
Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Mrs. Carter" by Evan N.

Not many aspects of my life have remained constant throughout my “teenage years”. Emotions, friends, grades, they have all changed; some in a subtle and easy-to-handle manner, others in a drastic and wildly unpredictable way. In the dawn of my seventeenth year of existence I have contemplated what has, through thick and thin, remained the same. One thing that precedes most others in this ring of similarity, that has stuck with me from middle school into freshman year and through my high school career (and as a result, has become a defining trait that others remember as a way to identify me), is: my overbearing loyalty to one musical artist. If you are reading this, and we have been to each other’s houses, or you have been in my car (appropriately nicknamed the Swagmobile) while I have the aux, or if we had a seat next to each other in Spanish freshman year, I assume you can infer the identity of the individual that I am prefacing. This woman has inspired me in many aspects of my life, and is currently the face of VOGUE’s 2020 December issue in the United Kingdom. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter.


I understand that this prelude to my blog post would have any reader believing that this essay is about Beyoncé: her life, her legacy, and her legendary status in the entertainment industry— but, on the contrary, I would much rather write a short essay on whyI admire Mrs. Carter, and the complexity behind why she has surpassed the realm of being a simple “celebrity obsession” for me.


From the early stages of my childhood I have always admired the confidence and strength of women. My mother recalls the many times that her sister would come over and I would steal her high-heeled shoes and walk around in them. Her and my father remind me of how expressive I was as a child in the fashion sense, wearing authentic cowboy boots and flaunting my (unfortunate) neon athleisure. The Pussycat Dolls (if any of you remember them) were always on as I would straddle chairs and catwalk down the large hallway of the second house that my parents owned. I remember those recollections that my family and I have and assimilate those to many aspects of the influencers of my childhood. The people on the television and the women singing through the MP3 player were tributes to the women in my own life who not only raised me, but nourished my personality. My grandmothers (both recently widowed), my aunts, and my own mother were all confident, beautiful, intelligent, strong women who I spent a lot of time with and who had been through so many ups and downs in their own personal lives. With my ability to now analyze my own behavior in my young life, I realized my subconscious desire to be like them: not through wearing heels or straddling chairs, but through being able to harbor the confidence to be outspoken and unafraid.


Then came along a woman who I could model myself after on my own without family or friends. Beyoncé harbors all of the qualities of the person that I had always strived to be. Her confidence, her aura, her image, her individuality, and the allowance of people to feel comfortable with who they are no matter what labels are placed on them in society are all qualities that I hope to reflect in the future. With disregard to her incredible live performances, her music, and her celebrity status, she was able to put her name above what she identified as

and what labels had been placed on her by society. I had always been conflicted in the sense that I did not know how to express myself. She helped me identify with who I really am as a person. She is black, southern, a woman, a wife, a mother, a singer, and a celebrity, but through all of the labels put on her identity, the most prevalent identifier of who she is is: Beyoncé. One says her name and all other generalizations come second. At the end of the day I can proudly say that I am Evan Nguyen before I am anything else.


When I’m not sure who I am, or when I have trouble finding self-confidence, I remind myself that I’m the only one who can really directly impact myself. I’d say a good part of that was not because I modeled myself after Mrs. Carter, but because I realized how to model myself after who I want to be as an individual (though Beyoncé did help with that realization). And if you think Beyoncé is overrated or overhyped, go ahead and hit me up on Instagram and we can have a “civil conversation” about our differing opinions. In all seriousness, thank you for reading this far and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and some new music to listen to!


  1. Evan this was beautifully written. Thank you for sharing with us on how you grew as a person, Im seriously in love with your confidence. You're an amazing human who has an amazing soul. Beyond honored to say that I am able to have you in first period and to become friends with you this year!!! Stay amazing because you.. you are Evan Nguyen.

  2. This was so good Evan! I do remember how much you liked beyoncé and how much that seemed to impact you but now knowing it was more than a celebrity idol for their fame or anything else makes it so special. Your essay wonderfully described what it truly means to be confident and to be inspired to be like someone, rather than to want to be someone. This is something I have often tried to describe and have failed at. One comment of your sums it all up: You are Evan Nguyen before anything else. Love, love, love. keep it up bud.

  3. WOW! This was beautifully written! This was so sophisticated and so impactful. I love the way you took Beyonce and her legacy and applied it to your own life. I'm so grateful to have met you and read this piece. GREAT JOB :))

  4. Evan,
    I love reading your writing! This was beautifully written! I am so happy to be able to say that I have practically grown up with from our days at Sierra Lakes to our senior year. You have such a beautiful personality and you're an amazing human. I knew as soon as I read "overbearing loyalty to one musical artist" that this was going to be all about Beyonce (LOL) I miss you so much!

