
Monday, November 2, 2020

"What is Abortion?" by Emily B


The moment a doctor confirmed the pregnancy of a woman, she will be given three options: to keep the baby, to give it up for adoption, or to terminate the fetus. Termination of a pregnancy is commonly known as abortion, or the practice of medicine, sometimes a surgery, to remove a fetus and placenta from a woman’s uterus.


At first when going into a clinic, the nurse or doctor will make sure the woman wants to go through with the procedure and which options of abortion there are. Next, the doctor will get a test to find out how far along the pregnancy is and then will give written instructions for how to care for themselves after the procedure. The different abortion options are a non-surgical medical abortion or an in-clinic abortion such as a vacuum aspiration, dialation and curettage, dilation amd evacuation, labor inductions, or a hysterectomy.


Is it safe to have an abortion? Do people regret having an abortion? Is it painful to get one? These three questions are some of the most common questions a doctor or nurse is asked before a woman decides to have an abortion. The process of having an abortion is much safer than childbirth, a woman is 15 to 25 times more likely to die from childbirth than during the abortion process. A study was done, asking women after five years from having their abortion, if the regretted the choice. About 95% of women said didn’t regret their choice to get an abortion. The pain level of an abortion can vary, one can say the process was super painful or it was just a little uncomfortable.

When abortions were first performed, the main reason women would have them was to remove a fetus from a pregnant woman, who was not married, in order to not receive judgement from their community. In today’s world, there are multiply reasons a woman decides to have an abortion, some are because they are not ready to take care of another human being because of financial reason, trouble with their significant other, other responsibilities such as work or school, not the right timing, or even just to be focused on the other child she already has.


Some states, like Alabama have banned abortions with no exceptions, while others, such as Ohio, Louisiana, Georgia and Missouri have adopted the fetal heartbeat bill. The fetal heartbeat bill states that if a doctor is able to find a “fetal heartbeat” then abortion is not longer a legal option. The fetal heartbeat of a fetus is usually detectable around 6 weeks after getting pregnant. The first state to pass this bill was North Dakota in 2013, but then was determined as unconstitutional by the court in 2015.


There are many different opinions on if a woman should have an abortion or not. However, 48% of U.S. adults are pro-choice and 46% of adults are pro-life. An individual who sides with pro-choice believes that a woman should be able to decide what she should do with her body. A woman should be allowed to have an abortion because of a rape or incest case. However, those factors should not be the only exceptions for a woman to have an abortion. Especially because the exceptions of rape and incest must be proven before the abortion process can start. Meaning, if a woman was a victim of rape or incest and she didn’t call the police right after the incident happened, which many women don’t, she wouldn’t have rape kit done to provide that the rape/incest actually had occurred. Resulting in the women being denied the opportunity to have an abortion. Next, the fetal heartbeat bill might seem like a reasonable law,

but a typical women won’t find out she is pregnant until 4 to 7 weeks of pregnancy, and then she would have to decide if she wants to endure childbirth or have an abortion. Even though it is rare, some women will go through the entire pregnancy and not know they are pregnant. Therefore, it is inappropriate to have such a small window of restricted time for a woman to decide to have an abortion. A common argument made is that a woman shouldn’t have an abortion at all and just give the child up for adoption. Although there are more than 440,000 kids in the foster care system and only about 135,000 children a year are adopted from foster care.


In conclusion, a woman’s right to have an abortion is a personal opinion that one has to conclude on their own. Although this topic is very controversial, both sides are able to provide conveying evidence to support their conclusion. This topic on abortion isn’t black and white and one should judge a person for their choice. Ultimately a woman should be able to choose what she should do with her body and how she wants to go about pregnancy.



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  1. Emily,

    thank you for this well established and articulate research paper. With the confirmation of a new justice and the possible re-election of an incumbent, these controversial and polarizing issues are once again brought to the surface, with people of both sides underfiring for standing with their particularly interest side. I am horrified even much when reading the news headlines that the illegality of abortion in Alabama, particularly the Fetal Heartbeat Act, were passed and agreed on by ALL-Male Senators and Legislators. As well acknowledged as you are, I wonder if you ever watched Vice's interview of Georgia women who had abortions due to different complications. I think you will be very intrigued into the perspectives of these women.


  2. I love your blog! I think that your writing is very impactful because it brings up a lot of good points that some people don't know or even think about. I, as you are, think that a woman should be able to choose what she does with her own body and I believe your blog writing perfectly embodies some of the reasons why. Great Job :))

  3. I love how you took your stance on a very controversial topic and the way you executed this was very informative and educational. As someone who came from a religious family and culture, I am always around people who do not support abortion at all. However like you, I realized that it is a choice that is up to women to decide. Having a child is not an easy task but also a very mentally draining thing to do especially if it resulted from rape and such. Great job on educating others about this topic and professionally conveying your own opinions.

