
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

"Christmas Tradition ~ Lost Forever or Soon to be Revamped?" Bonus Poem By Kayla M

 Christmas Tradition ~ Lost Forever or Soon to be Revamped?

Bonus! (Not for grade)

Eleven months has passed


December is now here


Wow, time went fast


Now it’s my favorite time of year


December holds two things close to my heart


The day I was born eighteen years ago


Thankful for my mom who started my character arc


And a certain holiday that is associated with snow


Every year, our decorations are put up in late November My little sister and I team up decorating our tree

My dad hangs up the lights, which at night they glow like ember


My mom wraps presents, for family and friends soon to be filled with glee


This team we’ve created as a family


Has made tradition that we do


For our favorite holiday annually


For the Christmas that holds us like glue


Our traditions consist of after final decorating we go to Church, celebrating the birth of Christ Later going home to eat our feast

With food that is probably overpriced


Soon going to bed, soon our gifts of tomorrow will be released


Overall, the traditions we continue


Is what helps me keep on living


Each of us showing our tribute


To “The gift that keeps on giving.”


Our Christmas Practices happen every year


But one thing comes to mind


Will these things we hold dear,


Be forever be left behind


I am now what you call coming of age


Turned eighteen on the thirteenth of December


My is life is turning to a new page


Will we have time to be together?


I’m now laying in awake on the night of Christmas eve

Now worried what the Future will hold


Will my parents and baby sister continue traditions without me?


Or will they leave them out in the cold?


The more I think, the more worried I get


My family depends on each other all the time


My sister and I work together like we are singing a duet


While my parents are aging, their backs not allowing them to climb for lights that mimic the sunshine


What would we do without the complete group?


To keep our spirits up and prevent from falling so soon


With me leaving the nest, losing a member of our troop


Will traditions be gone, like letting go of a balloon?


Next Morning, being woken up by my sister


Her screams of joy put a smile on my face


Running down the stairs, hoping she doesn’t end up with a blister


She soon arrives to the tree, with me in tow, close to our fireplace


My parents are smiling, finally happy that we are awake


Both telling my sister, “Look what Santa left for you.”


They looked at me winking, indicating this secret a keepsake


Also giving me a present in wrapping paper of a nice hue


Seeing their gaze of determination to keep their annual traditions living Made me wonder, Why was I worrying in the first place?

Seeing all this joyfulness in the air thriving


Put happiness upon my face


Knowing the bond we all created


Is what Christmas is about


As we are solely motivated


By spending time with each other, with a bond that’ll cause us to never back out


These traditions shows our teamwork


Making us happy as we can be


Now drinking hot coco, admiring our artwork


Along with sitting watching holiday shows near our Christmas tree.


  1. William James Smith IIIJanuary 7, 2021 at 3:07 PM

    William James Smith III: Excellent job writing a poem about such an unknown thing that may seem obvious to us, but it truly is not! Christmas spirit always will be different in different households depending on the personal belief and religion of the household. Not everyone will celebrate Christmas religiously, but the same morals of family, friends, and selflessness always apply in one way or another.

    It is uncertain as to how and when the holidays will be as they once were, but they will get better soon enough! We all miss our friends and family very much, and we will appreciate the holidays so much more than ever before now as a result of this obstacle!!!

    I hope you have had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


  2. Really well written piece! I enjoyed reading the entire thing! It was like a children's Christmas book, but for adults/teens. It gave a deeper meaning with worrying about the future and having to let go of the things that make us happy when it is time for us to grow up and live life. But traditions like yours made me realize traditions can always continue, and the memories are never forgotten.

  3. Very good piece. I like how you started cheerful with classic Christmas and winter imagery and then transitioned to a worried tone. I am sure, however, that the Christmas traditions of your family will not die out and that you will only come back to celebrate with them again! Great job

  4. Loved this piece! it was really well written . Your family traditions are so beautiful and they will certainly stay around forever!

  5. Eniifeoluwa OluwadaraJanuary 14, 2021 at 1:25 PM

    Very high level write. It was very unique how you contrasted christmas joy and happiness and rapidly factored into sadness and a different emotional element. This was great and highlighted the importance of memories.

  6. Really good job! Loved it , it put me in the Christmas spirit again hahah. The winter imagery was great and I enjoyed reading you poem!

  7. Eniifeoluwa OluwadaraJanuary 14, 2021 at 10:53 PM

    Excellent work. It was a delight to see the contrast in emotions from old style christmas transistions to a sad somber emotional writing tactic. Great Essay.

  8. Really Great Job! Your family traditions are beautiful. You gave so many emotions and meshed them together very well. Thank you for creating this!

  9. This is written so beautifully, you have so much power with your words! I could imagine everything so clearly. -Leah Thompson

  10. It was very nice to read a poem revolving around such a joyous holiday and the fear that the joy might end with your departure. I'm certainly glad nothing changed in the end!

  11. This was absolutely amazing ad your rhyming made the poem even more interesting. It captured me as the reader and enticed me to continue reading it. This was a very emotional and touching poem amazing job. -Arnold Porter Jr

  12. I really loved the way you portrayed your emotions through this. I loved how this made me feel involved just by the way you used your words

  13. I really enjoyed reading this and hearing about your family traditions. Great work!
    - Neema Muteti


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