  5. Luvly: Evan this was absolutely beautifully written, we all knew how much you loved Beyonce( especially because that is why we're friends in the first place) but to see how she was more than just a celebrity idol; but how she influenced and was essentially a reflection of the woman in your life who you admired the most was so beautiful. This piece exemplified the root of your confidence and prominent presence which I have always admired about you :,)

  6. Evan, thank you so much for sharing your story with us on how you grew as an individual and just how you were able to find your true self. I agree with everything you said about Beyonce, such a strong, independent, and beautiful women and I am so thankful that she is able to share her music with tons of people around the world. Well Done Evan!!!

  7. Evan, this was amazing ! I loved your childhood stories and how you were inspired by Beyoncé to find self confidence. Great work !

  8. HI EVAN! I love your story about the wonderful women you looked up to and the way you described how Beyoncé shaped who you are today. You have the bestest most biniontastic personality ever!! Your Ivy Park clothes and Beyoncé sweaters are super cool, especially that one you wore in your “new apartment who dis?” picture lol <3

  9. This was honestly so amazing. Usually when people say they love a celebrity they have some simple reason like "they're a great actor/singer" but you showed us how it was even more than that. I really enjoyed how you expressed how she influenced you and her impact through out your life.

  10. Evan I expected nothing less than this greatness which you have written so amazingly. I truly miss you and just know that I am so proud of who you have become and modeled yourself after. I hope you have an amazing day and we should totally hang out soon! Besos!

  11. Wow, Evan. I'm truly speechless and yet not surprised you chose to write about the living legend, Beyonce. I completely agree with everything you said. Beyonce has inspired me as well from a young age. I loved reading this, great job!

  12. Evan, this was an amazing short essay. Not only because you wrote about Beyonce, but because you shared your story about self-realization and self-confidence, that is very relatable to a lot of teens, even myself. Having someone like Beyonc, or any other celebrity, that helps you realize who you are as person shows self-growth and I'm very grateful you chose to share this story with the class.

  13. Awww Evan, I literally almost teared up reading this please. Of course, I've known for a while now how much Beyonce means to you but, through reading this, it was so much more. It was so personal and I loved it, and I love you and how true you are to yourself. I wouldn't want you to be anyone else. :) <3

  14. Evan your short essay was truly amazing. I love the whole essay it made me smile and laugh but most importantly it allowed for a realization of self confidence. I admired your description of Beyonce and other very confident and powerful women in your life. It made me think of powerful women who are in my life.

  15. Evan!! I loved this! I felt a sense of nostalgia when you mentioned the Pussycat Dolls because I loved them as a kid too lol. Thank you for sharing the impact Beyonce has in your life!

  16. This piece is amazing, Evan! I am so happy to hear that you are proud to be who you are. You perfectly detailed the path you took to get to this point and it is truly inspiring. Well done!

  17. Kaitlin Dalisay: AHH I love this sooo much Evan!! This piece was extremely well written and inspiring. Thank you for giving me insight of the positive impact Beyonce has had on you and highlighting the women in your life. I admire that you are compassionate and confident in everything you endure!!!! Amazing job!!! I am still speechless honestly.

  18. Truly outstanding, Evan! First and foremost, your admiration for the qualities of strength and confidence in women is something that often goes without appreciation nowadays. There is no doubt that of all the wonderful companions in my life, the people who’ve truly inspired me to extend beyond my farthest limits and take up pride in myself have more often than not been women (my mother and three sisters are most assuredly forces to be reckoned with). Secondly, I absolutely loved your recognition of the individual. Amid the endless labels and categories that we can be thrown into, they all diminish what truly makes us who we are. Lost among the countless others that are piled on underneath those same labels, the self is forgotten. All the abilities, talents, descriptions, and appearances are effects that compose our identity. Never should we forgot that we are all unique individuals and that none other than yourself can be you. An incredible reflection.

  19. EVANNN you write with such eloquence and sophistication. I feel as if I know you more as a person than I did five minutes ago. Thank you for sharing a part of your journey with us. Amazing job!

  20. YES BEYHIVE STAND UP !!! Evan I loved this piece so much and I also loved how you expressed how much of an influence Beyoncé has had on you beyond the hype. Amazing job !!! <3
    -Oluwaseyi Alli

  21. I think it was about time we got an in depth explanation of your love for Beyonce XD! In all seriousness this was very well written and honestly had a pretty amazing message, thank you for the great read!

    -Ryan Mallon

  22. Evan!!! This is so well written and I loved your expression of your love for her and how she and other powerful women have impacted you as a person. I had a smile reading through your entire piece and I loved reading every part!

  23. This was piece was very well written and I found it really interesting how you saw Beyoncé more than just a musical artist but also as an inspirational role model for yourself. The "I am Evan Ngyuen before I am anything else" line was one of the best thing I have read.


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)