be honest. I thought you did a great job and your examples were in point.

  22. Wow. This piece is incredibly well written and holds so much truth. As children, we were told honesty is the best policy, but that just isn't always the case. You used perfect examples to demonstrate this. Great job!

  23. This piece is so amazing. You truly made me think about the importance of truth making us happy. Everyone searches for the truth to fill a hole or to find happiness but when reality hits it’s not the answer they were looking for. I really loved you reasons as to why the people lie and to do what makes you happy.

  24. This is a very interesting take on honesty, and though I don't necessarily agree with everything you said, I do understand the perspective that you're coming from and found it very captivating to consider the importance and value of truth from a different perspective. Very well written, great job!

    -Ryan Mallon

  25. Jonathan RecomantaApril 9, 2021 at 1:45 PM

    A difficult topic insightfully examined! The courteous facades we daily encounter and place are just some of the many barriers that separates us from others. However, from that I think you hinted at something wonderful that could be said about the intimacy of truth. Only those with strong relationships and careful understanding of one another can ever honestly discuss it. The truth of oneself, intentions, and motivations is something that could only be shared with those we love most and that is truly beautiful. Amazing analysis.

  26. You bring up some really good points! I think people try to find meaning through seeking the truth, yet don't realize that sometimes meaning can be found elsewhere. All I want to say though is that if you are really do feel unwell, don't bottle it up within you! There are people who love you and want to help you!

  27. Arabella,

    This is such a great piece of writing! The old saying goes; "The truth hurts," but if it what is true, it might be better for the situation instead of digging a deeper hole of lies. This was outstanding and truly resonated with me. Also, amazing reference to The Conjuring, I love that movie! Thank you for sharing with us!

    Jesse Ortiiz

  28. Enrico Del RosarioApril 9, 2021 at 11:23 PM

    I knew I would get slapped by incredible writing the moment I clicked on ""What is the Value of Truth?" by Arabella B." I remember growing up with the phrase "the truth will set you free," and I always interpreted that as "you must always tell the truth, or else." But now, I see it as, "yes, you may want to tell the truth, but how will it be taken?" I've never truly understood why we "lie"; or, "twist the truth" rather. From what you've written, it seems to be coming from a place of empathy and morality, which is a little contradicting because lying is usually seen as "immoral". I absolutely LOVED the way you executed this. I also love how you connected it to real-world, modern situations, and it shows how much you really made sure to cover all facets to such a deep-delving topic! Thank you Arabellie ☺️❤️


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