  4. Wow, this was very informative, thank you for your thorough research. This definitely encouraged me to be more active in the political scene and to educate myself because I had no idea about the fetal heartbeat bill, or that laws around abortion were so restrictive. (Jessica Huang)

  5. This is a very controversial topic and you explained it very well without getting to controversial. good job!!

  6. Hi Emily,

    I learned a lot from your post, and I like how you used a lot of facts. I did not know abortion was completely illegal in some states. I also did not know about the fetal heart beat idea. It seems as if more Southern States are more pro-life. I know California is more liberal than many states, so I wonder how many people would identify as pro-life or pro-choice here. Abortion is a very touchy subject for many because of their own morals and I also feel like both sides create convincing arguments, however I also believe it should be left up to the woman to make that decision.

  7. Emily you did such a great job talking about this topic!! I also do believe women should get the right to do whatever they please to their own body without being judged or harassed whatsoever. I feel like people who are pro-life might not fully understand what goes around in the foster care system, and how for some children its dangerous and unsafe. If woman in certain states that want to get an abortion but its banned, I just feel like they would find another way to get an abortion. Like drive to a different state where abortion isn't banned, or worst scenario women perform a self abortion which can be extremely dangerous. Overall, you did an amazing job bring awareness to this.

  8. Amazing work! Abortion is a heavily controversial topic, but you wrote this beautifully. Your work shows the research and time you put into this topic. Thank you for highlighting more on abortion - it was well written.

  9. This was a really touchy subject to write about, but I think it was very bold of you to pick something this controversial to many. I feel that you shared great information, and then decided to take action and throw your own personal thoughts into the paper. It was really well written and I think you made some good points!

  10. You did a really great job discussing this topic. It was well thought out and your research helped me learn so much more about abortion in different states and why women should be allowed to have that procedure :)

  11. Hi Emily love the topic, but you wrote this and it was beautiful. I loved how you put your own thoughts into to your paper. You did an amazing job and it was well written.

  12. William James Smith IIINovember 8, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    William: I really liked your essay, as you did a really good job presenting both sides, and not making it too emotionally charged. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain all the aspects respectfully, and no side looked like the hero or villain, but rather just have different opinions on how to solve a common problem of dealing with unwanted pregnancy.

    Something else to mention, when you talked about incest and rape, do you mean incest rape, or just incest, that wasn't clear to me when you were trying to make that point. The two in this case should be different things, as insestual rape is domestic abuse,but incest is different as long as it is consensual. (not being emotionally charged here) legally, incest shouldn't really be treated differently as weird as it sounds, because legally people can marry, have a family etc, regardless of age (as long as it is 18 plus from what I recall) gender, religion, race, genetic liability, etc. As far as I am concerned, you could marry a rock as long as it is consensual lol!So legally that should be associated the same, so if you could clear that point up that would be awesome! I hope that idea what helpful to you. :) Regardless, that was a great essay!!!! :)

    Have a great one, William! :)

  13. Emily, this was such a great essay. Thank you for raising awarness about new regulations and the process of abortion. Your courage and compassion really shined through this essay, from writing about a controversial topic to stating your own beliefs. Great work !

  14. I really enjoyed your informative research paper, it provided a lot of information and facts about abortion and why women choose to get an abortion. Since this is a very controversial topic, it's great that you were able to provide enough evidence to get someone who is pro life to think about their values and what they believe in and what someone who is pro choice believes in.

  15. This is really great I love the fact that you outlined someones choice should not be taken away because someone does not agree or share the same idea upon their choice. you described it perfectly so that anyone that feels any type of way towards abortion will understand the importance of women having the choice to do what they want with their own bodies. ( Leah Thompson)

  16. Emily, I think you are an icon for writing your blog on something as controversial as this. I applaud you to the moon and back :D I myself am a strong advocate for feminism (yes, I am a feminist☺️), and I know my privilege as man in a man's world. I also know that I do not have a uterus. Why should I (or anyone really) have an opinion on something that adds no significance to my life, but the person who is actually affected? Last time I checked, it is NOT my body, and therefore NOT my choice. Your body? Your choice. Human beings have free will, and nothing should stifle anyone's unalienable right to make their own choices for themselves. How about we talk about the thousands, if not millions globally, of children in the foster care system? How about the women who are carrying their rapist's child? How about the women who do not feel prepared for such a large responsibility? Thank you for not only educating me further, but also further fortifying my own beliefs! Thank you for putting out the facts! You're legitimately a queen and I miss you!! 😣🥺

  17. Reading this after finding out our new president-elect is really nice:) I agree with you 100%. No person should ever be told what to do with their bodies, and absolutely nothing justifies making abortion illegal. Your paper was incredibly progressive and informative! You did an amazing job.

