
Thursday, February 20, 2020

"My Love" by Jaeyeon R.

      Love is “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person” as defined by the
Webster dictionary (Love). I believe this definition misses a lot of the feeling and the importance of real love for another person. Emotions are hard to define in simple terms since it is often we rely on our own experiences to come up with our own internalized definitions. Personally, I feel love is the hardest emotion to define due to everyone loving in their own way. Love is such a raw emotion that varies from one person to another. My love is being able to give myself up to someone, trusting them with my emotions and to continue making connections with one another.
Alan Watts did a lecture on love and defined it as, “an act of surrender to another person” which I feel helped to better capture the emotion of love (Watts). When you say that you are “in love” with someone, it is about letting go and entrusting yourself; mind, body, and soul, into another person.   Love is all the little things that build up into this great emotion we have for someone. It’s waking up with someone in the morning and making their coffee the way they like it, it’s the inside jokes you keep between yourselves that have developed over the years, it’s looking into their eyes and feeling at ease. No nerves, no anxiety, just relaxation and the ability to surrender to them.
     Falling in love can happen fast, almost like lightning. When it’s real, we don’t really know that we’re in love with someone until we are. There’s almost a complete lack of thought
that happens when you fall in love. You might think, “this is someone I’m going to fall in love with” but it almost happens on a whim where you stop and think to yourself, “I am in love with this person.” There wasn’t any looking for it, it just happened spontaneously. While it happens fast, it continues to grow after the initial, “falling in love.” Love doesn’t seem to end, as time goes on there will always be moments with the person you love that increases that love. Maybe that person decides to surprise you with a romantic dinner, or they buy you a pair of shoes that you didn’t even say you wanted but they saw you looking at them at the mall. An article by Marni Amsellem, Ph.D, a psychologist, states that, ”the most memorable things that partners can do for each other are these thoughtful and personalized gestures which communicate care or love” (Amsellem). Everything about love is personal, it’s all about the connections you make with another person and for the rest of your lives, always seeking to please one another in big ways as well as tiny little gestures which carry just as much weight.
     While the dictionary does its best to define love in a very general way that can apply to everyone, we all feel love differently. Personally, love is being able to trust someone with my emotions that allows for growth with one another. Alan Watts does a great job lecturing on the idea of love as an act of surrender to another person while Marni Amsellem finds love in finding little gestures that allow for a deeper connection with another person. At the end of the day, love will always be what we feel in ourselves that gives us our definition. Love isn’t something that can be searched up in the dictionary, it’s what we find within. 

Amsellem, Marni. “The Little Things Can Mean Everything in a Relationship.” World of Psychology, 8 July 2018,
“Love.” Webster Dictionary,G & D., 1966.
Watts, Alan. “1.4.4. – Divine Madness.”,


  1. I love how you included different definitions of love to help readers understand that love is universal and has so many definitions. Great job on your piece!

  2. You executed the several ways of how people can fall in love differently well, and explained how sometimes true love just can't be explained. I really loved how you incorporated the fact that sometimes one doesn't even know they're in love with someone until it just happens to click one day. Great job incorporated different sources as well! :) - Zoe Picon

  3. I've read numerous definitions of love and every time a person writes about it, it's always a fresh new take of what love is for them. I agree with your definition of love because as someone who is in this state, I could definitely say that I have felt those emotions. Overall, I like how you defined it in one simple definition but expanded it into many different things.

  4. Alejandra AmezquitaMarch 1, 2020 at 9:18 PM

    I agree with the way you define love at the end. Including Alan Watts definition of what love is was well thought out, his definition helped me realize another side to what it may truly be. Amazing work!

  5. I really like the broad approach you took with the definition being that everyone does love i their own way. I feel like this work helps break the stigma around how to love in the sense that it reassures readers that it is okay to love differently than the next person.

  6. This piece was short yet sweet because it provided various definitions of love. You made a point to connect love to other things people can relate to, and I thought that was creative. Good job! :) - Breana Plascencia

  7. This piece about love was beautiful! I too agree that love can mean many things to different people. We all love differently and for you to provide research about love, made the overall piece more interesting as well including your own personal opinion about love. Very well done, great piece!

  8. I really liked the way you did research on the topic from different professionals. It helps to really understand what it actually means. The only advice I could give is if you also talked about other kinds of love, such as family love, instead of just romantic.

  9. This work is such an insightful piece of writing. I loved how your writing brought in multiple perspectives and definitions of what love means to them giving the reader the ability to easily connect with such a broad topic. I also really enjoyed how you brought in real life examples of how love is implemented in our day to day lives. Overall, great piece of writing! -Nathaniel Alvarado

  10. Wow Jaeyeon, this post is amazing! I really liked how you showed all the different definitions of love and stressed that there is no definite definition of love. Love is something you have to feel and experience yourself, not just something that you can fit into a definition. I also really appreciated how you showed your sources and did intense research into the topic. It gave this article much more credibility in my opinion. Thank you :)!

  11. Isabel QuintanillaMarch 4, 2020 at 5:54 PM

    I thought this piece was great, especially how you included the definition of love, as well as went farther to explain how love is so much more than what the definition states and can be different for everyone who experiences it. I also really liked how you included examples that many people could connect with. - Isabel Quintanilla

  12. Amazing! I was really intruigued by the way you stated what love was and how you were able to share your personal definition that made me realize how love can be defined in many different ways. I think you did a great job incorporating outside sources to help further support your argument that love varies from person to person. Very insightful!
    -Linda Hung

  13. This blog was very interesting to me because it's something I entirely agree with, but have never really put much thought into. I think the idea of love being different for everyone is so true, and most people don't really take time to think about that. Excellent writing too :) ~Nathan Sandoval

  14. I really love how you used the metaphor of comparing the process of falling in love to lightning because it happens so suddenly and unexpected that you are in love before you even realize that you are in love. - Kaj Miranda


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