
Thursday, January 28, 2021

"Snickerdoodle Recipe" by Kati E.


Snickerdoodle Recipe


Hi everyone! Today I am going to teach you how to make snickerdoodles the way my family has been making them since before I was born. This is one of my favorite treats to bake simply because the dough tastes good and it is fun to roll the dough into balls. The difference between a snickerdoodle and a regular sugar cookie is the snickerdoodle has cream of tartar which gives the cookie a slight tangy flavor to offset the sweetness. The cream of tartar also gives the cookies their signature cracks on top. My favorite time to eat them are when they are fresh out of the oven.


Every Christmas since before I could remember, my family would get together and we would all help to make snickerdoodles for our other family members, friends, and neighbors. Before covid, my family was rarely in the same room since my two older brothers go to college and my sister and I had extracurricular activities. No matter how busy our schedules were, we would all find time during winter break to make snickerdoodles together. So not only do the cookies taste amazing, but they bring back good memories as well.


Ingredients: Dough


      1 Cup of Shortening


      1 ½ Cups of Sugar


      2 eggs


      1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


      2 ¾ cups of flour


      2 teaspoons of cream of tartar


      1 teaspoon of baking soda


      ½ teaspoon of salt


Ingredients: Cinnamon Sugar Mixture


      2 teaspoons of sugar


      2 teaspoons of cinnamon




      A large mixing bowl


      A stand mixer with flat beater attachment or spoon/baking spatula


      Measuring cup




      Baking tray


      Aluminum foil or parchment paper


Instructions for Dough:


1.     Add 1 cup of shortening to the bowl and mix until it is a creamy consistency


2.     Add 1 ½ cups of sugar to the shortening and mix until fully combined


3.     Once the sugar is fully combined, add one egg at a time and mix in between to make sure all parts of the egg are fully incorporated

4.     Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and mix until it has a light and fluffy consistency

5.     Add all dry ingredients (2 ¾ cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, ½ teaspoon of salt) and mix until fully incorporated. *Start mixer on low to ensure the dry ingredients don’t go outside of the bowl. Also watch out for clumps of flour

6.     Let the dough chill in the fridge for about an hour to make sure the dough adheres to itself and doesn’t crumble when you go to roll it into balls

7.     Prepare baking trays with parchment paper or aluminum foil to make clean up easier and to make sure the cookies don’t stick to the tray


8.     Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon in a separate dish to roll the balls in


9.     Take the dough out of the fridge and start rolling it into balls about an inch wide


10.  Roll the dough ball in the cinnamon sugar mixture until fully covered and place 10-12 evenly spaced dough balls on each tray


11.  When you put the dough on the tray, lightly press on the top so it doesn’t puff up too much in the oven


12.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and bake the cookies for 8 minutes


*depending on your oven, you made need to cook them for an extra minute or two


13.  The cookies should come out a light brown color with a light brown bottom and they should have little cracks in the top. Check the bottom of the cookies to see how baked they are.


14.  Place the cookies on a cooling tray because the cookies continue to bake even after they come out of the oven.


15.  Once cooled, put them in a Tupperware container to keep the cookies soft


*Tip: if the cookies aren’t as soft as you would like them to be, you can heat them up in the microwave to make them warm and soft again.




  1. Katie, thank you for sharing this recipe. Snickerdoodle cookies have always been my favorite and I feel like there are such a hidden gem. I loved your introduction because it really showed the importance of this recipe for your family. It also makes this recipe even more special since it's been in your life for so long. Your instructions were very precise and I found no trouble in understanding them. So Great Job! The photo at the bottom looked amazing. I definitely will try this recipe out. I also enjoyed seeing your tip at the end because personally I prefer my cookies to be softer, so this is very helpful. Once again what an amazing job, I can really tell that you are an expert.

  2. This is such a special recipe! I love the family memories and the importance it holds to you! The directions, tools, and ingredients needed were very clear and precise. Great job! - Samantha Galarza

  3. Thank you for sharing this recipe it sounds delicious! I love how you tied the recipe back to your family memories of Christmas baking, that sounds so fun! Additionally, the recipe was very clear and I can't wait to try baking them!

  4. Thank for sharing this recipe it sounds delicious! I love how you tied it back to your family memories of baking at Christmas, that sounds so fun! I can't wait to try baking these!

  5. OH GIRL! Those look to die for! I am definitely going to make these this weekend and snack until 1:00am! I'm so excited to give these a shot. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe!!

