
Monday, November 2, 2020

"How To: Mac and Cheese" by Emma M

One time upon going to my aunt's house, I asked her what we were going to eat for dinner and she said macaroni and cheese. In my mind, I was thinking about the same kraft macaroni and cheese that has been done many times. However, it wasn’t any bland mac and cheese, it was layered! When seeing the layered macaroni and cheese I was astonished that I haven’t thought or ever heard of something like this, and upon coming home I was determined to find a recipe and make it my own. Scoring the internet, I found some recipes but when checking the reviews and looking at pictures, none looked appetizing or appealing. After looking through different recipes I finally found one that looked promising. With a few alterations to John Legend’s macaroni and cheese, I began to make my own layered mac and cheese that became a staple item at all family gatherings. When first attempting to make this on my own, I found that it was very dry and needed more seasoning, so after multiple times of remaking this recipe throughout many months, I came to a recipe that came out to my liking.


Thanksgiving has always been a time of family gathering, and new memories are always formed during this Holiday. Even before I was born, my family has hosted Thanksgiving at our house for years. We have family that comes in from the Bay Area, Arizona, and even Kenya to celebrate Thanksgiving. Our house is always filled with laughter, and love resonates within the walls of our home. The food we have on Thanksgiving is our hot golden-brown turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, and exploding seasoning stuffing. We also cook many African dishes such as chapati, skuma, etc. since my parents were born and raised in Kenya. The array of food that everyone brings and cooks is so diverse. Overall, around my family’s kitchen, is food that originates from different nations which all come together for this one special day.


With all the amazing foods that we have on this day, I always remembered how when I was a kid all I wanted was pizza and macaroni despite all the beautiful food that was available. Even when my younger cousin came over, I saw that they too had the same tendency of wanting to order pizza and stick to the norms of American food. So after careful consideration, in the year I perfected my layered mac and cheese, I decided to make it on Thanksgiving and add it to the diverse selection of foods that we had. The first year was very hectic adding my layered mac to the meal list because every year my kitchen is always jam-packed with family members. However, in 2017 I made it successfully despite the extra people in the kitchen. When placing the platter down, all my younger cousins and even older family members swept every last bit of the layered mac and cheese that I made. Now, every year since then I’ve had to cook double because there’s never enough leftover even with two platters full. So I wanted to share this recipe, although it’s not one hundred percent unique to me, with John Legend's help and Martha Stewart's website. I’ve been able to create a staple dish every year on Thanksgiving that even beats the attraction to the turkey.


Ingredients :


      ½ stick of salted butter (to put on the macaroni)


      ½ stick of salted butter (to put around the glass dish)


      1 teaspoon of Kosher salt


       ½ teaspoon ground pepper


      ¼ teaspoon of seasoned salt


      4 cups of macaroni (usually 2 bags/boxes)


      2 cans of evaporated milk (12 oz each)


      ½ cup of skim milk


      2 eggs


      ½ teaspoon of garlic powder


      4 (8-ounce) packages of any cheese you prefer (I use 1 bag of Mexican style blend cheese, 1 bag of Colby jack cheese, 1 bag of Monterey Jack Cheese, and 1 bag of Extra Sharp grated cheese)

      Paprika for the top of the dish


Tools Needed


      Measuring cup (to measure the ingredients out)


      2 medium mixing bowls ( 1 that will contain the liquid mixture, and the other will contain the dry ingredients)


      Large pot (to boil the macaroni)


      Wisk ( to combine the ingredients)


      Glass Dish 13-by-9 (where the layered mac and cheese will be made and baked in)


      Tablespoon measurement ( to measure the seasonings)




      Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.


      While the oven is preheating butter your 13-by-9 glass dish (until the glass is covered in butter).


      According to the macaroni bag (or box) instructions boil the amount of water needed per each bag (usually 6 cups of water per macaroni package according to a Kraft box)


      Add salt to the boiling water and once the water is boiled add the macaroni.