  18. Especially in this day and age, thank you for educating us on that matter! This is a sensitive subject for most and it is hard to find arguments in the media that aren't biased but thank you for educating our youth. I hope anyone coming across this post realizes why it is imperative that women have the option to choose!

  19. Arnold Porter Jr
    Being able to express both sides in just a short blog you have attained a rare gift that not a lot of writers have. This was an extremely well written piece and with how sensitive this issue is the fact you managed to bring light to it without stirring up any anger, controversy from the reader was very good. This was great thank you for being so willing to write about this topic.

  20. This was a very controversial topic but you handled it very well! You did a good job providing background and educating the reader, while also highlighting what the women goes through during an abortion. Wonderful job! -Angela Carnalla

  21. You did so well writing about this topic. This is a very controversial topic and you manage d to bring both arguments to light. I love how you ended it with the fact that women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their body. Thank you for talking about this topic and bringing facts into light.

  22. Emily! Just like we agree on our names, I agree 100% with your statement in your writing. I would also like to thank you for adding data in your piece to show the reasoning to your conviction, because most people just assume abortion is merely opinion based and has nothing to do with the statistics, which is false. Thank you for this educational blog! Great job!

  23. I feel like the topic of abortion is one that is considered taboo and is made into something it's not. I loved the way that you included not just facts, but well written opinions in your piece that balance each other out and make it feel as though what I'm reading is both an article on what abortion really is/common misconceptions and an opinion piece based on those facts. Overall, I loved reading this and thought that it was extremely well written! :) - Estella Poirier

  24. Abortion is such a taboo topic that has been portrayed as so many different ways by so many different medias, and your article was sp refreshing in that it was a balance between an opinion piece and an informative article on the misconceptions/reality of abortions. I loved reading this and seeing such a refreshing take on writing about abortion! - Estella Poirier

  25. I would like to preface this comment by saying thank you for bringing these statistics to light. Also, I love how you brought in how insensitive it is to women to have to make them choose within a small time frame.

  26. Emily thank you so much for this piece !! I completely agree with you and I love that you stated your opinion and presented the facts without sounding too biased. I truly believe that men shouldn't be dictating what women do with their bodies !!!
    -Oluwaseyi Alli

  27. Emily, way to take a controversial topic and put your own stance on it without dragging people who have a countering opinion! Good job!

  28. Emily, way to take a controversial topic and put your own stance on it without dragging people who have a countering opinion! Good job!

  29. Thnak you so much, Emily, for such a well-written piece on abortion and its laws. I also agree that abortion is a choice that the woman should be able to make. I like that you included the number of people in the foster care system. I've had multiple conversations about this and people always bring up how many families there are looking to adopt a baby. I believe the statistic is 36 families for every baby. I think they fail to recognize that although there are so many families willing to adopt a newborn baby, the kids in the foster care system are suffering and they need families too. Not to mention, almost 70,000 women die anually from illegal or unsafe abortions worldwide. With that being said, I think the results of making abortion illegal is worse than keeping it legal in the US. -Savannah Fitz

  30. You should be so proud of yourself for taking to time to educate others, even upon a topic so controversial. I appreciate this piece so much, and while I completely agree with your opinion, it was very respectful to include points from different sides of the argument. I feel like writing an educational piece can be very difficult to accomplish, but you did an amazing job! :)

  31. Thank you for giving us such an amazing take on the extremely controversial topic of "Abortion", I feel like every day people are becoming more apprehensive to talk about this topic because of the backlash they feel they will receive if the way they formulate their statements are misinterpreted. You had amazing control in bringing up information about your topic and have helped me educate myself more on it.

  32. Thank you for giving us such an amazing take on the extremely controversial topic of "Abortion", I feel like every day people are becoming more apprehensive to talk about this topic because of the backlash they feel they will receive if the way they formulate their statements are misinterpreted. You had amazing control in bringing up information about your topic and have helped me educate myself more on it.

  33. Thank you for shining light on such an important topic! I feel as though a lot of people are not aware on the many restrictions that are being placed on abortions in states like Georgia or Texas. This was super informative and provided a lot of beneficial information! So good!


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