
Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Untitled" by Melissa S.


Its such a simple concept. Such a simple truth. And yet it is not always easy to remember or care about when you are going through loss. When people leave your life, when you leave others, when a season in your life has passed and you are only realizing you need a sweater to keep warm now. Even when you feel you've lost yourself.


But the truth is we never really lose.


Everything in our lives is meant to leave, nothing is ever meant to truly stay.


Which sounds dire, but it makes you appreciate the temporary of the now.


That you get to experience all you are experiencing right now, that you get to be around the people you are around now. You get to be who you are in this moment. You have all the control you want right now. And you’ll never get this kind of control again.

And even if the now has gone, it leaves room for the next. And the next, and the next.


And even though we know to appreciate the now, we can't help but feel so tethered to what we've had, what we’ve lost, and what we might lose. You can't shake this bittersweet feeling knowing nothing lasts.


I never used to believe that I could feel extreme loss for anyone or anything really. I had heard of others and what they had lost in their lives, of movies that showed people sobbing over their past, and people in their life. When I was younger I remember anxiously anticipating the passing of someone I loved because if someone I knew had lost someone, I thought well at one point or another, I must be next to learn grief. I’d be so terrified of losing people in my life, or of losing how I feel. Afraid of the unknown, really because lucky for me, loss was the unknown. I’d hold onto things that were never mine and be afraid that one day I’d have to face that.


I never expected to lose in the ways I have. I didn't know loss could mean anything other than death. That you can experience loss even while all the ones you love still breathe. You can grieve over people that are still walking around without you. That people could be so close to you and yet feel so far. And that you could face loss, without ever physically losing.


I never knew I could feel the loss of people that were still sitting next to me. That I could feel so far away from the very person whose eyes I was still looking into. Who as I listened to, their voice sounded like distant echoes and memories I was preparing to replay in my head. That as I looked at them they’d no longer look like a person from my now, but a memory from my past. That they were not there anymore.


I was grieving people who hadn't even left my life yet. Those that did not leave because they had no choice, but precisely because that was their choice. And it stung.

And even as those in my life I held onto by a thin string snapped from it and went on, I’d grieve before it even happened. Never knowing I missed out on the now I had. The power I had to appreciate the temporary now.


I realized loss isn't what I expected. It wasn't accepting that loss happens. It was realizing sometimes change happens. Sometimes things leave, people leave, you feel lost. And sometimes it just has to happen.

But mostly I had to realize it’s not a bad thing when we lose because there was nothing to lose in this life. The most constant thing about the temporary now is that its always changing and I always have that control to keep it moving. Im always in the now. I can appreciate the now.


The things I have now, they aren't meant to last, but it makes me appreciate it more


Who I am now will change, things in my life, people in my life, everything will change and grow but they’ll always leave room for my next temporary now.


Right now I need to appreciate the now, because tomorrow I’ll have a brand new one and I’ll miss the today that I didn't live.


I have to let the sun set so I can watch it can rise again.


  1. Thank you for this piece. Loss of friends, families, memories are an inevitable process of growth, as painful as it is. Perhaps what all we can do now is to cherish the memories we can have with these people, experiences,and activities now but also ways to the most minimal emotional attachment. I know how you feel when parting ways with a good friend that you thought you had great friendship and memories with, but sometimes it's not worth it. It's the battle between rationality and irrationality.

  2. I love the format you used to write this, it felt more assertive and was really impactful, this was a new perspective to look at life and will use this as a reminder to appreciate the now. Thank you!!

  3. Wow this is so insightful, I think more of us than would like to admit wanted to experience the pain of loss if only to learn what grief felt like, it's part of the human experience, this was beautifully written! And the last line about the sun is so symbolic....

  4. Understanding that everything happens for a reason can be such a difficult concept sometimes. However, when thought of like this, it is easy to understand that what is meant to happen will happen. The idea of grieving someone that is still alive is one of the hardest things to do and it can take a while to get past that and realize that you are better off now. Great writing!

  5. This piece was so well written and it is extremely true. Things are constantly changing, we do not have firm hold on anything in the world except for ourselves. We are all off to college soon, and though some of us might be going to the same school we are also going to lose so many people. It is a terrifying prospect, most of us have gone to school together since elementary school and it seems insane to be leaving each other now. Your writing comes at a perfect time that so many of us are feeling this anticipation of loss and the fear and pain that comes with that. We did not receive a traditional senior year in which we'd get to say goodbye and let go of those we'll lose, but you are 100% correct, we have to live in the now and appreciate we have before we lose it. Thank you so much for sharing this! - Nicole Lillie

  6. I absolutely loved how this piece was structured and sporadic all at the same time. i love how you took your thoughts and emotions and translated that into words on a page and it was so successful anyone reading it could read this as if it was binary instructions for your brain to release the same chemicals; for you to feel the same way. I love your diction and your description of time and concepts of now, later, and earlier as almost tangible things that come and go like on a machine or something. beautiful piece.