  6. This looks like a great recipe that I definitely need to try. The instructions are clear and simple enough for me to follow. My cousin used to bake great snickerdoodles before he left to join the air force and I haven't had some in years. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love snickerdoodles! I never knew that it was the cream of tartar that made them have that tart taste and crackled appearance on top. I love the idea to reheat them I don't know why I've never thought of that, I always just eat them all the day I make them so they stay nice and soft LOL, maybe that's just my excuse to binge eat snickerdoodles. I think its really great that the pandemic has given your opportunity to join together and spend time together making sweets. Finally, thank you so much for sharing this recipe, too many of my friends did not know what a snickerdoodle was and it is horrifying! I will be sharing this recipe with them immediately! Thank you for the sweet post! - Nicole Lillie

  8. Cookies are one of my favorite desserts! I eat chocolate chip cookies all the time but I’ll take this as a sign for me to branch out. I used to get snickerdoodles from Mrs. Fields when it was in Victoria Gardens but I will try to make my own now with your recipe! Also I think it’s really cool that your family made snickerdoodles even before you were born.

  9. Oh man I love snickerdoodle cookies, thanks for the directions and ingredients and way to be precise on how much of everything you need in order to make it. Maybe one day if I decide to bake something, I'll definitely wanna make snickerdoodle cookies and I'll use your blog for help

  10. These sound so good! I feel like snickerdoodles are such an underrated flavor of cookie. I love baking so I'll have to try these. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  11. Ive never had snickerdoodle cookies before so when I saw this I was so excited to see the recipe! I cannot wait to try these for the first time, thank you so much for sharing!

  12. I had no idea that a snickerdoodle was different from a sugar cookie. I always thought they were the same thing. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe and making me realize the difference between two cookies. I can’t wait to try it out it looks so delicious.

  13. Those look so bomb, I want some! This recipe is very simple and easy to follow I will definitely make these, I love cookies!

  14. These sound delicious! I love that food always brings peoplpe together! Will definitely try! Thank you for sharing!

  15. Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies! But I haven’t had them in such a long time, so I am looking forward to trying this recipe. Thanks for sharing!!

  16. I remember trying snickerdoodle cookies for the first time and absolutely falling in love so I am so glad that I can now make them with this recipe. You described the steps super well and I love how you added why these cookies are significant to you in the beginning.

  17. These cookies are making my mouth water!!!! My brother and I used to always crave Snickerdoodles, but would always settle for the cold Stater Bros. ones. I will definitely be trying these. Thank you!! -Kaitlin Dalisay

  18. Snickerdoodles are my sister's favorite ! Those look so good I might try to make them for her !
    -Leah Thompson

  19. Hi Kati! I really liked how you included your own personal connection at the beginning of the recipe, it makes your recipe all the more special. These cookies look so good!!

  20. These snickerdoodles sound and look so good !! I love that this recipe has been in your family for so long and you're willing to share with us !

  21. Snickerdoodles are definitely in my top three list for cookies. They remind me a lot of my childhood and the good memories I had. This recipe sounds absolutely delicious and I am looking forward to trying it. Thanks for sharing!

  22. I love snickerdoodles! These sound so yummy nd I can't wait to try out this recipe myself!

  23. I haven't tried many cookies in my lifetime other than chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies but these snickerdoodles sound so yummy! I love how this recipe has been passed down from generation to generation and is a tradition to make. I'm looking forward to making some for myself and expanding my cookie flavors!

  24. KATIEEEE OMG this sounds and looks DELICIOUS OMG. cookies are just so amazing and such a comfort snack, hahaha. definitely going to give this recipe and try. THANKS FOR SHARING!!!

  25. William James Smith IIIFebruary 11, 2021 at 10:56 AM

    William James Smith III: Thanks for informing me about this! I always liked snickerdoodles very much, and I like to get the snickerdoodle blizzard at Dairy Queen! You should try it and the snickerdoodle ice cream/milkshake at Handel's! Anyway, I really like the detail that you put in, and I might give this a try!

    Great Job! :)
    William :)

  26. They look really good! Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite types of cookies.

  27. Followed by oatmeal cookies snickerdoodle is my co favorite!! I love making these cookies just as much as i enjoy eating it. Love love love this recipe, thank you for sharing!! -Abigail Babatunde

  28. Hi!! I loved reading how these cookies brought your family closer together:)) something so small could mean a lot to someone. The recipe looks easy to recreate, and the cookies in the picture look so good.

  29. Yum I love snickerdoodles, but I've never attempted to make them myself. This recipe seems fairly simple so I'll definitely have to try and replicate them with my cousin who loves to bake. Thanks for sharing, Katie!

  30. The minute I started reading this I was like omg I need to make myself some. Thank you for sharing I can't wait to try it!


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