-       Warning: Make sure you try the macaroni and make sure it has enough flavor. I would


recommend making it under-salted (slightly) because the liquid ingredients contain more seasoning.


      Cook until al dente or according to the package directions.


      Drain the water from the macaroni and return the macaroni (without water) back into the pot.


      In your large pot (that has macaroni ) add the ½ stick of salted butter and cook until the macaroni has been coated with butter, and the butter is melted.


-       Set aside this pot of macaroni.


      In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs (first), skim milk, and evaporated milk.

-       Add the seasoned salt, garlic powder, Kosher salt, and ground pepper into the same


medium bowl as above.


      In a second bowl add all the cheeses and mix them together by hand.


      In the glass dish (13-by-9) place a thin layer of the macaroni (from the pot) and cover the bottom.

-       Next, add a thin layer of the cheese mixture and cover the macaroni that was on the




      Repeat this layering process of macaroni and then cheese (until there’s no more macaroni or cheese left).


      When you finish layering add the liquid mixture (with the eggs, milk, salts, etc.) and pour it evenly over the baking dish.


      Sprinkle paprika on top, over the whole dish (for extra seasoning and color)


      Bake for 35-45 minutes (or until the top is browned)


      Let it stand for 10-15 minutes before serving (so that it can finish cooling off)


























































  1. This looks and sounds so yummy!!! It's so cool how you took different recipes and made the Mac N Cheese your own! The directions and story were both very clear and intentional. I can't wait to try and make it! Great job!

  2. Wow Emma! This is super cool, I love how you shared your initial tendency to gravitate towards those "All American" foods that we can eat almost any day of the year. Your ingredients and instructions were so nicely listed out and look super easy to follow. That mac and cheese looks delicious and I love how diverse your family sounds!

  3. I absolutely love mac n cheese and my family and I never have it during Thanksgiving so I'll be sure to implement this recipe to this years food list, also this was very interesting to read and beneficial for the holidays coming up. -Brianna Musa

  4. Emma that Mac & Cheese looks delicious!! I will definitely have to try that out! I loved the story behind it as well! It is so cool that you have large Thanksgivings like that with family. My extended family is ginormous so we usually try to keep holidays small, but every year we've had a huge party in between Thanksgiving and Christmas where we have one giant potluck! Days like that with family and food are always the best, and I think its really awesome that you have a tradition like that with your family! I'm sure all the food is amazing but a fan favorite is always something great to look forward to! This year Thanksgiving is probably going to just be my immediate family because of the Corona Virus, but I think have to make a tray of this Mac & Cheese for them so that we can try it out. Thank you for sharing! - Nicole Lillie

  5. Emma, I absolutely loved reading this. The way in which you described your journey in search the perfect mac and cheese recipe was honestly inspiring. I definitely want to try making this recipe myself in the future because it sounds absolutely delicious. Recipe aside, I loved reading about how your thanksgiving consists of food from different cultures. Mine does as well since my parents are also from Kenya (as you know). The variety is what makes a Kenyan Thanksgiving so unique and special.

  6. The long journey to find the perfect Mac and cheese was awarded in this recipe. Emma i just want to say you did great explaining all the directions, I feel like I could cook anything now!

  7. I loved the background of this recipe of this unique Mac and cheese that you came up with. Not only that I loved how you explained that you wanted to add a new dish that would not only encourage your younger relatives to try but your whole family. You were able to demonstrate effectively what it took in order to come up with your own concept of making the best mac and cheese. I will definitely be trying out this recipe!

  8. That looks so good and I can't wait to try out the recipe. Thank you so much for sharing it. I have a weakness for mac and cheese lol. You just got me so excited for Thanksgiving...and you made me very hungry!

  9. This looks so good! I love eating Mac & Cheese, especially during Thanksgiving. The description of the difficulties you faced when creating your own recipe was very well written.

