
Monday, September 28, 2020

"The Galarza’s Spaghetti Recipe" by Samantha G


     Hey y'all! Welcome to my blog entry on my family’s spaghetti recipe!Today I am going to explain how to make our generationally perfected spaghetti so that y’all can make this spaghetti at home with your own families! However, before I explain how to make my family's delicious spaghetti I am going to share my reason for choosing this particular recipe.I come from a family that loves to cook and make delicious items! My grandmother on my dad’s side is the one who introduced, and gave my mom the “recipe” for the family's spaghetti. While my mom greatly appreciated the gesture, she decided that she wanted to change up the recipe like those who had the recipe before her had done as well. My mom experimented with new spices, meats, and types of noodles before she finally settled on the way her and my dad liked the spaghetti best. My mom had decided to add new spices like chili and onion, she added sweet italian sausage into the ground beef, and finally decided to add the smooth, cheesy topping on the finished spaghetti.But anyways, the reason I decided to share this specific recipe with YOU, isso that you and your families can come together and experiment a new wayto make your own spaghetti and be able to pass that recipe down to your own families to continue to have delicious family recipes that you and your family can enjoy! I encourage you to use our family's recipe as a “baseline” on how to make your own recipe! I hope you and your families will be able to use this recipe as a tool to produce your own family recipes and have amazing smells coming from your kitchen, just like mine! Make sure you have your family in mind as you experiment, and please be careful! 



1 Tbsp. of Canola Oil 

Chicken Bouillon 

Chili PowderGarlic Salt 

Italian Seasoning Blend 

Meat Tenderizer 

Minced Onion 

Three Fifteen Ounce Cans of Tomato Sauce 

Three Cups of Grated Cheddar Cheese 

One Pound of Ground Beef 

One Pound of Spaghetti Noodles 

One Pound of Sweet Italian Sausage 


1.Empty your package of ground beef and ground or sliced italian sausage into the skillet. (My family uses a large electric skillet, but you may use whatever you have available!) 

2.Once the meats have been added, sprinkle the chili powder, garlic salt,Italian seasoning blend, meat tenderizer, and minced onion onto the mixture of meat in the skillet. 

3.Once the spices have been added, cook the meat until browned. 

4.While the meat is cooking, boil a pot of water and add one tablespoon.of canola oil and two tablespoons of chicken bouillon to the water.(When adding the bouillon to the boiling water show CAUTION the bouillon may cause the water to boil over onto the stove! To avoid this,try turning the heat down after the water has boiled while you are adding the bouillon!) 

5.Once the bouillon and oil have been added to the boiling water, grab your pound of spaghetti noodles, break them in half and drop them into the boiling water. (Once again, show CAUTION when adding the noodles into the boiling water to avoid the water boiling over onto the stove! Turning the heat down during the dropping of the noodles into the pot will assist in avoiding a boil over as well!) 

6.Cook the spaghetti noodles for ten minutes or until the pasta is “Al Dente”. 

7.While the pasta is cooking, open the three cans of tomato sauce and add the sauce to the meat in the skillet. Do not throw away the tomato sauce cans!! 

8.Once the contents of the tomato sauce cans have been poured into the meat, add one and a half tomato sauce cans worth of water into the meat mixture. 

9.Once the tomato sauce and water are added, allow the meat and tomato sauce to simmer with the lid on until the pasta is ready. 

10.Once the pasta is ready, strain the noodles from the pasta water and add the pasta into the meat and sauce mixture.

11.Once the spaghetti noodles and sauce have been thoroughly mixed, cover the entire top of the spaghetti with the grated cheddar cheese. 

12.Once the cheddar cheese has been added, put the lid back on the skillet and allow the cheese to completely melt onto the spaghetti. 

13.Once the cheese has been completely melted, uncover the pan and serve! 

On behalf of me and my family, we sincerely hope you enjoy our family's spaghetti and will use it to create your own families special spaghetti recipe! 

Bon Appetit!



  1. I like how it is a sort of twist on spaghetti and that the instructions were clear and easy to follow. I also liked how you made the recipe not only about food but also about family, and how we can even change it how we would like. I also liked the use of the tomato sauce cans for measurement. Overall very good :)
    -Isaiah Garza

  2. Samantha! I absolutely loved how you mentioned how your mother had altered this recipe, just as other family members have in generations past. Your description gave me a sense of tradition through a family-centered meal. I definitely will need to try out this recipe sometime, as it sounds DELICIOUS!

  3. Although, I'm not a fan of spagetti, I appreciate that you shared your family's recipe because most families like mine don't family recipe's until your'e of certain age. It makes me think about when I help my grandmother in the kitchen on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Also you had very thorough directions, unlike most recipes you might find online.

  4. AHHH. This sounds so yummy I wanna try!! Even though i'm not really a big fan of spaghetti, Im definitely going to make my momma try this with me. We both love to cook and especially try new things! Im so glad you shared your family's recipe, cant wait to try it!

