
Monday, May 4, 2020

"How to make Pyrohy" by Zoe C

     Growing up, I was the only American in my family because the rest of my family was  either born in Canada or in Ukraine. So because of this, the majority of the things I ate were  Ukrainian/Canadian foods. I was introduced to Pyrohy at a young age and I have been eating  them and participating in making them ever since then. But, if you don’t know what a Pyrohy is,  it's a Ukrainian version of a pierogi (which is a Polish Dumpling filled with mashed potatoes and  cheese/onion). In other parts of Ukraine Pyrohy is called Varenyky. But the dish is also very  popular in Canada( this is mostly because of the mass waves of Eastern European immigration to  Canada after WWII).    First off, I’m going to let you guys know that this process is very messy and long. So you will  definitely need to wash your hands multiple times throughout the process. 

 You will need (for filling): 

● 3 cups of mashed Potatoes  
● 1 teaspoon olive oil  
● 1/2 chopped small onion 
● 4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese 
● 1 tablespoon of melted butter 
● 1 cup of sour cream

  You will need (for the dough):  

 ● 5 cups of flour
 ● 1 teaspoon of salt
● 1 cup of water 
● 2 tablespoons of butter 
● 3 large eggs 
● ½ cup of butter (softened) 
● ½ teaspoon pepper

Directions:    Now that you have all of your ingredients ready, you have to make the dough of the pyrohy first.. 

 1) Mix together the flour and salt. Then add the egg to the flour and combine. The dough  will be a little clumpy at first but it's ok!

2) Now you have to add in the sour cream and butter until the dough becomes nice and soft  and sticky.

 3) Wash your hands and begin to knead and fold the dough. If it's too sticky you can  sprinkle a little
more flour onto the dough. 

4) After the dough has been thoroughly mixed and kneaded, you can then wrap it up in  saran wrap and leave it in the fridge for 5 hours.

 5) Now to make the filling:​ Combine the shredded cheese with the mashed potatoes. Stir  the mashed potatoes until the cheese is melted. You can add salt and pepper at this step  depending on if you want to or not. 

6) Now to actually fill the pyrohy:​ Roll half of the dough to 1/8" thick. Use a cup to cut  out circles of the dough. 

7) Then place 1 1/2 teaspoons of filling on each circle dough. Gently fold the dough over,  forming a pocket around the filling. Pinch the edges of the pyrohy to seal it and then seal  it again with the sharp edges of a fork. 

8) The LAST STEP!! ​Gently drop the pyrohy into a pot of boiling salted water. Only drop  in 10 pyrohy at a time in the pot because it starts to get a little crazy in the pot if it's any  more than 10. Then they will start to float up to the top of the pot and that's when you  know they are ready!

You can also fry up these babies in a buttered pan with bacon and green onions and top it off  with sour cream and they will taste amazing...If you have any leftovers you can put them in a  ziploc bag and put them in the freezer and they’ll last for months.


  1. This recipe is definitely something I will try. I have never heard of this before but from the pictures it looks really good. This recipe seems easy to follow, good job on that! Also, I like how you incorporated picture to demonstrate some steps.

  2. Really nice and easy to follow recipe! I also liked how you mentioned some background info about it, great work

  3. I liked how you included your cultural background in the beginning to let others know where Pyrohy comes from. I also enjoyed how organized the ingredients and directions were displayed. These look very yummy! Amazing job.

  4. This seems like a very unique and cool dish to make !! The steps were clear and it looks really tasty. - Breana Plascencia

  5. I never heard of this but it looks so good. Your instructions were very clear and the background make it even more fun.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this dish! I’ve actually never heard of this before, I will definitely have to try this though. I love potatoes, cheese and onions, so this will definitely be some thing that I will enjoy. The ingredients to make this dish don’t seem hard at all either :)

  7. I like how you include some background on the recipe and I really liked you include some images to help follow how each steps are suppose to look like. Great Job

  8. These look delicious! I have always wanted to try making something like this and now I have a recipe and an excuse, so I will definitely have to make these soon. - Cameron Hunter

  9. I saw the photos and just knew I had to read this! I love that I got to learn a little bit of your background and can introduce it to my family and my food ideas. I like that the recipe itself was simple and easy to follow.

  10. Great Job Zoe! I like you organize your piece, and how easy it is to follow it! Your recipe looks tasty and delicious. I will definitely try this in the future! Thank you for sharing! Great job overall.

  11. Amazing job! You gave a detailed background of where the dish is from and detailed images to back up how the dish should look, not only as the final product but the steps in between. I think that it was very well written as it was easy to follow how much I needed and what I needed. Thank you for sharing! -Linda Hung

  12. Camren LittlejohnMay 12, 2020 at 3:57 PM

    This recipe is new too me and I most definitely will have to try this, Thanks!

  13. This dish looks so good!! I've never heard of it before, and will definitely be trying it. The details you incorporated about the cooking process and pictures really made this piece shine. Good job! :)

  14. I loved learning about your heritage and the yummy food which originates from Ukraine! These pyrohy seem so fun to make and the end result looks absolutely delicious. Thank you for sharing this easy-to-follow recipe!

  15. This is something I have never seen before and I do look forward to eventually trying this out sometime! Thank you for sharing! -Aaron P

  16. This looks delicious and not too hard to make. I liked how you shared how you connected with the dish and what it meant to you. Great job!

  17. Wow Zoe this was amazing. I was really happy to see a recipe for a more European dish as I don’t see those often. This looks delicious. I think I’ll definitely try to make some Pyrohy sometime.

  18. I've never made this before but it seems delicious and your steps were very thorough and helped with the pictures for an even more in depth step by step recipe this seems so tasty thanks for sharing!
    -Rebecca Clinton

  19. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaMay 14, 2020 at 7:46 PM

    Oh. My. God. This looks soooo good!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this recipe with us, especially with it being so detailed, and I can’t wait to try it out! Keep up the good work!!!


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