
Thursday, January 28, 2021

"What is Success?" by Jordyn S



There are very few words, that if unsure of the meaning, you could not look up in a dictionary. Supposedly, every word ever created is in the dictionary; and if that fails Google never does. However, just because a word is there, with multiple definitions underneath, does not mean you truly know what that word means. For example, a word with a definition almost as abstract as the word itself: success. If you were to look up success in a dictionary you might see the statement “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” There it is, you know everything you need to know about the idea of success. And yet, if I were to ask my best friend what her idea of success is, she would say to have a steady job. If I were to ask my little brother he might say to get an A on his next math test. If I asked my parents their answer might be to provide a happy life for me and my siblings. So while the definition of success is seemingly straightforward, it really does not tell you anything about the idea itself.


It is impossible to know the true meaning of success, because there simply is not one. Every single person you ever interact with in your life will have a different goal, a different plan, and a different definition of success. An issue that often arises is when people think their idea of success should be everyone else’s idea of success. A fatal flaw humans have is to believe that what they want as an individual is the only thing anyone else could ever want, something that could not be more entirely untrue. You will be hard pressed to find a word that has more societal pressures surrounding it than success. We have heard it our entire lives and will continue to do so: if you do not do well in school you will not be successful, if you do nott go to college you will not go anywhere in life, if you do not start a family and settle down? Well then you may as well wave all your goals goodbye. Society always thinks it knows best, that everyone should

have the same idea of success. And if you do not hold up to society’s standards of success you will never be successful, right?

The truth is, who cares what society says or believes? Every single idea of success is different. And if your definition of it will make you happy, then you will have fulfilled your idea of success, which will always be what is most important. That being said, I propose an amendment to the definition of success. Rather than the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the definition should read, the accomplishment of youraim or yourpurpose. With the simple addition of a word or two, the definition is no longer abstract, but a concrete idea, unique to each person who reads it.


“Success.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 19 Jan. 2021.


  1. This was really interesting to read because I'm not sure I've ever actually thought of the abstractness concerning success. It's absolutely true and you wrote it out so clearly and literally it has me wondering what other words contain the same amount of abstractness to their meaning that I've never really noticed before. Really enjoyed it :)!

  2. I love love love your take on what success really means!! My favorite quote is by Harry Styles, "If you're happy doing what you love, nobody can tell you you aren't successful." Thank you for sharing!

  3. Oh man I was just talking about this concept the other day, how once we turn 18, or 21, or whatever milestone society has provided us with to mark us as adults, we spend the rest of our adult lives working towards some definition of success, I think you really broke down this preconceived notion that there is only one right way to define it, Bravo!!!

  4. Wow! I absolutely loved this so much and your writing is probably my favorite piece I have read so far. I completely agree that we all have our own definitions of success and it may look different to other people. Really good job Jordyn!

  5. This is such an informative take on the meaning of success, I never thought to consider it in this way. I love how you considered personal happiness as a form of success because that is absolutely true in every way! I really enjoyed reading this piece!

  6. I love the way you viewed this and the details you used when you explained how different age ranges can view success as different things. I had never looked at this from such a broad perspective, so it was very eye opening. Great job, I absolutely loved it!

  7. This was amazing to read. I loved how insightful you were and I love how you made the comparison between what the different people in your family would consider to be a success. Gorgeous writing!

  8. Success truly does speak to me and I love everything you wrote, for it gave me a different insight! Being successful also means being happy, not just well off or luxurious. "Be with the things that make you happy when you have success" came to mind when reading your piece. Thank you!

  9. Thank you for this amazing piece! I think it's especially timely with us seniors having to soon face the reality of college acceptance or rejections. I am sure all if not most of us praise upon those accepted into namely and famous colleges, and deem those accepted as "woke" or simply "successful," but you are right in the sense that success is not merel defined by a name or a title. I truly appreciate this article. Thank you for this!

  10. I love how you said that there is not one meaning of the word success. My favorite quote is by Maya Angela and she says, "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." I truly believe that success comes it different shapes and forms.

  11. Wow! this piece was amazing! your writing is absolutely phenomenal!i loved your take and view on the topics it was very interesting to read .

  12. Wow! this piece was amazing! your writing is absolutely phenomenal!i loved your take and view on the topics it was very interesting to read .

