
Thursday, January 28, 2021

"10 Reasons I hate Q" by Melissa T


Although you may like to say you don’t hate anyone, I know you do. To cope with this hatred, I’ve been told that it helps to compile a list of reasons you hate them. For once, I will take this advice.


For sake of privacy, we will refer to the reason for my never-ending state of anger as the letter Q.


            Here are nine reasons I hate Q.




How does a jobless high school student afford Coffee Bean every day? News flash, drinking something other than Starbucks does not make you quirky. They’re both overpriced.


Did I mention Q is jobless? They’re so busy balancing a schedule full of APs, being president of 3 clubs, piling volunteer hours, and practicing several instruments. I mean, who does that? Yes they’re intelligent and excel at time management, but that’s besides the point.


Before you ask, I am not jealous that they can afford to buy $5 coffee every day.




Q wears a blazer with jeans once and thinks they’re a fashion trend setter. Then, all of a sudden I see a third of my chemistry class wearing the exact same thing? You are not a trend setter, you’re just spreading your horrible fashion sense. You have my chemistry class looking foolish. Someone let them know you’re the only one who looks good in contradicting clothes.




Q can dance…


Why didn’t anyone tell me this?


I was in the lunch line and they’re just busting a move right across the lunch room. Not only is that extremely disruptive, it’s completely unnecessary. Now I have to sit through three more classes on an empty stomach because Q was distracting me the whole time. Great.







Q is Gen Z’s Picasso.


What right does that give them to flaunt their art all over Instagram? Just because I follow them and have their notifications on does not mean I want to see their work 24/7.


It’s not that impressive to paint on top of all the other 2,000 things you do amazingly. It just proves you aren’t that dedicated to your work. Fraud of an artist, am I right?




Q offered me their calculus homework.


This is not the thoughtful and caring act you may think it is. Do they think I’m incapable of evaluating integrals on my own? Just because you’re rank 10 in our class does not mean you can look down on others. It’s not all that great anyway. You just somehow end up getting As on all your tests after hours of extracurriculars at school. I’m not bitter -- at least I get to watch the newest episode of WandaVision.


Did I mention Q likes the same show as me? I can never have anything to myself. They take, take, and take. Talk about being selfish.


Though, I wouldn’t be opposed to watching the next episode with them. That’s ONLY if my Disney Plus subscription expires… no other reason.




Q has the brightest smile I’ve ever seen.


But it’s fine, I know they only smile because they want to flaunt the fact that they can afford braces and monthly dentist appointments.


I don’t understand why Q is always smiling. Not that I’m always checking to make sure the smile is still there.


I will personally fight anyone who causes that smile to drop. That’s only because getting in a fist fight is at the top of my bucket list though.




Q got into a relationship. Apparently, the entire school has to know.


Let me tell you, they’re the most irritating couple I know. They hold hands under the chemistry lab tables and it’s so gross. I literally have to move to the back of the class because it makes me j̶e̶a̶l̶o̶u̶s̶ nauseous.


Not to mention, all the girls in my grade are delusional enough to be upset about this. Q won’t look at m̶e̶ them no matter what.


And get this. Q has the audacity to ask me why I’m upset? Stop being so nosy, I’m just upset because I failed my calculus test after refusing your help. That’s the ONLY reason.





So Q is no longer in a relationship.


Now I’m always worrying about them and it’s so annoying. I can’t even focus on my work when they’re constantly sad. All they did was find a new way to bug me because I have to constantly check up on them!


For months, they annoyed me daily. I could never sit down at the library and study in peace. I just sat at the same place every day because I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶e̶ the view outside the window was calming.


The most annoying part? Q called them dates every time.




Q refuses to call me their girlfriend and I literally am.

We’ve been dating for so long. We just need to be official so that everyone stops trying to get Q’s number. It’s annoying.


+      NUMBER TEN:


Q found this list and I’ve been getting clowned for two months.



I think it is a lot easier to hate rather than love. Showing our emotions makes us vulnerable and we all want that cold exterior that makes people think we are strong. Personally, I’ve found that showing affection and love for family and friends is rather difficult. I tend to get embarrassed by it, even if I shouldn’t be. So, I wrote this as a way to show that although we may mask our emotions a lot, the truth always comes out some way or another. Being in tune with yourself and your emotions will save you a lot of stress. And if you don’t believe that, just look at how long it took the narrator to get with Q.




  1. This made me realize how out of tune I am with myself and my emotions. Every time you made a comment about Q, I found myself having similar thoughts about another person. I should start making my own list to better understand myself. Thanks for the new idea!

  2. This gave such a me perspective, I don't know why but I felt like I could relate to this on such a hard level and I honestly appreciate you fr that. Ugh you should keep writing more Id literally print this out and read it everyday.