  10. William James Smith IIINovember 8, 2020 at 3:58 PM

    William James Smith III

    Lol, loved reading this! I personally am a huge Cheese fan! Interestingly enough when you think about it, we progress with logic and reason, when it comes to behavior, machines, and even foods! The emotions come from creating something that tastes good, perhaps even brings the family together as custom! The fact that food is made to taste good, and it brings us together is made possible by the ingredients measured logically numerically, and the emotional want to try something different, or keep a custom. Glad I read it!

    Hope that was helpful!!!

  11. I loved the way you began the recipe by telling the audience how it came about. It shows just how unique and special it is to you and your family. Thanksgiving most often consists of the tradition foods (turkey, potatoes, pie, etc,) and its so cool how you made your own traditional food to go along with it. This recipe looks super good too!

  12. Mac and cheese is a must, especially around the holidays. This recipe sounds SO good and I will definitely have to try this.

  13. UMMMMM HELLO, this looks sooooo good. My mouth is literally watering. I really want to try and make this but it just feels wrong and I probably won't do it justice. I bet you felt so satisfied after perfecting your recipe. Thank you for sharing, it looks delicious!!!!

  14. Oh my this looks so yummy I definitely need to make this!!! Im such a Mac n cheese fan and your recipe is something I need to try. You were so detailed and specific in your directions I literally could be Gordon Ramsay LOL!!

  15. As someone who always just makes Krafts Mac n Cheese, it was nice to read how Mac n Cheese is properly made. I actually have all of these ingredients in my pantry for once, so I think I'll try this sometime soon. This is really easy to read and follow along. Nice job!

  16. Thank you for sharing this recipe! Your instructions were very easy to understand. Mac n Cheese is one of my favorite dishes and I'm excited to try to this!!!!

  17. Thank you for sharing this recipe! Your instructions were very easy to understand. Mac n Cheese is one of my favorite dishes and I'm excited to try to this!!!!

  18. This dish looks absolutely amazing! My family is full of picky little kids who only eat mac and cheese and chicken nuggets so this would be a hit with them! Thank you for sharing your recipe I can't wait to try it out!

  19. I was actually in the mood for some Mac and cheese but not one that looked as great as this!!! I need to try this out next time I make pork chops for the family, great work!

  20. Emma thank you so much for this recipe I will definitely try it soon !! I love that it took you many times to get the mac and cheese to your liking I'm glad you didn't give up !! I hope your Thanksgiving will be great and not too chaotic lol !!
    -Oluwaseyi Alli

  21. As soon as I saw the pictures, MY JAW DROPPED!! This recipe is one that is on my to do list for sure. Thank you for sharing the history and efficient directions with us.

    -Kaitlin Dalisay

  22. YAY! If you ask anyone in my family, I’m ALWAYS either making or eating pasta, it’s kinda my thing. However, I never really make mac and cheese because I just never found the right recipe for it yet. I never thought about putting evaporated milk in a mac and cheese, so now I am going to definitely try this out! Thank you!! :)

  23. Hi Emma! This mac n cheese looks absolutely delicious, and I love that you included the story behind it! I’ve never really wanted to go through all of the effort of making homemade mac n cheese when the box version is so easy, but after reading this, I actually want to try and make it. Thank you for sharing!
    - Morgan McDonnell

  24. Hi Emma! This mac n cheese looks absolutely delicious, and I love that you included the story behind it! I’ve never really wanted to go through all of the effort of making homemade mac n cheese when the box version is so easy, but after reading this, I actually want to try and make it. Thank you for sharing!
    - Morgan McDonnell

  25. Hi Emma! This mac n cheese looks absolutely delicious, and I love that you included the story behind it! I’ve never really wanted to go through all of the effort of making homemade mac n cheese when the box version is so easy, but after reading this, I actually want to try and make it. Thank you for sharing!
    - Morgan McDonnell

  26. Oluwadamilola BabatundeDecember 8, 2020 at 5:49 PM

    Oluwadamilola Babatunde:

    As a kid I was never the biggest fan of mac and cheese but now I absolutely love making and eating mac and cheese. Mac and Cheese was not meant to be made straight from the carton and that is what I realized growing up. I loved your recipe and will try it next time I make some with a hint of love.


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