
Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Coronavirus" by Eniife O.

The coronavirus is an international travesty that has decimated the American economy and has claimed a mind-boggling two hundred twenty-two thousand lives and counting rapidly. Millions have lost their jobs and their loved ones. The eviction and homeless rates have quickly spiked while even the strongest of businesses are filing for bankruptcy. We, the people of the United States of America, have done an atrocious job of managing this pandemic to the extent other countries, both our allies and nations opposed to us, have placed extensive restrictions on U.S. travel. We are arguably the most influential, prosperous country globally, yet because of our foolishness in managing this virus, lesser countries block visitation and immigration completely. Fixing this is frankly simple. First, we should not look towards anyone for any answer whatsoever except proven scientists and health care officials. There is no reason for masks not to be mandated whatsoever! A Mask prevents viral transmission and stops the respiratory droplets from being transmitted when we do things humans always do: sneeze, talk, or cough. Yes, they are uncomfortable and look childish, but your negligence in not wearing a mask could cost another precious American life. Your irresponsibility could cause someone to be attached to a respirator. People say their fatigue level towards quarantine is immense yet frequently contradict themselves by entering society without a mask. Social distancing is not a joke; stay 6 feet away as best as you can because it will hinder viral transmission or any COVID-19 particles that somehow spread despite wearing the mask.

Our definition of essential is too broad. We should not adapt to this pandemic; we should eliminate this pandemic. Any places that are not "super essential," meaning health care, the medical field, energy, child care, agriculture and food production, extremely critical trade, transportation, and the retail sector should shut down immediately. My heart goes out to those that own small business or will lose a primary source of income, but we must do this to save lives and, in the long run, live better` as we will quickly be able to reopen completely. Some malls, clubs, and casinos are currently open with restrictions, which is imprudent and witless, to say the least, and will only extend the period in which these restrictions will be mandated. Why even have restricted fun? What is the point? Finally, we should help each other abide by the rules to end the pandemic. Yes, landlords have the right to financial compensation, but eviction should be illegal when we are in a global epidemic rent forgiveness should not be too much to ask. People want to work, and they will soon if we follow these rules, but for now, we have to shut down and lower some of their expenses as their income is currently taking a dramatic hit. Small legitimate businesses should continue to acquire government funds. The minimum wage should be temporarily exponentially increased because the poverty rate will inevitably spike; how much more because of all of the precautions taken for this pandemic. Selfish bosses should not be allowed to layoff enormous amounts of resources because they do not want to pay them; the goal is to create more jobs to help more people in society, not use corona as in excuse to layoff workers you don't like, especially when the government has given you "wink" "wink" deals if you keep these businesses American to hep society.

As a community, we have to murder the thoughts of childish conspiracies currently rampaging throughout our society. Coronavirus is not fake; if you need proof, go to any hospital in a major city with such a high number of patients suffering when they're deciding who to save and who to send home and who to let live. We must take this seriously. The vaccine soon to be released is not a secret agenda in which every single doctor and viral scientist in the world is conspiring for the entire community's suffering. Think logically before you believe the foolishness that is being sputtered recently. These tough times have pushed the ignorant to speak too frequently, confusing the masses, don't believe them. Precautions are not instated for a breach of duty; they are put in place to preserve your life, not take your rights. Even if you are willing to take the risk, realize if you get sick, it doesn't just hurt you; it hurts everyone.

All in all, this epidemic will not defeat us; we are Americans; we've dealt with worse. If we do what is hard, society can return to normal; it just must be safe for the community's betterment.


  1. Hi Enife,

    Thank you for this passionate piece. I agree with you that under our conditions in the pandemic we should be united and collaborate with each other. I also applause you for your bravery to speak out in a topic that is controversial for some.


  2. Wow, this just blew my mind. This is honestly so true and I hundred percent agree with you. People should read this and maybe have a better understanding of this pandemic. Wow, this literally just like blew my mind i just can't process that we are still in this pandemic.

  3. This was so powerful! I love the way you told all the facts straight up, without trying to sugarcoat anything. I think if more people could read this or were able tot think like this it would do so much good. Nice job!

  4. The idea of a "new normal" should be enough to truly wake up many Americans who want to embrace the pandemic, and not eliminate it. This explains everything that EVERY American needs to hear. Being a part of a family with frontline medical workers, it's just a truly awful experience living and hearing the horrors of COVID in hospitals. You absolutely nailed it. Outstanding job.

  5. Great piece! Appreciate the use of factual evidence and the time it took to get this information out. I can tell your passion of wanting to get this information out to others who have trouble learning or wanting to learn of the virus, great stuff!

  6. William James Smith IIIDecember 7, 2020 at 1:19 PM

    William James Smith III: Thank you so much for just putting out the truth! We need to trust in science more that ever before since 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu and Polio struck!