  3. Amorette Berenice CorreaFebruary 2, 2021 at 12:20 AM

    Melissa Michelle Torres, I would like to say that this is one of my favorite pieces of literature to this day. I absolutely love your writing style and the way you presented both characters. I love to see this different approach of a crush. You are such an amazing, talented, young woman and I am so excited to see what you will accomplish in the future. -Amorette C.

  4. This was such brilliant writing! I have always found it so interesting how the human brain would rather hate than love, simply because it is an easier emotion to address. You described that so well, good job!

  5. I love this so much, because I agree with the fact that sometimes we just need to get stuff off our chests. Regardless of whether or not the person we're mad at ever changes and sees why we hate/dislike them, it helps give a sense of closure, and doing it like this also helps keep the anonymity.

  6. You are truly gifted, I loved the way you dressed up such a "sensitive" topic in such a brilliant way. I felt like I was reading someone's diary, why made me want to keep reading it is that bad? Either way you are right, it's 10x easier to dislike someone than to like them, or so we think, the truth is it takes quite a bit more effort or so I've found. I absolutely love this piece and the anonymity you gave Q!

  7. WOW! I have never read a piece like this. I love the way you implemented an experience such as this one into a way of coping. Your approach was beyond unique, I love it!!

  8. I love this so much. I need to do this to get my thoughts straight just about everything I've been feeling. This is probably one of my favorite blog pieces I've read.

  9. I loved how creative this piece was! The emotions you portrayed are really relatable and show that it's better to accept them than mask them with hate.

  10. I loved this piece! Such a nice way to portray your feelings.

  11. This piece was so unique! I loved the point of view you wrote from and the message behind it. You expressed that it's easier for us to hate than to love, and I think it's important for us now to find love in some way deep in our hearts for one another. As a generation, we don't exactly like showing emotion and your story helped us understand that emotion is needed! We need to feel in order to be relieved of pressure.

  12. I really loved how unique and interesting your choice of format was. I know this piece may feel relatable to some as writing a list may help to cope with your feelings towards someone, whether that be hatred or love. This is one of my favorite blogs I have read, not because I´m biased or anything.. but because your writing style was so unique and easy to read all while being so interesting I couldn´t help but reread it.

  13. I literally LOVE how you started AND ended this, you validate your emotions so well and Im glad you know the difference between them because that means you're very in tune with yourself. You've always been so good at writing and thiiiiiis is literally so so so sososoososo so good you did amazing.

  14. Melissa!!!! This is such a honest and in depth look into the minds of teenagers that we almost never see anymore. Because of streaming services like Netflix, we think that love happens in the span of x episodes or 45 to 60 minutes when it definitely does not. Not everyone comes to understand their feelings halfway through the movie and sometimes there aren't happy endings at all, but your pieces manages to be painfully truthful and optimistic at the same time.

  15. I love how you said that to hate it easier to love and how you unmasked your true feelings towards the end. I never really thought about the walls that I and others put up to hide what we are truly feeling, but now i feel more aware with my relationships with others.

  16. I literally loved this so much. First of all, the way you wrote this was so creative and accurately gets your point across so well. Also, you addressing how we find it easier to hate than to love and telling us that emotion is necessary is a great message that can easily be forgotten.

  17. I really liked this writing style since it made it more personal to the narrator and their feelings of Q. It was also nice how you strikethrough some of the words to create this effect that the narrator is trying to hide how they actually feel.

  18. Hi Melissa!! I liked how you started off with super clear reasons why you hate Q and then eventually started to blur the lines between love and hate; it really adds a sense of nuance that makes your piece all the more interesting! Overall, great job!! :)

  19. This gave me very much "10 Things I Hate About You" vibes and I loved it ! I related to this so much and highlights how hard it is to show our real emotions. Thank you for this great job !!!

  20. I loved how creative this was! Thank you for sharing!!!

  21. The "story ark" I guess it could be called, was really captivating. And blurring the line between love and hate, and showing how those emotions can often feel the same in different contexts and the nuances, was really something to ponder. Amazing piece!

    Ryan Mallon

  22. THIS WAS SO CUTE! I couldn't help but smile reading it. It was very creative to show the masking of feelings through hatred. It was really, really enjoyable to read.

  23. Mellisa this is such an incredible piece and it made me laugh in a good way. I would love seeing this as a plot to a movie because who doesn't love seeing a teenage girl hate a guy she is secretly in love. This is such a fun and creative piece. - Abigail Babatunde

  24. Ahahah this was so cute! I love the way how you used imagery and specific scenarios to describe your complex relationship with Q. Love them or hate them, I admire your passion for this individual and the meticulous thought you put into your relationship with them!

  25. This piece is definitely giving off "7 things" by Miley Cyrus vibes and I love it. I especially like how the title is kind of a play on words since it sounds like "10 reasons I hate you." This was super fun to read, great job!


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