  7. this was very relatable to me, after experiencing a loss I went through a lot of this and its super cool to see how you dealt with it and accepted it- Malachi Hawkins

  8. Wow! this piece was so beautiful! You really showed us a different perspective of life and it was really eye opening! Awesome job.

  9. This is beautiful! I love your approach to this incredibly emotional topic. Amazing job!

  10. This is so beautiful! Especially now, it's so important to keep in mind that things are constantly changing, regardless of what we're doing. I love what you said about how the things we have now aren't meant to last, but it makes us appreciate them more! Amazing insight! Thank you for the reminder that today is precious, and it mustn't be taken for granted.

  11. Wow. That last line was a perfect summary of everything that you wrote about. I love the mindset that we must accept the things we cannot change and live in the present. The mindset that you cannot write the second chapter until you have closed the first. I am a definite believer in the mindset that we are constantly growing and changing in the present and that dwelling on the future is just as undoing as dwelling on the past. This was a great post, thank you for your work! -Evan Nguyen

  12. I loved this! You worded your thoughts wonderfully and having this mindset definitely makes things easier. Great work!

  13. Melissa. This was ABSOLUTELY SO WELL WRITTEN. I am also a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and this captured how I've been feeling for a long time of my life!!! I have never read something so relatable and so well put together. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! -Kaitlin Dalisay

  14. This was truly one of the most inspiring pieces I have ever read. Your wording was absolutely beautiful and relatable in a very simplistic but elegant way. Thank you for sharing your amazing mindset, and the growth process to finally achieve it because I truly needed a reminder and I'm sure many people did as well. If I could print this out and read it regularly I would !! You are an incredible writer and I adored this piece. - Luvly Lopez

  15. This was truly one of the most inspiring pieces I have ever read. Your wording was absolutely beautiful and relatable in a very simplistic but elegant way. Thank you for sharing your amazing mindset, and the growth process to finally achieve it because I truly needed a reminder and I'm sure many people did as well. If I could print this out and read it regularly I would !! You are an incredible writer and I adored this piece. - Luvly Lopez

  16. Wow! I really liked your entry because I agree that things in your life aren't truly meant to stay around and although it may seem hard to let go, it will help us later in life.

  17. This piece was so beautiful and I was able to relate to it so much. I love everything about this piece. Thank you for sharing. -gisselle flores

  18. That was just.... wow. The part about grieving the loss of someone who chose to leave hit home a little harder than expected. I completely relate. Great job Melissa

  19. Your piece is so beautiful. I never really thought about the people and friends I lost, when the move away or when we lost touch. I love the concept you talked about that not everything you lose means death.

  20. WOW! Not only was this an incredibly powerful and thought provoking read but the line at the end "Right now I need to appreciate the now, because tomorrow I’ll have a brand new one and I’ll miss the today that I didn't live." is something I'm going to have to remember because it is a beautiful quote!
    -Ryan Mallon

  21. This was amazing and very emotional. When you said everything is meant to leave it made me realize how I really have to take advantage of the opportunities I’ve been given and never take people for granted because time is short. This was amazing

  22. Jonathan RecomantaApril 9, 2021 at 1:25 PM

    A fantastic piece of writing! I love how you played with this careful balance between understanding our inabilities and capabilities against and within the passage of time. You highlighted the fascinating beauty that accompanies letting life continue and reassured us of the strength of the individual to control their present. Incredible!

  23. This is such an important story and also lesson. I find myself doing the same exact thing and it takes away the times of living in the moment and creating new loving memories. A beautiful read and reflection on life.

  24. This is written so beautifully. I love the emotion that this piece had portrayed

  25. I LOVE this piece! It is beyond different than anything I have read before, and you described this topic perfectly. Often times we get caught up and do not realize the true beauty of life and how some things are not meant to last forever. Great job !!

  26. I LOVE this piece! It is beyond different than anything I have read before, and you described this topic perfectly. Often times we get caught up and do not realize the true beauty of life and how some things are not meant to last forever. Great job !!

  27. This piece was so beautifully written and had a great message behind it. Thank you for giving me another look at life


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