
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

“How to make brownie cookies!” By Andrea C.

One day, during Thanksgiving break, I was up on Tiktok at 3am. If you aren’t aware, Tiktok is a social media platform where creators can make videos that are just about anything. The content on the platform are dance videos, comedy videos, educational videos, etc. My favorite type of content to see on my “For You” page are the baking videos. I was scrolling through my For You page when I came across this video of someone showing how to make brownie cookies. I have a really big sweet tooth so I was immediately captivated by the video. While watching the video, it reminded me of my childhood. My older sister would make these chocolate cream cheese crinkle cookies during the holidays up until I was 11. My entire family raves about these cookies all the time but she doesn’t make them anymore and forgot her recipe. We’ve tried to look up other recipes online, but they never come out tasting the same as they used too. So when I came across this video, I wanted to introduce a new dessert to my family. I instantly got up, at 3 am, to make them. After I made these cookies, I was in love. Wasn’t sure that was possible, but trust me...if you’re as much of a chocolate lover as much as I am, you’ll be in love with these too. Hope you enjoy! Make sure to check out the original recipe on Tiktok! @iankewks

Ingredients Needed

1.       A cup of chocolate chips (your favorite, I used semi-sweet)

2.      ¼ cup of butter

3.      2 large eggs

4.      ½ brown sugar

5.      ½ white sugar

6.      A teaspoon of vanilla extract

7.       cup of flour

8.      Pinch of salt

9.      A teaspoon of baking powder

10.   3 tablespoons of cocoa powder

11.    Powdered sugar


1.       Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2.      Put chocolate chips and butter into a bowl and microwave the bowl for about 20 seconds. Stir together until you get a frosting consistency.

3.      In a separate, larger bowl, mix the 2 eggs, brown and white sugar, and the vanilla extract. Beat until pale for about 2-3 minutes on high speed.

4.      Slowly start adding in our chocolate chip and butter mixture into the larger bowl.

5.      Start sifting in the flour, salt, baking powder, and cocoa powder mixture into the large bowl and mix it all together… as Hannah Montana said it best

6.      This step is optional, you can add a cup of chocolate chips to the mixture if you would like! I know some people like chocolate but not TOO much.

7.       Let the mixture sit in the fridge for about 30 minutes

8.      Then, roll into small/medium sized balls and place onto a tray with aluminum foil or a baking sheet

9.      After, put them in the oven for 16-18 minutes. I did 18 minutes so they were crispy on the outside and soft in the middle

10.   Lastly, let them sit for 2 minutes after taking them out of the oven and sprinkle some powdered sugar all over the cookies!


  1. This literally made me want to get up and go make some cookies. Girl Im going to make some and send you a picture on snap!! Thank you for sharing that side of tiktok with us!!

  2. These sound so delicious! I've fallen down the tik tok hole so many times myself, but sometimes it has awesome results. I found the account you got the recipe from, and they look so good! I am torturing myself reading this, and finding the cookies in the middle of the night because I cannot make them right now. Thank you so much for sharing! I followed that account and I am going to have the best lunch, dinner, and dessert ideas now. P.S. you can never have too much chocolate. - Nicole Lillie

  3. I love the way you told us where and when you found the recipe! Getting up at 3am just to make cookies is awesome! Thank you for sharing this recipe with us, it looks super good.

  4. I recently had the best brownie cookies from Trader Joes so I'm so glad you made this recipe because I have been wanting to make some for so long. You described all the directions very well so I can't wait to make these!

  5. The directions are so easy to read and it sounds super good. Excited to try this at 3 am as well, thank you for sharing!

  6. This looks like a great recipe that I may try next weekend. All the directions are easy to follow and I love how you stumbled upon the recipe.

  7. I love how you found this cookie recipe on Tiktok at 3 am!! It makes it sound so fun and spontaneous! The instructions and your story of your sister and her cookies really allow the reader to feel the loving connection in your family! Thank you for sharing this recipe with everyone! - Samantha Galarza

  8. When I reading this I can see why you couldn’t wait to make those cookies. The recipe just sounds so delicious it started to make my mouth water. Thank for writing the recipe for these brownie cookie I will be definitely be trying to make these cookies.

  9. Thank you for this!! Im going to a tiny picnic this weekend and this is exactly what I can bake. You made it so easy to follow through & it isnt all over the place like most recipes. Thank you again(:

  10. Brownie cookies are heaven... I'll make sure to try this recipe out along with Hailey's cookie recipe!! I love how you get up at 3am just to make them, i felt that. I definitely did something similar, foods just look and taste better at 2-3am for some reason

  11. This sounds delicious! The instructions were very clear and I hope to make these soon ! Thank you for sharing !

  12. Girl you should not have told me this! I'm going to gain weight off of this lol! Thank you for sharing this! I can't wait to try it out!

  13. This sounds amazing to make! We have to make these together next time we see each other!

  14. Especially during this pandemic, my family and I have been baking a lot more due to us being at home most of the time these days. These brownie cookies sound absolutely delicious and I definitely want to try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Thank you for sharing this recipe, brownie cookies were at the top of my list of things to make and I'm so glad that you shared this. I think it's so funny that you found the recipe at that time because that's usually when I find the same videos I want to make too. I can't wait to try these!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! These brownie cookies sound so addicting and I can't wait to try them myself!!!!

  17. I love to bake and I will definitely be trying this recipe. I love how easy you made it to read and how you put suggestions for how long to put it in the oven to get the perfect cookie.

  18. They sound really good. I have never had brownie cookies before so I will definitely have to try these out.

  19. They sound really good. I have never had brownie cookies before so I will definitely have to try these out soon.

  20. Wow this sounds amazing! I love to cook so ill be sure to try them out!

  21. DREAAAAA literally whyyyyyy OMGGGG. I literally love brownies UGHHH. We are definitely making this together the next time we hang out!!! I just love everything that's sweet. This literally sounds so good dude!!!

  22. Andrea! I really enjoy how you opened up your recipe with the little story about where the recipe came from. I scroll on Tiktok for hours too haha. I actually tried your recipe and it was really nice. Good job.

  23. Andrea,
    I have never heard of such a type of cookie up until now! This sounds really really delicious! The dedication that you put into making these cookies is insane! I would love to eventually try to recreate this amazing recipe. Thank you so much for sharing!

  24. These sound so good! They remind me of the treats they have at Disneyland! Thank you so much for sharing I can’t wait to try these myself :)

  25. Wow these sounds so good! Cookies and Brownies are some of my favorite treats and I never thought of combining them together. It sounds like an amazing idea. Thank you for sharing with us!

  26. These seem so delicious! I love how this treat brought back good memories. I will definitely try to make these soon. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  27. I have never heard of brown cookies. I will definitely try making these. I have never really baked before but this inspires me to try something new. Thank you for sharing with us today. I enjoyed reading your blog. -Amorette Correa


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