  5. I loved how enthusiastic you were from the start and to the end. I also loved how you encourage others to change the recipe to our liking, it gives us the feeling of being a part of the family rather than just following the directions word for word. Spaghetti is my favorite food so I will totally give this a try!

  6. I love how it is more than just a recipe and that you make it about family. I also love how you leave it to us to change it and have fun with it as we please. it gives a level of opportunity for us to do what we want, making it less of a spaghetti recipe and more of a quality time recipe hahaha :). I also like the use of tomato cans as measurement

  7. I loved how you incorporate an introductory paragraph in the beginning that detailed the importance of this recipe in your family. I think it's so beautiful how you pass this recipe down to each generation. I also liked how you noted that each family member adds their own speciality to the recipe, I think this is so special and again unique to each generation. For your recipe I enjoy reading your detailed steps and I will definitely make this in the future! The picture looks so appealing and I'm happy you decided to share this to the class.

  8. Love the recipe. I adore how your mother chose to change the recipe and add her own twist to it. It encourages future cooks/makers of this dish to differ from the tradition. Your introduction to why you chose to write about this makes me think back to when I would cook with my family and my fun memories with them, so it was nice to remember the good times especially in the situation we're in. I will for sure try out this recipe when I can.
    -Ashley Inocencio (p.1)

  9. I love trying new recipes and I LOVE spaghetti. I am so excited to try this recipe and I love how it has been passed down for generations! Thank you for sharing, this is very useful hahaha :)

  10. Thank you for sharing this recipe! I think it so cool that instead of keeping the recipe the same, it changes with every generation. Every time you have it it may be slightly different, but each part of it has hint of a different part of the family. This is such a special thing you guys share!
    - Jordyn Stiles

  11. I love how its so much more about a recipe. And how its about a recipe your family passes down from one generation to another making it so much more special!

  12. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us! It sounds delicious with every amount of details you put into the recipe itself. Amazing work!

    Kayla Macasinag, (p.1)

  13. Thank you for this recipe, I will definitely try it out. the instructions are easy to follow and detailed which is great. It is special, that it is your family recipe passed down from generations.
    -Muskaan Sandhu

  14. I love how you mentioned the idea that recipes bring families together and can be passed down from generation to generation. Every family has their own traditions or family recipes and I find it fascinating, especially when they share it with others. My family and I love spaghetti, so hopefully we will be able to try this!

  15. Thank you for sharing this delicious looking recipe with us! Spaghetti is a meal my family craves for dinner when everyone comes together. It is so genuine and thoughtful of your family to be willing to pass this recipe down from generation to generation because this is a way to somehow keep your family connected throughout time. It is a truly special thing you and your family are doing!

  16. Caitlyn Jane S BasaOctober 1, 2020 at 1:01 PM

    For someone who LOVES pasta, I will definitely try your family recipe. So, thank you for sharing it with us. I love how you guys have a family recipe that you'll be able to pass down to generation to generation because I do not have that within my family but I would love to make one in the future for my future kids and grandkids, etc.

  17. I love pasta especially spaghetti so I will be trying this out, and the directions seem very easy to follow good job!! -Brianna Musa

  18. Although I do not really like spaghetti, I appreciate you sharing this recipe because I know a lot of people who hold recipes to themselves because they don't want anyone taking "their specialty." The connection between the recipe and family was also amazing. -Benjamin Galaz Jr. P.2

  19. Great Job with an insightful window into your family and culture! Family meals are always so fun to make, and interestingly enough, my dads great grandma from Sicily, Italy actually came up with our own sweetbread recipe. Super cool of ya to share all of this! You should make your own thing to be passed down the generations for the family too!

    William James Smith III

  20. Hi Samantha, this is such a beautiful gesture. Sharing your family's traditions and recipes is so kind of you ! The recipe sounds very good!

  21. Ok first I want to say thank you for sharing a family recipe of pasta. Second, I want to say that I absolutely love pasta, ad finally I think it's amazing how food can bring a family together, in your case, you and your family loves to cook which reminds me of my family.

  22. Thank you for sharing such a delicious looking recipe! My family isn’t the best at cooking so seeing such a good recipe that is easy to follow will surely make it easy for my family to try this pasta. The connection you make to your family makes this recipe even more special, thank you for sharing!

  23. Honestly, I am not the biggest fan of spaghetti, but your recipe made me crave it. I will make sure to try it out and make it for my family. I like how you mentioned the history of the recipe as well! After all, the best food always comes from home.

  24. Thank you for sharing this unique and tasty-looking recipe! I like how there is a story/reason behind the recipe. It cool how this is a recipe your family has passed down from generation to generation, tweaking it along the way. I think a family tradition like that is amazing and very special.

