
Monday, May 4, 2020

"Happiness" by Karen M

     What is happiness? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, happiness is defined as “a state of well being and a pleasurable or satisfying experience”. In 2007 a positive psychology researcher named Sonja Lyubomirsky described happiness in her book as the experience of joy and positive emotions along with a meaningful and worthwhile life. These two definitions correlate with positive influences because people seek positivity in their life in order to feel a sense of happiness and joy.      
     The word happiness means completely different things for most people. For some it may involve having money, getting an A+ on that test that they studied hard for or simply having a good day. For others it's more about popularity, a high that they get from drugs or even getting an adrenaline rush from doing something that they shouldn't have done. People will always have a positive and a negative idea of what happiness is which is what makes happiness different for everyone. Although happiness is an overall joyful emotion, it isn’t always what it seems. For example it has its bittersweet moments like when you look back at pictures and reminisce about the memories that you know you won’t be able to relive. People often tend to rely on other people for their own happiness. For instance, when someone is in a relationship whether it be a romantic one or just a group of friends, if one person depends more on the other for this serotonin filled emotion it doesn’t always work. It won’t have the best outcome because you shouldn’t place your happiness in someone else’s hands and leave it to them to care for. Today’s society makes it hard for some people to be happy. Pleasing other people is such a priority for some that in the process of trying to make those people happy they end up losing sight of their own happiness and who they are. As an example, if a student wants to please their parents and make them happy by getting good grades it could cause that student stress and they might lose some of their happiness along the way or if a kid is trying to impress another friend they might do something that they usually wouldn’t and wouldn’t be proud of.  
     For me personally, happiness comes in different forms. To me happiness involves the small things like coming home and seeing that my mom made my favorite dinner, passing a test that I had forgotten about or even getting a small compliment. It’s little things like those that make me happy and grateful. Other memorable experiences are nights out at the mall, going to a restaurant with my family and playing with my baby niece. One unforgettable experience that makes me happy is when I would go to Mexico for Christmas as a child and collect candy that I would later share with my cousins. Spending time with my family and friends will always be my main source of happiness even if it’s just sitting on the couch talking. The reason these things play a huge role in my happiness is because when I’m down and think about those memories it fills me up with joy and happiness and reminds me that there’s always something to look forward to. 

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  1. This is very well-written. The amount of detail that you used and the different examples that you used to describe happiness can relate to many people's lives. As you said, happiness comes in different forms for different people. I loved the way that you wrote this!

  2. Karen, I like how you included both the positive and negative view of happiness, as not everyone have he same take on its meaning. I also love how in the end, you even incorporated your own meaning of it which makes this beautiful because we as readers get an insight on the mind of the narrator. Overall, you did a great job in defining happiness.

  3. Well done! I agree with your interpretation of happiness and how it comes in different forms, sometimes resulting in a bittersweet moment. I also like how you included some things that make you happy as they remind you there is always something to look forward to. Overall amazing work!

  4. Isabel QuintanillaMay 9, 2020 at 3:35 PM

    I love how you included the different forms of happiness as well as your own personal examples and feelings of happiness in the small things. Great job!

  5. Karen! The way you describe happiness as both a positive and negative thing, really help to understand your whole piece more! I really enjoyed your little personal aspects and moments that make you happy!

  6. Rinel-Christian AlbaniaMay 11, 2020 at 2:58 PM

    I completely agree with your definition of happiness! It is sad that society has gradually veered away from truly understanding themselves and what makes them happy in an attempt to look for this happiness in others. Great work!

  7. Karen! I love your piece! I totally agree with you when you said that happiness can involve simple things -- definitely as simple as our parents making food for us! Like you, I also get my source of happiness from the people around me such as my family and friends. Overall, I think you did a great job with your piece and defining what happiness truly means!

  8. I like how you provided so much detail and examples to emphasize how happiness can mean different things to many people and how its definition varies depending on who you are. Good job!

  9. Alejandra AmezquitaMay 12, 2020 at 8:27 PM

    Such an amazing piece! You gave great examples of what many people's happiness may be and describe your own very well.

  10. I couldn't agree more with this! You did a great job, it is well written out. In our society today it is sad to se others relying on each other to provide happiness, I think that it is pretty selfish. Then again, everyone has their own version of it.

  11. I definitely agree with your statement that happiness comes in different forms for each individual person. Something that brings me happiness is spending time with my little sister, laughing with friends, and reminiscing about old sweet memories shared with my family. This was a very nice read, great job!

    - Drishti Modi

  12. I like how you did the research and stated the psychology researcher's point of view. I also liked how you described happiness in all different forms and used perspective to further explain the definition. Great work! Very well written! -Linda Hung

  13. I love your piece! Very well written and I couldn’t have said it better yourself. I like how you gave different perspectives and how much detail you put into it. -Aneika Madrigal

  14. I love your use of detail and how you defined happiness. Also I feel that it is essential that we all find our own sense of happiness. Overall, Good Job! Very well written!

  15. I like how you did the research and stated the psychology researcher's point of view. I also liked how you described happiness in all different forms and used perspective to further explain the definition. Great work! Very well written! -Linda Hung


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