    When we think about it, these diseases have been around for billions of years, long before humans or multi cellular life existed, single cell parasites and viruses existed. At the end of the day, we are no better than the other species, as one day, we will be checked and bottle necked, like every other species. When we lost faith in science during the dark age, more than half of Europe's population died from the Bubonic Plague, as they believe in praying, or living as they normally do, rather than adopting sanitation and the methods of quarantining and science.

    This is not nearly as bad as that, but we are falling into a similar trap! As you said, we have to sacrifice personal gain for others, and believe in science to guide us through this mess!

    Great job!

  7. Wow. You really took the words right out. of my mouth. To begin, I love the way you acknowledged other viewpoints besides your own stance. My. family owns small businesses, and much like yourself, I think that in order to overcome this pandemic and not. just adjust to it and learn to live with it, we need to take the right steps in order to completely eliminate it. Many places are not essential, and though we may take some hard financial hits at least in my family, we will never fully thrive until we get rid of the problems. Overall, great job expanding your viewpoints and explaining with realistic answers.

  8. Amazing job! I thought that this piece was incredibly informative and well-thought-out. I also agree that we must not adapt to the pandemic and instead try to eliminate to the best of our abilities. I really liked your ending statement, it was extremely passionate and encapsulated the essence of your piece within a few short sentences.

  9. Great job! This was super inclusive to all viewpoints and very well thought out. It's nice to hear peoples opinions in a non aggressive manner, it was VERY refreshing. Well done! - Samantha Galarza

  10. Awesome job. I like all the facts that you used to explain the coronavirus and you were very precise with your explanations. I also like how you gave your own perspective on coronavirus and how you said if we do what is hard, then society can return to normal

  11. Outstanding writing Enife! I loved how you discussed many facets of this pressing issue while maintain the idea unification throughout your entire piece. Your take on the topic was very civilized and your focus on the humanitarian aspect was very appreciated.

  12. This piece of writing was fantastic in its urgency to get to the heart of the issue. You made it clear and direct your opinions and ambitions with this piece. I truly admire your upholding of factual information in a time where more often than not it is easy to be misinformed. I also appreciate the sternness with which you talk about the crisis in the medical field. Both of my parents work in nursing facilities and they tell me every night and day how stressful it is trying to keep themselves safe when at anytime they could be surrounded by the virus. It is altogether more stressful when they have to watch over up to 15 patients a day because there is simply not enough staff. You are absolutely right: this is not a matter of ideology and politics, but of getting immediate help to those who are in need and taking up our responsibility as good citizens to ensure the safety of others.

  13. The conclusion was my favorite; it summed up the piece very nicely and left a powerful message as well. I can feel the passion through your writing and I couldn't agree with you more on all your points ( especially wearing a mask to save lives).

  14. This was a very well rounded take on covid-19:) There were many perspectives, and I like that you didn't try to politicize the pandemic!

  15. A fantastic piece of writing. From the start, you were precise and direct with your ambitions and your message in this essay. I especially admire your upholding of factual information amidst a time when it is so very easy to be misinformed. Likewise, I appreciate your recognition of the current medical field crisis. Having both parents work in medical care centers, I am reminded everyday of their stresses in trying to remain as safe as possible in areas that are hot zones for the coronavirus. The stress only piles on for them when they have to manage up to 15 patients a day because of staff shortages. My parents have witnessed family members, patients, and coworkers be taken by this pandemic. You are absolutely right: this is no time to argue politics and ideology. As responsible citizens we need to make sure that help is delivered to those in dire need and that we are ensuring the safety of those around us.

  16. I love the fact that you make us all feel included when reading considering the fact that all of us are going through this.. most of the time its vert one sided and i very much agree with melissa, i like that its not politicized. I like your style of writing it was very easy to understand and grasp!

  17. I really enjoyed your piece Eniife. You wrote it beautifully and with a flow that engages the reader even further. I believe you expressed what many of us feel as well, so I also thank you for sharing the precautions that should be taken, as well as how we should function in these burdensome times. A great piece.
    - Dianna Villasenor

  18. Great job on getting the information across. I think you did amazing with the evidence. I liked how we can actually all relate to this, with what is happening around us. Your wrote it very well, and was easy to follow.

  19. Your conclusion was powerful and something that I believe all American's should rally behind, we are all American's and will get through this, but we have to be willing to fight for it. Great Job!
    -Ryan Mallon

  20. Anastasia Lamiy: I totally agree with you! If the simple rules were followed from the very beginning, we wouldn't still have coronavirus with this much danger and control over us. We need to control ourselves before this virus hold more control over our lives. I really like the common sense in this writing. Good Job! :D

  21. Anastasia Lamiy: I totally agree with you! If the simple rules were followed from the very beginning, we wouldn't still have coronavirus with this much danger and control over us. We need to control ourselves before this virus hold more control over our lives. I really like the common sense in this writing. Good Job! :D


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