  25. Abigail Babatunde

    I love love cooking and experimenting with food but one of my favorite things to make is spaghetti, I love how you're mom not only learned from your grandmother but also made it her own. I can't wait to try this recipe for my siblings and I!!

  26. Anastasia Lamiy

    Hello Samantha, I love the story behind this recipe! I will, for sure, try this reciepe. It sounds super delisious. I love how your family cares so much for their spaghetti!

  27. Thank you for sharing this amazing spaghetti recipe! I love spaghetti and it's one of the only things I know how to make, I like how the instructions are very clear which can help me try this one day!

  28. Anastasia Lamiy

    Hi Samantha, I love the recipe. It is very detailed and I absolutly love the story behind it! I love that each generation the recipe was being changed, too. I will definatly try this with my family!

  29. Hey Samantha !!! I love this recipe and that it's dear to your family ! I will most definitely try it cause I LOVE spaghetti so thank you so much !!!!!

  30. Hey Sammy! This recipe sounds SO delicious that it made my mouth water! I loved the personal touch you mentioned that comes with every new person following the recipe and highlighted the freeness that comes with being in the kitchen and making a meal. I really appreciate you giving us, as readers an insight to one of your family traditions ! Great job! :)

  31. Hi Samantha! I love how you explain the family story behind the recipe, it really shows that there is so much more meaning behind cooking than just making some food. I also like your use of "y'all" because it makes the post feel more personal and not too formal and bland!
    - Morgan McDonnell

  32. I love the personal story you included in the beginning of your recipe, and how it connected to you and your family. I'm definitely planning to make this with my family. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  33. Wow this looks really good! My favortie food is spaghetti so seeing someone make a recipe made me really happy LOL

  34. Kaitlin Dalisay : Samantha! I am bursting with excitement that you have shared this recipe with us! My favorite food is spaghetti and I am used to the "Filipino way." My family loves different cultures and trying new foods so I will definitely be raving about this to my mom;D. The fact that this recipe has been in your family for generations means it's the best of the best!! (Kaitlin Dalisay)

  35. Samuel Griffin

    Hi Samantha! Just reading the recipe made me hungry! For someone like me, I loved how detailed your recipe is and how easy it is to follow and I can’t wait to try it out! I think it’s even cooler that it’s been evolved throughout generations and generations!

  36. Hi Samantha, I absolutely loved reading through your recipe and I really like how your mom took the spaghetti recipe and made it her own. It sounds delicious and I wanted to say thank you for sharing it.

  37. I LOVE cooking and trying new recipes, expecially pasta dishes, so I am definitely going to try this out ! The best types of recipes are ones passed down from family generations, so I'm sure this tastes amazing. Thank you for the recipe and sharing how much effort you and your family put in your perfected spaghetti! :)

    (Laura Clark)

  38. I thought it was very encouraging by you stating that we should base our family traditional food and make it our own with our families. I think you stated such a great idea not only does experimenting help demonstrate your own creativity it also helps bond with your family and learn from each other. I love the effort and detailing you provided in how to make your family recipe and I'll try to make this with my family as well.

    -Michaiah Stanford

  39. Hello Samantha, when I am able to, I always enjoy helping out with the cooking in my family. Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods and the first dish I have learned to make. Just reading this made me hungry because this recipe sounds absolutely delicious. Great work!

  40. I loved how your introductory paragraph felt very welcoming and open as you were generously sharing your family's recipe to spaghetti. The instructions were very easy to follow and I hope very soon I will try this recipe and perhaps put my own twist on it.

  41. This looks so good! I definitely plan on trying it soon. I'm glad your mom decided on putting her own twist to it! I'm sure both recipes from your grandmother and mother were made with love. Thank you so much for sharing :)

  42. Savanah Fitz

    This spaghetti recipe is very clear! It is easy to follow and I love the background you give before you start. I will definitely be trying this recipe.

  43. Very well detailed and easy to comprehend and follow

  44. Interestingly, most people eat spaghetti the same way, but I like the twist that your mom gave it. I have experienced tweaking recipes as well and I find it fascinating what we come up with to suit our taste. I love how you included a background story as well.

  45. Hi Samantha! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Not only is it a recipe but it’s also a piece of your life connected to it. I’m glad your mom decided to put a spin on the original recipe to make it more personal. I’ll definitely have to try to make this with my family sometime thanks!

  46. I really enjoy the kind of free spirited cooking aspect of the story that goes along with the meal, that it's not a set in stone recipe, but rather something to be played with to find each persons personally perfect spaghetti!

    Ryan Mallon

  47. I really enjoyed this recipe. I liked how you like to cook with your family, because there are a lot of people that don't like doing that. I love cooking with my family also, I would totally cook this and share this recipe with my family.

  48. I love the introductory and how it sounds "friendly" and gives a background on your recipe. The recipe is also clear for people who don't know how to cook.- Lauren Perez


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