
Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Unbearable Displacement" by Isaiah G.

I was displaced. Thrown from my home and because of my… state I could not return to it. For this, I would not be distraught because I tend not to miss what I had or where I’ve been, being that my eyes are mostly confined to the same sight for days before a change of scenery; however, this was different. She was something like I’d never seen before. Through years of traveling all over what I can only imagine as the entire world, never had I seen anyone of her beauty. She was just like me but so different in the best way possible. Never had our lips moved for each other to hear the sounds that would escape like how the kind walking man does ever so often, but still I knew we looked at the same things; we observed the same world, yet her eyes were much kinder than my own. I loved everything about her. Her deep, dark eyes, her soft arms, even her tummy similar in shape to mine. She was the one I wanted to sit next to, just as the birds i’d see on my windowsill, or the books on the desk, or the small red spotted beetles I’d see collecting leaf parts, or even those who were like the kind walking man, all sitting next to each other just like I longed to be sat next to her. We were close once. In the car, on a group trip to another part of this world, we were next to each other and suddenly the car hopped and we were displaced; Though no longer sitting, we were close, and I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up with love as I lay so close to her. We then reached our destination and were separated, leaving me longing to be sat next to her once more. We enjoyed, somewhat, the days when the man left us sitting down and we would take in the world with each other, and each time he left he would sit us closer and closer, only leaving me counting down these times until I’d be next to her. Finally, after 15 or so of these occurrences, I was next to her. I couldn’t believe it! It was just like I had imagined. That feeling of tingles going down my back was so nice to me and eventually they would go away, only to leave a sort of warm pressure in my belly and my throat, which remained closed like my lips, so we never spoke. We would just watch as the shadows moved across the great room we were in until the kind walking man came back. This happened somewhat regularly for a while and I grew attached to this feeling in my belly, and would anxiously await my next time to be sitting with her; however, one day the kind walking man left in a hurry, casting me about the great room, by accident I’m sure due to his kind nature towards me always, but nonetheless casting me away from her. This feeling came back, the one in my belly, but this time it wasn’t a warm pressure, but instead a cold stone that welled inside of me. I was so far from her I couldn’t even see her wonderful eyes. Instead, all I had was the faint outline of her features my heart had burned into my brain over the weeks, and the tingly feeling of knowing she was there, somewhere across the fluid, yet stagnant black that flooded between her and I. I felt anger and frustration at my worthless vestigial limbs for not allowing me to sit next to her. I envied the kind walking man as I never had before; he could move himself and sit next to anyone he pleased. He could go where he wanted, and more importantly, he could stay where he wanted. My awful cursed state left me vegetative so I couldn’t even travel to see the face of my love whom I adore. I was cast away, helpless like a book fallen from the shelf, stranded until the kind walking man came back to bring me home. I couldn’t bear it. My unmoving limbs only mocked me with their warmness giving the illusion that they are alive. My eyes were stagnant and cursed to only see what I had lost. I had always dreaded staying in one place for long, but for her, I would stay in one place forever. Her fuzzy snout and deep, dark eyes that looked at the same things I did. Her round tummy, the same as mine. Our vegetative state cursed us both but sitting next to each other we didn’t need to move anyways; instead I’m sitting across the room, waiting for the kind walking man to come back and announce, “oh no, I dropped my bear.”


  1. Hi Isaiah,

    Awwwwwwww! Are you trying to make all of us jealous? haha... This is such a heart touching story and I am so glad that you are happily in love.


  2. Isaiah! That was beautiful! I loved everything about your piece, the perspective it is told from is clear yet obscure, and you can feel the emotions of the speaker with every sentence. You can feel the overwhelming longing and despair felt by the speaker and yet also the burning desire and self-doubt/resentment that overburdens the stuffed bear. I related to the speaker in a more metaphorical sense. The feeling of being incapable and so far yet so close to the one you love but can't have. Seriously excellent writing! - Nicole Lillie

  3. This was so cute yet so sad! I loved how descriptive everything was that I could vividly see everything you were describing. At first I began thinking that maybe they were like puppets or dolls, but once it was revealed that they were teddy bears it felt like the story got better! Mainly because it seems less creepy in the way that growing up, the last thing most of us would want is a doll coming to life. But a stuffed animal feels more comforting and cute. It makes your story even more innocent adding with the fact that they just want to be placed near each other. Overall it was very enjoyable and an interesting perspective to hear from :).

  4. This was so good Isaiah! Your use of descriptive imagery and adjectives in this piece was so powerful. I felt like I was sitting right next to you and experiencing all the emotions you felt. It was such clear writing, nice job!