  13. a very interesting evaluation of a word that turned into more of a reality check for society, This was very very good and I love how you brought it all back in the end. Well written and wonderfully executed. great job

  14. I love this idea about how success if has different meanings. I know that my road to success is different so it was reassuring to hear this! -Angela Carnalla

  15. Very detailed and interesting to read

  16. very detailed and interesting to read

  17. Wow! This is really interesting to read and really eye opening! Success is different for everyone and standards of succeeding in something really does depend on what you think and what society things. Great job! -Kayla Macasinag

  18. I love how you distinctly separated peoples ideas of success, and explained that everyones has a different view of success. Many people think everyone has the exact same idea but its about perspective.
    -Leah Thompson

  19. It really spoke to the pressure we feel as young adults, especially because we're coming to the point in our lives when these pressures are becoming more of a reality.

  20. This piece was very relatable to all people since success is something we all strive for in our lives. Although success is something we all strive for, I completely agree that the definition of success is different for everybody. Amazing job!

  21. This was written very well, it gave me a different outlook on the meaning of success. Also the last paragraph was very motivating

  22. William James Smith IIIFebruary 11, 2021 at 10:33 AM

    William James Smith III: I liked very much how you talked about success and positivity overall in your essay, rather than just saying 'someone did me wrong' or 'someone screwed someone else,' but you just focused on how to just let others be happy for themselves as long as they are happy and they accomplished something/built something (rather than just be negative and take stuff down), no matter how small to help society. Definitely success to me is just doing your very best to maximize whatever potential you have within you to do good for you and your society. :)

    Great job! :)

    William :)

  23. I have been thinking about the idea that success depends entirely on the person. You expressed this idea very well!I like how you began with the basic definition of success then expanded it to your perspective.

  24. I have been thinking about the idea that success depends entirely on the person. You expressed this idea very well!I like how you began with the basic definition of success then expanded it to your perspective.

  25. I enjoyed the breakdown of “success” as a singular concept. As you said it is something that is unique to every individual. That is what I appreciated most from this: the value given to individual and personal successes. It is a warm reminder that progress and achievements even in the slightest forms are still examples of success in people’s lives. When there are so many weighing burdens, it is nice to know that the most mundane actions could be seen as tiny victories.This hopeful message will carry many through these pressured times, as it has myself. Thank you.

  26. Eniifeoluwa OluwadaraFebruary 11, 2021 at 1:40 PM

    This was exceptional because it truly spoke to what adolescents deal with; Nice peace that was very real and influential.

  27. SO TRUE JORDYN! The standards society faces are actually almost unachievable to the majority, and just discourages any hard work for people that don't follow those standards. It's food for thought for sure, and a great reminder for us seniors at this point in our life. Great job! :)

  28. Jordyn! I enjoyed reading your definition of success, especially the given examples of the definition of success as a person describes their own belief. I also enjoyed the last paragraph and the motivational phrase of "your aim and your purpose," as they were very inspirational. Amazing job.

  29. Growing up I was always asked what it meant to be successful I always stopped to think because I had no idea. I wondered if success meant doing everything right and making your parents proud or if it was graduating top of your class and getting into a prestigious university. As I grew up I realized that the only person who could measure answer to success is yourself. Thank you for a piece that truly spoke to me.

  30. Jordyn, this was such a fascinating take on the definition prompt! I definitely agree with you, and this essay really changed my perspective. Sometimes I try really hard to find universal definitions and values for abstract ideas such as love or happiness, but it was really comforting to hear that these things mean different things to different people, and reminded me to stop seeking things because it is what society dictates that I should seek them, but rather seek them for myself.

  31. Jordyn, this writing piece really resonated with me and I agree wholeheartedly on your idea of success! I especially loved the part where you mentioned everyone has their own definition of success and that a fatal flaw humans have is that they push their ideas about success onto others. We should remember that we all have different values from each other. Great work!

  32. Wow! This is a great way of thinking! Many people thing that success is only one thing, but in reality (just like you said), they are different! We are all different and so are our lives. To me success means to be at peace, but this might not be the case for everyone. - Anastasia Lamiy

  33. I loved this because its true, the idea of success varies among everyone. There is no one thing to describe success because everyone has their own idea of what it means to have success or be successful. Ultimately you are the factor that determines your own success.

  34. I completely agree on your view of success. We are so often told that we must go to a certain school or have a certain job to be successful, but in reality, success is completely dependent on the individual. Your piece was a great reminder for me to keep following my dreams and to do what I think will fulfill me.

  35. You did an amazing job. I loved your take on success and the means of it. I also agree with you. Great work! -Muskaan Sandhu

  36. "the accomplishment of ​your ​aim or ​your ​purpose."
    Wow. I love that and completely agree. Success is ever changing and growing in its forms. This was a great piece!


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