  5. This was so beautiful !! Reading this gave the same feeling of hearing a love song that makes crave a love you can't even imagine. Your imagery and use of figurative language was so powerful and made me feel as if I was present and watching the teddy bears love story in real life. Also the way you made the characters a teddy bear rather than humans was extremely clever and creative because not only did it emphasize the struggle of the bear being physically unable to sit beside his lover, but highlighted that innocent, youthful love.

  6. This was so incredibly descriptive and beautiful I loved it wholeheartedly. I love how warm it is especially in this time where everything seems so cold literally and physically. This is such a cute representation of being with someone and falling in love, that feeling of longing for something that you feel like you will never have and that satisfaction that you get knowing that in the end you had grown and learned something useful or got what you wanted. I love how personable your writing is Isaiah and how comfortable I felt reading this, like it was my own experience. This was a great piece!!

  7. Isaiah, this was beautifully written. I loved ever moment of it and I found it really cute the way you expressed those emotions about love and just the feeling of being in love. At first I thought it was a person until I read more and realized that it was a bear which made it ten times better :)

  8. This was so adorable ! I loved how descriptive you were, it really captured my attention. The storyline is so beautiful by how you presented young and innocent love to be so passionate and strong. Great work !

  9. This is so adorable!! the way you desribe these feelings make me feel all soft and fluffy. I adore your writing!!

  10. Isiah, this piece that you've is very different in a way that most people, even guys don't express their feelings publicly. Not only was I able to see a different side you, I was able to feel your emotions through each word. I know like most people, I thought you were talking about a crush, but I think it adorable how you expressed your emotions about a bear.

  11. I love the way you wrote this piece! Although I've never experienced love like this, I could sense it through your imagery, and when you described longing for her, I felt a pit of longing in my chest as well. I thought it was adorable how you described every small feature of her and complimented it. :)

  12. Isaiah,
    I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but this was such a beautiful piece. You were so descriptive, I could literally see your emotions. I'm so incredibly happy for you. You and Hailey deserve the world! :)

  13. That was such an emotionally provoking story, and it felt so lifelike the whole way through. I thought the motif of the kind walking man was a very nice tool to hold the story together, and I just love that pun hidden in the title. Love this kind of story, keep it up!

  14. This was absolutely beautiful! The imagery used allowed me to visualize everything that was going on and it was so well written! This was an interesting perspective to write from and you executed it very well!

  15. I like the way you described your feelings it made me understand exactly how you felt(Malachi Hawkins)

  16. Nice pun, bro. But seriously, this was written in a very pretty way. It was eloquent and beautiful and adorable and I couldn't help but think, "Why am I thinking about toys while I'm reading this?" I guess I found out why. Nevertheless, you wrote this amazingly! Good job.

  17. This may have been one of my favorite pieces I have read all year. It was so descriptive and beautiful, the way you were so honest about how you felt is the most amazing thing. Not many people are willing to go into such depth about how they feel towards another person, especially when it relates to love. It was truly a great piece, awesome job.

  18. Ok first of all this is really well-written. Second, that ending caught me off guard! I did not expect the narrator to be talking about a bear! The description and use of figurative language is very beautiful. Great job!

  19. Wow, this piece is stunning!! I enjoyed reading every part of it, you’re truly an excellent writer. The amount of description, imagery, and figurative language incorporated into your work is so clever and immersive!! And that ending... I see what you did there...beautiful and heartwarming nonetheless :) There’s a feeling of warmth coated with every word that makes a reader feel happy.

  20. This is such an amazing read, the imagery and figurative language was so well written and I was able to understand how you felt through such great description. great job!

  21. This was super heartfelt and beautiful. Your use of imagery really made this lighthearted, yet so deep.I really enjoyed this.

  22. Aww Isaiah wow !! This was so cute and I loved the development it was very well written overall !!!
    -Oluwaseyi Alli

  23. This was so good!! It warmed my heart and the word choice was so good to thoroughly provide insight and description. - Leah Thompson

  24. This is a very good and descriptive story! It was adorable and the imagery was amazing I can picture it in my head! Good job!

  25. The emotions I felt while reading were intense, the metaphors and the figurative language really helped to add imagery to the story and the mix between the two made me want to read it even more. Nice job Isaiah! - Alexander Skibby

  26. I absolutely adored this story! You were able to portray a young man's first innocent love so amazingly it warmed my heart. I also loved the imagery, it really helped me envision the story. - Gisselle Flores


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